Last seen: November 25, 2021 1:31 am
Cecelia’s and Carolyn’s last name was not spelled Shephard, it is spelled Shepard. Might be a different person or suppose it could just be a typo? I’…
The power of suggestion could massively influence a witness’s idea of who they saw. It would be far better if the witness saw a number of photos and w…
Is that definitely the same Shepards Cragle? Seem to be a lot of names on that awards list. Maybe Z’s in there! Simplicity: Can’t really see any link…
Is it true that Riverside are working through the Bates crime scene DNA?
When police zeroed in on DeAngelo as the GSK, they verified their suspicioons by secretly collecting other DNA from him. They then ran his DNA directl…
So we could be several months away from any further news on this case? Has anyone’s suspects suddenly started acting strange or left the state / coun…
Don’t really want to stick my oar in here to what is obviously a sensitive issue but as a bystander I’d say this guy is worth pursuing. I wouldn’t sa…
Can you imagine if all this time it turns out that Zodiac was GSK’s father-in-law!
I still wish they’d check Bud Kelly out in connection to Cheri Jo Bates. That’s assuming they haven’t already of course…
From memory, half a palm print was found on one of the letters and a partial ruined one at phone booth in Napa. I think the Stine prints were more fin…
This one’s been doing the rounds for decades. Fouke apparently said Welsh looking as Z reminded him of his wife’s father who was Welsh. It would be a …