Last seen: February 25, 2024 4:37 pm
I agree Z didn’t target hippies. It’s kinda odd the hyper awareness Z has on certain social things and seeming unawareness or care about a lot of the…
Y’know, I’m gonna just give you another one because there is a minuscule chance there really is something here and the video quality is actually good …
I know the feeling haha. I’ve been looking at a lot of weird videos from the 60’s and you start to see suspects everywhere. If you want more weird o…
I didn’t want to inundate either of these guys but I’d be happy to try to contact Chuck Buck if Joel Miller was a dead end. I’m not sure who’s done w…
Interesting. Pant legs also appear pleated as well. That’s a quirk I hadn’t noticed with the Z sketch before. Thanks for the clarified picture po…
Newspaper article link: viewtopic.php?f=94&t=3154
Is there any hope the RPD will turn over their files? I mentioned this elsewhere but in the “Your daughter may be next” article a Patton State mental…
Has anyone ever attempted to track down the poem Jo Ann Bailey said Ross wrote about their old boss? Nighttime’s or Tiger Times would likely be the p…
I’ve wondered if Ross’s alibi was that he was admitted in a mental institution. Someone in a mental institution claimed to have killed CJBaccording t…
Yes! Thank you! Couple more notes. Both guys are wearing white collared shirts (the second photo he’s got a jacket on over). In two known pics of …
That’s a good observation. Hadn’t caught that. What do you suppose the lump is in the left leg? It’s looks to be more than just something in his po…
The History channel introduced me but this site is what blew me away. Applause to the amount of real research conducted by the people here. I’m no…