Zodiac Discussion Forum

Reputable Member
Joined: May 28, 2013 1:21 am
Last seen: August 31, 2022 1:07 pm
Topics: 56 / Replies: 245
Re: Episode 5 ‘A Bus Bomb and Poison’ is out now

I had largely taken a break from Zodiac for a year or so (other than catching up on the brilliant z340 news), being completely blown away that there w…

3 years ago
Re: The Finders Cult – FBI FOIA files available

The thing with this report is, there is no grey area here, nothing open to misinterpretation. This is a sample of Kreitlow’s findings at the warehouse…

3 years ago
Re: The Finders Cult – FBI FOIA files available

After much resaerch down this road it appears that the FBI report, commissioned in 1993, was prompted by an original investigation report by US Custom…

3 years ago
Re: The Hunt for the Zodiac by Mike Rodelli

That’s my site Mike and I’m glad you think it’s a fair review. Whilst I don’t discredit ‘online’ research (after all, 100% of mine is that), I still t…

4 years ago
Re: The Finders Cult – FBI FOIA files available

Some further digging has left me quite confused – it turns out that the McMartin Tunnel Report in my prior post was not an official FBI document (alth…

4 years ago
Re: The Finders Cult – FBI FOIA files available

This could be far bigger than I originally thought. As I made my first pass through the 1st report I noticed this section: As soon as I saw the w…

4 years ago
Re: Billy The Kid

That’s a really good question! What’s fascinating for that period of history is – can we assign modern labels to historic behaviour when the societal …

4 years ago
Re: Torrey Pines Beach Murders

These two cases (the murder of Babara Nantais in 1978 and Claire Hough in 1984) have always bothered me. Could two murders bear so many similarities b…

4 years ago
Re: Letter to the Editor Friar Puck

On the topic of origins of the name ‘Friar Puck’, I happened upon a related theme when casually reading about Jack the Ripper on Wikipedia. I had rece…

4 years ago
Re: Fort Worth Missing Trio

What if the files contained sensitive information about private citizens that Swain thought best not to be seen by just anyone? The destruction of the…

4 years ago
Re: Fort Worth Missing Trio

If that Wikipedia entry is correct (the source link is no longer valid) , then something doesn’t sit right. There are some obvious questions that crop…

4 years ago
Re: Fort Worth Missing Trio

This is an interesting case,with an interesting Wikipedia paragraph that jumped out at me: "In 1979, Jon Swaim died following a drug overdose; h…

4 years ago
Re: Interesting Site with possible early EARONS-type crimes

Thanks for the info – I’ve never understood why some people insist on connecting Z to EARONS, you couldn’t really get two more different killers, espe…

4 years ago
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