Zodiac Discussion Forum

Estimable Member
Joined: October 10, 2017 7:53 pm
Last seen: September 15, 2022 12:02 am
Topics: 8 / Replies: 197
Re: Z340 has been solved!

Also here to congratulate the trio and everyone that has helped them! You’ve put so much work into this ! It’s the biggest breakthrough in the Zodiac …

4 years ago
Re: Zodiac DNA being worked on by SFPD & VALLEJO PD

That’s great to hear, Morf! We just have to keep up the spirit! They’re definitely taking their time with this one.

4 years ago
Re: New to this

Welcome on board Sbarter7!

4 years ago
Re: What kind of person was the zodiac killer ? – psychology

Thanks for your answer Jacob!! Schizophrenics can function relatively normally while suffering some degree of delusions or detachment from reality…

5 years ago
Re: Zodiac cipher in Carpenter Brut concert

Lucky! I’ve wanted to see him in concert. Got hooked on his music when I heard "Turbo Killer". Definitely recommend seeing him if you g…

5 years ago
Re: Zodiac cipher in Carpenter Brut concert

Noticed that myself when seeing him live a couple of times and got pretty excited!

5 years ago
Re: Zodiac DNA being worked on by SFPD & VALLEJO PD

I just don’t understand what they would have to gain from this. Why admit they have DNA (assuming that it is true), before they have used it to indent…

5 years ago
Re: Possible solve for My name is

Good catch. The name fits and has a tangible connection to the case. I can very well see him doing something like this.

5 years ago
Re: Couple who enquired about the car

I have no more information than anyone else, unfortunately. It’s one of those weird little details amongst the dozens of weird little details in this …

5 years ago
Re: Zodiac’s Job?

As for the preoccupation with holidays, it might simply be a matter of increased stress/heightened sense of alienation rather than anything to do with…

5 years ago
Re: Z letters discolouration why?

Besides the forensic chemicals they’ve sprayed on them, age is another factor. Certain types of paper gets yellow with time (and any kind of chemical …

5 years ago
Re: Z’s most distinctive trait IMO

The autism angle is interesting, but personally I would tend to lean towards there being quite low likelihood of him being autistic, at least to an ex…

5 years ago
Re: Three Questions

All of the names listed above can be genealogically connected. So there is a connection between the crime scenes. I’ve never heard of this. Someone s…

5 years ago
Re: Greetings from Napa, this is Cathy

Welcome to the board! It’s really interesting to hear about your encounter with one of those few who’ve heard what Zodiac sounds like! And the general…

5 years ago
Re: Congratulations to Morf

Cool! Don’t forget to tell them all about Zodiac!

6 years ago
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