Last seen: October 20, 2021 11:41 am
The short version is that North American Aviation was the manufacturer of the Apollo command modules. NAA was possibly the most important aerospace co…
The part I don’t like about the Eureka card is that the closer we get to North American Aviation, the more relevant questions like: "Did Zodiac …
What are people’s thoughts on this image of the card which has been cleaned up. Look closely at the letters. The handwriting has some noteworthy simi…
Could she do the Eureka envelope?
One workplace near Eureka to consider for Zodiac was the Centreville Beach Naval Facility. It was part of Navy Intelligence station involved in the SO…
Zodiac didn’t live in a trailer in unincorporated California. IMO. I think we should move away from Hermit Avenger theory. JMO.
If I understand it correctly, the power-assertive serial killer tends to be highly successful. We’re in a wealthy neighborhood. Pacific Heights is pro…
Do we know what cities would get a postmark for Pleasanton?
This goes in the FWIW category: The keys belonged to Chester Klingel, or so it has been reported on Z sites. He has been cleared of being Zodiac, ac…
FWIW, I found a strange little Zodiac-DB Cooper collision in all of this. North American Aviation was the prime contractor on the Apollo command mod…
Not sure quite what to make of this: The PO Box keys in the Eureka letter belonged to Chester Clark Klingel. Z sites have stated Klingel was cleared…