Last seen: November 25, 2021 1:31 am
And to add to the above – there was a lot of appalling work done on this case by LE. They really were like keystone cops at times and Z got away with …
Some very interesting debate on here over the last couple of days. On the face of it, the Riverside "activities" look to be obviously linked…
Just for the record, I might question whether a guy who who was 6’2" tall and up to 300lbs could have been the same guy who witnesses described a…
A few things to bear in mind with that description though: Hartnell did admit that being about 6’7" himself he was a useless judge of height. Z …
FYI I didn’t state that there had to be two Z’s. Just pointing out that the 3 girls described someone who looked a fair bit like Manalli and this guy …
The description by the 3 girls (over 6ft tall, well built, 30ish, dark combed hair, good looking) always reminded me of Manalli. And then there’s the …
And even given the circumstances at BRS, Mageau still gave a remarkably similar description of Z to that of the Presidio kids. Around 30 years old, 5’…
Hope they do a real good analysis job on this weirdo and his upbringing / past. Might give a possible insight into the type of guy who killed Robert D…
Yes…I stand corrected. It was brown…blond was on my mind for some reason. I guess when I see Nikki, I see a little girl and don’t think she fits…
Even if sealed with water rather than licked, Z would almost certainly still have picked up the stamps and opened the flaps of the envelopes first. Su…
Definitely dead. A long time ago.
What about touch DNA trapped under the envelope flaps or under the stamps? Unless completely covered by gloves, Z would have handled those envelopes a…
Wonder if they’ve finally shared some info and tried working together as a team…