Zodiac Discussion Forum

Reputable Member
Joined: April 1, 2013 4:01 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 365
Re: Zodiac Theory!!

It is unclear if Ross Sullivan’s prints were ever compared to the crime scene prints. There’s no evidence that the police even considered Ross as a su…

7 years ago
Re: Confession Letter vs. Bates Had to Die Letters

My understanding is that Morrill confirmed all of the Bates case writings including the envelopes as Z’s handwriting. I never read anywhere that Morr…

8 years ago
Re: Confession Letter vs. Bates Had to Die Letters

I believe Sherwood Morrill confirmed the handwriting on the envelope that the typed confession letter came in was Zodiac’s handwriting ??? This is ut…

8 years ago
Re: Joe C Stine Paul Stine’s brother address in Napa/Vallejo

I’ve always wondered about this. Most witnesses described him as heavy set so I’ve always imagined Z as being a bit of a bruiser. However, that Presid…

8 years ago
Re: Confession Letter vs. Bates Had to Die Letters

I believe it’s the same person, The Zodiac. The confession letter was typed, with what police believed to be only information the killer could have kn…

8 years ago
Re: Joe C Stine Paul Stine’s brother address in Napa/Vallejo

One thing I will say cause I noticed this way back when he first came on TV, and it is that Joe Stine is a dead ringer for that composite. Now they s…

8 years ago
Re: Slave and Master

I can’t rule out the idea of two or more people getting their jollies from this whole Zodiac thing, but I see them as equal conspirators rather than a…

8 years ago
Re: Confession Letter vs. Bates Had to Die Letters

I still don’t think that the same man wrote the Confession Letter and the Bates Had to Die letters.

8 years ago
Re: Joe C Stine Paul Stine’s brother address in Napa/Vallejo

I think the notion that Joe Stine was Zodiac and killed his own brother is quite grotesque.

8 years ago
Re: Discussion on DNA

The DNA from Cheri’s murder was not compared to the Zodiac DNA. It was of a different type and no comparison could thus be made.

8 years ago
Re: DNA?

Just wondering,was it just the one stamp they got the dna from?how confident are they that it’s zodiacs dna and is it a good enough sample to conclusi…

8 years ago
Re: DNA?

The DNA came from the saliva underneath one of the Zodiac letters’ stamps. The prints that law enforcement have are not limited to the prints from th…

8 years ago
Re: Jon Benet Ramsey

The tenor of the recent news articles and the anonymous juror’s testimonial, gives me the impression that they’re gunning for Burke.

8 years ago
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