Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: December 2, 2018 3:20 am
Last seen: February 25, 2024 4:37 pm
Topics: 17 / Replies: 137
Re: Real timeline of Cheri’s murder?

It was closed at weekends. So, do you think that means Cheri going into the alley and being killed near the annex probably had nothing to do with the…

3 years ago
Re: Real timeline of Cheri’s murder?

They had recently moved 2700 -2800 books into that Harvard annex. Bailey said Ross had a job writing the cataloguing information on the spines. Did …

3 years ago
Re: Real timeline of Cheri’s murder?

Importantly, she had "a supper type meal" in her stomach according to Richard’s site. Probably ate at home or brought something from home w…

3 years ago
Re: Real timeline of Cheri’s murder?

To me, there is almost no way she walks down that alley with someone she doesn’t know. It was terrifying from the pictures. If he was offering a ri…

3 years ago
Re: Real timeline of Cheri’s murder?

There are a few important timeline details I’m hoping you all who are more familiar with this case can clear up. These are things I’ve read in the pa…

3 years ago
Re: Real timeline of Cheri’s murder?

Not to beat a dead horse but have we ever figured out if she a) still had the notebook she was seen with and b) showed signs of doing work in said not…

3 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan’s alibi for Cheri Jo Bates murder

"Why didn’t her friends or anyone else see her in the library? They could have just missed her. I know people are inattentive and sloppy. So, …

3 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan’s alibi for Cheri Jo Bates murder

That’s the thing for me as well. Even the earliest possible time of death is a long time from the close of the library. The wire pulling tactic only…

3 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan’s alibi for Cheri Jo Bates murder

Katz said they came around asking about him but didn’t seem interested. Are we sure RPD checked him for scratches? What is suspicious to me is that …

3 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan’s alibi for Cheri Jo Bates murder

"The argument against Ross is that he is a physically big scary weirdo." No, the argument is that Ross had complete familiarity with the cr…

3 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan’s alibi for Cheri Jo Bates murder

Ross’s hair was dirty blonde and appears brown in some pictures. Facial hair is sometimes a different color than other hair.

3 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan’s alibi for Cheri Jo Bates murder

A little summary of Ross as a suspect. I’m not sure how you can completely discount him. He worked at the library. He was familiar with the library…

3 years ago
3 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 327
Re: A General Letter To The Zodiac Community

To me, Zodiac shows he learned things with every murder. For Cheri Jo, outside of the strong evidence of the letters (the envelopes particularly are …

3 years ago
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