Zodiac Discussion Forum

Honorable Member
Joined: May 29, 2015 5:59 am
Topics: 9 / Replies: 634
Re: This photo bothers me

This photo bothers me 1. The reporter standing next to the cab looks a lot like Richard Gaikowski but most importantly 2. The man behind him… that …

6 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Class Picture

Do you think the kids were lying about seeing that? Seems like an odd thing for them to make up. If Paul’s body had slumped over, which it apparently…

6 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Class Picture

No, I’m not saying that at all. There’s no reason to get defensive. I’m saying that if what Lindsey is saying is true, then how do we account for all…

6 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Class Picture

Marshall, I’m trying to figure out how Zodiac could have Stine’s head in his lap without become completely covered in blood. If so, being soaked with…

6 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Class Picture

Maybe because they feel that going by most eyewitness accounts, the shooter at BRS and PH wasn’t 6’2” and 260-300lbs? This is the second flaw that is…

6 years ago
Re: A Riverside common thread?

California has a total area of approximately 163,696 square miles. CS studying in a distance of 528 yards, or even 9 miles, away from the street where…

6 years ago
Re: The "Sooo…" Letter

I agree, nevertheless she sent such letter..why? ‘Helping’ police without or only little facts? Or was she the one helping Z seasrching his watch..? …

6 years ago
Re: The "Sooo…" Letter

It is strange that someone blames a person in a homicide case, isn’t it? At least according to Agatha Christie.. QT People who talked with Marshall…

6 years ago
Re: Paul Stine letter was the Defining Moment

…This means when the Zodiac entered the turnout both he and the couple effectively did nothing for at least 30 seconds and up to a possible 9 minute…

6 years ago
Re: Zodiac DNA being worked on by SFPD & VALLEJO PD

Good points Marshall. There were supposedly witness reports of two men searching around the crime scene in the dark with a torch in the early hours. L…

6 years ago
Re: Zodiac DNA being worked on by SFPD & VALLEJO PD

They had DNA in the case a long time ago and it was compared against BB but it didn’t match. LE think he possibly had an accomplice and it could be th…

6 years ago
Re: Zodiac DNA being worked on by SFPD & VALLEJO PD

It would seem unimaginable that they wouldn’t collect samples, and I find it difficult to believe anything other than a continuously dripping wound co…

6 years ago
Re: The Costume

The costume could have served a more practical purpose. Stabbings are usually much bloodier and messier than shootings. The costume could simply be hi…

6 years ago
Re: The Costume

After all the publicity he received after the first two attacks, the donning of the executioner’s costume was simple self-agrandizement. It was essent…

6 years ago
Re: Kaczynski and Zodiac – Shared Words, Phrases and Handwri

Good observations Jelberg and Margie. No, Margie, I had never seen that before. You are right, the way Ted writes that Y is almost exactly like how Z…

6 years ago
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