Zodiac Discussion Forum

Estimable Member
Joined: April 8, 2017 9:24 pm
Topics: 15 / Replies: 78
Re: discussion of solved z340 context and clues

Congratulations to David Orachank and his team for breaking the "Z340". I always knew one day you would solve it, due to your huge dedicatio…

4 years ago
Re: John & Joyce Swindle

Here is TomĀ“s interview to "CBS 8 San Diego": Here is other videos relating to this case (and the case of Ray Davis) recently released on …

4 years ago
Re: Ross compared to the lesser known Zodiac sketch

Yup, Tom is correct. It was made in 1971 by the "Denver Post" artist Joe Barros, who did not inverview the eye-witnesses, and made it based …

4 years ago
Re: Ross compared to the lesser known Zodiac sketch

I literally searched for hours one day and could not find it. Hey Mike, I was watching the retro mini-documentary "ZODIAC: SIGN OF DEATH" f…

4 years ago
Re: DMV Letter

I recently red about this supposed DMV letter, and an interesting possibility came to my mind, and I would like to ask: is there any Zodiac suspect th…

4 years ago
Re: The Axeman of New Orleans: Possible Inspiration?

Zodiac was either influenced by Jack The Ripper (even though most of the Ripper letters, if not all, were forgeries) or by a combination of elements o…

4 years ago
Re: Ross compared to the lesser known Zodiac sketch

The "lesser known sketch" had nothing to do with the actual Zodiac case. That sketch I am confident, I saw hanging on a wall in a police st…

4 years ago
Re: Did Zodiac kill in Oceanside? Police re-test 1962 eviden

I am suprised that the case of Ray Davis was not mentioned (at least to my knowledge) in the last decades as a possible Zodiac victim, that the author…

4 years ago
Re: Confession letter vs reality

The author of the "Confession" says at the end of it Yes I did make that call to you also. It was just a warning. What did he mean by thi…

4 years ago
Re: The Zodiac and his Red Herrings

The ciphers, the threat of attacking school buses with children and the claim of using "airplane cement" on his fingers to disguise fingerpr…

4 years ago
Re: Confession letter vs reality

The author of the "Confession" says at the end of it Yes I did make that call to you also. It was just a warning. What did he mean by thi…

4 years ago
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