That said, I do agree that Jane Doe and Theresa Walsh’s ligatures were very similar and it says as much in a July 10 1979 Press Democrat article. Kim…
I don’t believe that Fred Manalli was thought to have killed all of the SRHM victims. He is primarily thought to have killed Kim Allen and maybe anot…
Putting the Zodiac stuff aside for a moment, the only thing that gives me pause about Manalli as a suspect in the SRHM series is the 1978 double-murde…
Reportedly, the actor who played Scorpio, Andrew Robinson, received so many death threats that he had to change his phone number. Makes you wonder whe…
Ross was investigated by police. It’s to what extent people want to believe he was looked at, is what keeps this discussion going. Indeed. We know t…
That’s ok Pettibon! I don’t have a problem when we disagree…that’s what stirs discussion. If it darkens when there is less of it, why was it almos…
It seems the description of Zodiac for the 2nd didn’t 3rd incidents seems kind of slovenly, which doesn’t seem to match the Stine murder description…
It seems the description of Zodiac for the 2nd didn’t 3rd incidents seems kind of slovenly, which doesn’t seem to match the Stine murder description…
so basically zero evidence for Gaik? why is this guy even a suspect at all? Two words: Tom Voigt.
Yes, I’d love to see those too. Especially with the "Discover America" machine cancels… I think my theory of him mailing them from the ai…