Last seen: October 22, 2022 9:43 am
I wonder, why is it so hard to believe for most people that Donald Fouke was only doing his job, and rightly so. Why would he go directly to the crime…
If anybody would wonder after all these years: this one I’d suggest as the most probable (along with many of you sleuths – I’m guessing).
Nobody called him Arthur. Ha, I love that one.
I heard that there’s a motion in that direction, but it’s hard to tell if and when it will be allowed by the officials. Australia is more on the conse…
Now that’s a relevant question.
My rendition of the Somerton man’s face reconstruction from the known post mortem photos.
Zodiac hid "One in Paradise" in 340 — Edgar Allan Poe also did wrote "Eureka: A Prose Poem".
Here’s what I’ve ended up with on my today’s composite approach. edit: added some weight.
Yes, I believe Cheney was referring to this.
Thanks, Mike. P.S. I believe there’s something wrong with your link. Here it is:
Richard, mine too. But I would still want to know for certain, was it possible in this particular model (Ford Galaxie 500 from ’68 If I do recall corr…
Yes, but we’re talking about two different things. My question is: was it possible that he could’ve taken the key out of the ignition and not stop the…
It all sounds plausible – but again, the problem is with the keys out of the ignition. Could he do that without turning the motor off?