Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: March 12, 2021 5:27 pm
Last seen: October 26, 2021 12:12 am
Topics: 9 / Replies: 20
RE: William McDuff Andrew AKA ‘Mac’ McGruber McDuff

@mrsean this photo was from ’74? It isn’t at all a stretch to think he may have put on 20-30 lbs while courting his future wife. He looked much thinne…

3 years ago
RE: William McDuff Andrew AKA ‘Mac’ McGruber McDuff

@andr3w_0 don’t forget also Andrew about the Halloween card and envelope, also with the exact uppercase A’s and lowercase i’s

3 years ago
Re: Would Love to get thoughts on Jospeh J. Deangelo as Zodi

I often come back and re-evaluate the possibility. There are in fact many similarities. The stalky build, the fact that GSK liked to commit crimes acr…

3 years ago
Re: This case would be very easy to solve.

Another thing with the watch is the paint speckles that are all over it. Today’s technology can analyze the paint to the point of matching it to a par…

3 years ago
Re: Scaggs Island

Just seems odd to me that a serial killer who left clues to having a possible military connection, and who’s MO more than the murders themselves seeme…

3 years ago
3 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 299
Re: Interview with Lake Herman Rd Witness James Owen

Yes he was 6’3. That was the main turnoff for me when I looked at him also. But he did give changing stories and weird statements. I just have always …

3 years ago
Re: Interview with Lake Herman Rd Witness James Owen

Was there a time on the police report from the Owen statement? If I remember correctly, He worked Graveyards 12-8am or somewhere in there. If he left…

3 years ago
Re: Crime Scene!

Does anyone know if the driver side door of the rambler was locked?

3 years ago
Re: Faraday – Zodiac Height

I think Z would have to be taller than Feraday because with the gun straight out it sits at shoulder length. For the bullet trajectory to be level the…

3 years ago
Re: Hanging round the crime scene….

When I hear Fouke’s description of the "shuffling lope, slightly bent forward" I imagine that the killer likely had a pistol, wallet and blo…

3 years ago
Re: 57.3 Degree’s is relevant to…Who & for what?

In "the zodiac revisited, vol 2", there is an in depth discussion about the radians and also the compass flower that shows north and magneti…

3 years ago
Re: Lake Berryessa Theories

There’s no need to keep questioning what was already cleared up long ago, in this case the story behind the second composite. Fouke had nothing to do …

3 years ago
Re: Lake Berryessa Theories

Both the killer and Zelms’ widow claimed that Fouke stopped and spoke with him. I believe they did and that Fouke was too embarrassed to admit to as m…

3 years ago
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