Last seen: November 25, 2021 1:31 am
LE didn’t believe it was random at first though. The immediate general opinion about the Lake Herman and Blue Rock Springs murders were that they were…
My take is that he did everything for attention. I’d also think that if he left a shedload of “gentleman’s relish” over the letters as he was writing …
Due to DeAngelo being a sexual predator & home invader, I would bet anything that he had nothing to do with the Zodiac murders. Wouldn’t totally r…
And the way this thread is going is the reason that LE don’t give the time of day to most amateur Z researchers…
Didn’t Bob Dylan release his song “Get Your Rocks Off” in 1968/69…?
I think you’ve got to consider that California (and in particular San Francisco) in the late 60’s to early 70’s was a little different to how things a…
Can’t see the point in holding it back for the History Channel – they’d just use the info anyway. History Channel get most of their “groundbreaking” i…
He said that Z sort of reminded him of his wife’s father who was quite stocky and happened to be Welsh. Not sure we can put much stock in to that thou…
After watching a perp for quite some time next to a car under streetlights, the kids all give a description of a slightly stocky but lean guy, around …
Yes – it’s a tricky one as only Fouke said he was 35 – 45. The kids concurred he was about 28-30 which coincidentally was the same as Mageau estimated…
Did Z write like a normal person? Why not? Guess Because he was mentally ill and a weirdo
A sad, unpopular loner is my guess – jealous of other successful people who were out having fun.
I’ve never been convinced that Z was in the military. Boots could have been bought at any old surplus store or yard sale. I have a friend with a prett…