Last seen: September 26, 2023 11:13 pm
We don’t actually know how the Zodiac calculated the distance in miles (say 31 miles to Ingleside for example). If he just used the scale and applied …
Unfortunately Shaq, very few in the Zodiac community can agree on even the most obvious things, like the killer sent the shirt piece, so I doubt any s…
All I did was overlay the crosshairs with the dark circle over a compass rose, which was Zodiac’s guide to 4 radians (set to MagN) = 246.2 degrees. Wi…
Forget about whether the solution you or Druzer proposed is correct – but ask yourself one question – can either solution be reasonably proposed befor…
The rumoured Halloween card connection was never a strong connection but for the timing of the murder and the postmark date, separated by one day. If …
I can confidently tell you that a Sacramento Sheriff disclosed that DNA from Arthur Leigh Allen excluded him as the murderer of Carol Beth Hilburn. Wi…
By the way Chaucer, what parts of the Lake Berryessa crime do you think warrants further examination – and what do you feel has been under-investigate…
@chaucer Thanks Chaucer, I will bear this in mind if we add supplementary episodes in the future. Particularly about Lake Berryessa. “Where do we go f…
@cz85 Sounds right.
I have pasted 5 scales back to back, taking the entire length of each scale as 1 inch. It’s not accurate and neither are any of the divisions. If km w…
Image blown up. scale.png
I looked at that scale years ago and it doesn’t appear accurate when measured against a known 6.4 mile distance on the map. I will have another look.