Last seen: March 2, 2022 9:19 pm
I get that and agree 100%. I feel the same way when people claim Riverside is close to Los Angeles. I do like Ross as a suspect, but I’m more interest…
Here is a picture of the suspect. Do you know his name? I am sure this is an old thread, and I am sure by now most already know this suspects name…
I assumed Southern CA as well. I don’t see how a murder in Northern CA a month or so before Cheri Jo would be linked. Unless they are trying to say he…
Nothing in Riverside… I can’t find anything either, but he never said Riverside. It was in the area but he didn’t give an exact location. I’m stil…
Thanks…look forward to hearing more. It’s a shame they didn’t offer a name! She’s a Jane Doe. She was never identified, per the podcast. What was s…
Did they offer anything that would allow for further research? No and I can’t find anything online, but I did send a message to the podcast. Hopefully…
Thanks for your post KilltheKing; however based on today’s at least today’s standards being obese would in no way qualify you for those types of benef…
I found the name of an office that drowned on Jan 23rd, 1974 (Not sure where the 1974 came in the last post) that had the name Sanchez. He actually ha…
Is it worth dropping $10 ? It depends. For me I was curious and yes the $10 was worth my curiosity; however the content is not something I feel is acc…
I bought the book yesterday and just finished it. I was hesitant to read it but decided to for two reasons. 1. I read most Z books that come out (exce…
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the only thing that quoted Ross as 300lbs was a newspaper article that is believed, but not proven to be about Ros…
Thanks, QT. Naturally, our sympathies embrace Cheri’s family; nonetheless, Joseph Bates’ whereabouts on the evening of his daughter’s death need to be…