Last seen: February 25, 2024 4:37 pm
Good point! Maybe. IthinkIknow – there is an article with a list of new faculty that year somewhere in the Summer to November Tiger Times ‘66 collec…
Sorry – didn’t answer this before but some people think based on forensics of the food digesting in her stomach that it indicates a pre 9pm killing. …
Appreciate the feedback! That’s a good point. Thanks.
Finally got around to some screen shots for comparisons. I’m pretty sure this is Donna Lass at this party. I don’t know what significance that has i…
MIght have found something significant looking back at these. I’ve zoomed in on the Riverside parade video and I think I’ve got the purse Cheri Jo wa…
Not sure if IthinkIknow has got the archives up and shared but I went ahead and did some screenshots of pics and articles and blogged them at these sp…
I did see that the police questioned workers on site on the campus.
There were a lot of older students at the time at RCC, particularly for Night School, so you may be on to something there.
I find it much harder to believe that she wanted one of her friends to join her for a quick run into the library to get the books and leave. It was sa…
I’d be happy to post some pics of the alley I’ve screenshotted as well as some other interested ones. I haven’t been able to figure out how to upload…
That watch detail is an interesting observation! I’d like to know more about that. "She was spotted by the Hispanic male in the library writing…
I believe Avery provided the foreword for the film which is a bit interesting.
I had some more thoughts after digesting the research last night. It’s more difficult to me now to believe CJB was killed by a jealous boyfriend, as …
I’d be happy to share the files. I think it would be good to have them available to researchers and it would lessen the amount of requests the RCC Li…