Eminent Member
Joined: April 14, 2019 12:42 am
Re: White belt.
You have cracked it again Holland. The white belt seals it. Police have reported that they only needed a suspect with a white belt for the zodiac case…
5 years ago
Re: FOIA Requests
Would love to find out more information on Darwin Jenkins. Like his arrest etc.
5 years ago
Re: January 2001 card sent to the SF Chronicle
If the letter was about a releative of his that was killed. Brian edward Cotter the 18 year old who was killed has a very similar nose to the zodiac s…
5 years ago
Re: Who’s your favorite suspect(s) and why?
Darwin Jenkins Stalked couples in Vallejo whilst wearing a hood which he was convicted. Would not surprise me if he started to dislike the police aft…
6 years ago
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