This week’s episode is on EAR/ONS. I haven’t listened to it yet.
I would really like to know what his former colleagues on the LAPD think of his writings. With the exception of Black Dahlia Avenger, all of his books…
I would be interested in finding more info on this writer. I looked into it and I can’t find any information on him. The only Richard Boone that comes…
Have any of you seen the prison interviews with Berkowitz They are bizarre to say the least,I personally think his Christian talk is just a elaborate …
Or, how about someone who knew Cheri VERY well. Someone of which no one in a million years would have ever suspected. Not a brush off at all… It m…
This case brings out some odd balls Some?
Hoax videos like this really piss me off. Sorry. Just had to add that. Continue. Youtube in general pisses me off. It’s nothing but trash nowadays …
It makes them look silly giving Horan more air time. He’s a Fool. I’m posting corrections about his Book already. He is now accusing Graysmith of for…
They are having a bonus episode this week. That kook Horan is on it. I really don’t get why he has been on so much. His theory is complete bullshit, a…
Really good episode. You got a lot of good info out, especially on Ross Sullivan. I also agree with you on what you said about the yellow book.
I think Ace should study up on "Kid Twist". Good old Abe Reles was a man who knew how to straighten out others in a very decisive way. An in…
The evidence in favor boils down to this: he wore horned rimmed glasses. I guess that’s still better than this suspect:
Anyone else find it disturbing that when you search for the zodiac a picture of Stewart’s father shows up? EDIT: I didn’t see the previous post. This …
It’s never been confirmed who wrote the letter. I have to agree after weighing all the info and seeing that most everything he included in the letter …
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