Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: April 5, 2013 2:50 am
Last seen: November 25, 2021 1:31 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 205
Re: The Costume

Does anyone remember (because I don’t), if Mr. Hartnell had described the hood being noisy? You know, if it was made from paper wouldn’t you hear crin…

4 years ago
Re: Investigators find new leads in the Madeleine Maccann ca

He lived very close to the abduction site, took a long phone call from a mystery acquaintance just before the abduction and then suspiciously changed …

4 years ago
Re: What Only The Zodiac and the Police Knew

Yes. I’d say it’s far from conclusive that Z proved without a doubt that he was there.

4 years ago
Re: What Only The Zodiac and the Police Knew

Stella Borges was the last person to pass the turnout that night, discovering the bodies and noting that Betty Lou was on her right side facing the ro…

4 years ago
Re: Number Theory Linking Zodiac Murder Dates

Could just be as simple as the killer having some obsessive compulsion with numbers and wanting to kill on dates or times that added to something that…

4 years ago
Re: Letters missing

That’s interesting Sandy – would it be possible for you to share a scan of that letter with us?

4 years ago
Re: Letter to the Editor Friar Puck

I know that Cecelia was interred at St Helena. Curiously, the ceremony was conducted by Carl COFFMAN who was a relative of hers. Familiar surname in t…

4 years ago
Re: Tanto knife used at lake attacks

If someone’s got some time to kill, it might be worth checking out Japanese style letter openers…

4 years ago
Re: Rumored Napa County Sheriff’s Announcement

I think I can guess what this is…. They have a partial DNA profile which they are pretty sure is from Zodiac and they can now safely conclude that …

5 years ago
Re: Compilation of Eyewitness Descriptions

We’ve been through this on here many times over the years and are none the wiser really. I’m Welsh and most of my close friends are Welsh and we gener…

5 years ago
Re: Compilation of Eyewitness Descriptions

I found this on Richard’s site (zodiacciphers.com). It is a picture taken from the third floor window looking down on where Paul Stine’s taxi cab was …

5 years ago
Re: Capri pants

I was told personally by Det. Mains the was male DNA on those pants. For what it’s worth… Yes, that is true. However all of the blood evidence bel…

5 years ago
Re: Found it!! By Fire, By Gun, By Knife, By Rope

I find it rather creepy that on that membership form, the Red Ryder people ask kids to send them the names and addresses of three of their mothers’ fr…

5 years ago
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