Fits as previously mentioned, however…..never written about in Z letters, can’t use it without taunts written. Have the 1964 Walker and Cawdrey mu…
Z never used strangulation (at least in his confirmed murders). The Cheri Jo Bates confession letter, widely regarded as written by Zodiac, says: &qu…
Found this in the Dec. 1, 1964 Redondo Reflex. It mentions another slaying that might be the work of the person who killed Joyce Gail Walker. The oth…
Brightened the composite image. The microfiche scan is very low resolution, hard to improve it very much.
I found another LA Times article with a composite drawing of the man with a limp. It’s not a very good copy of the drawing. However there is more in…
The limp certainly brings to mind Zodiac, all because of Fouke’s "shuffling lope" comment…but I don’t think that meant a "limp"….
Has anyone from this forum who lives in California already reviewed public records about Ross Sullivan, including statewide arrest records? Here’s an…
Several of Zodiac’s letters seem to reveal an extreme hatred for the police and show someone relishing in making police look like incompetent buffoons…
I don’t understand why Zodiac would have gloves, then not use them and leave them behind. I’d say most likely they weren’t his gloves that he wore. …
We assume no medical diagnosis in commentary herein, that said, it has been openly speculated throughout the forum, with supporting factoids, this sus…
Looking for more handwriting from our suspect, knowing Z had some form of psychosis… Here’s an interesting 1969 news article in which William F. Ba…
I know plenty of schizophrenic individuals who walk completely normal, and I also know mentally healthy individuals that have a "gait consistent …
You can not diagnose schizophrenia just examining a person’s style of walking. The walking may have fit a similar style of walking as a schizophrenic…
Interesting documentary on YouTube: Schizophrenia – Full documentary on how schizophrenia effects individuals and relationships ==>>
Interesting development. I sure hope this guy wants to talk. I’m not saying anyone should be dishonest, but if this guy is contacted, it should be fro…