Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: January 12, 2016 5:22 pm
Last seen: October 22, 2022 9:43 am
Topics: 4 / Replies: 84
Re: Episode 4 ‘Presidio Heights’

I wonder, why is it so hard to believe for most people that Donald Fouke was only doing his job, and rightly so. Why would he go directly to the crime…

3 years ago
Re: Episode 4 ‘Presidio Heights’

If anybody would wonder after all these years: this one I’d suggest as the most probable (along with many of you sleuths – I’m guessing).

3 years ago
Re: Why Washington & Maple?

Nobody called him Arthur. Ha, I love that one.

3 years ago
Re: Somerton Man

I heard that there’s a motion in that direction, but it’s hard to tell if and when it will be allowed by the officials. Australia is more on the conse…

3 years ago
Re: Eureka Card mailed 1990 to the SF Chronicle

Now that’s a relevant question.

3 years ago
Re: Somerton Man

My rendition of the Somerton man’s face reconstruction from the known post mortem photos.

3 years ago
Re: Eureka Card mailed 1990 to the SF Chronicle

Zodiac hid "One in Paradise" in 340 — Edgar Allan Poe also did wrote "Eureka: A Prose Poem".

3 years ago
Re: The nature and importance of the PH composite

Here’s what I’ve ended up with on my today’s composite approach. edit: added some weight.

3 years ago
Re: Zodiac’s profile composite

Yes, I believe Cheney was referring to this.

3 years ago
Re: Episode 5 ‘A Bus Bomb and Poison’ is out now

Thanks, Mike. P.S. I believe there’s something wrong with your link. Here it is:

3 years ago
Re: Episode 4 ‘Presidio Heights’

Richard, mine too. But I would still want to know for certain, was it possible in this particular model (Ford Galaxie 500 from ’68 If I do recall corr…

3 years ago
Re: Episode 4 ‘Presidio Heights’

Yes, but we’re talking about two different things. My question is: was it possible that he could’ve taken the key out of the ignition and not stop the…

3 years ago
Re: Episode 4 ‘Presidio Heights’

It all sounds plausible – but again, the problem is with the keys out of the ignition. Could he do that without turning the motor off?

3 years ago
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