Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: July 8, 2015 10:42 pm
Topics: 7 / Replies: 38
Re: Is the poem about Suicide, Murder, or something else?

I am going to give my interpretation of the desk top poe First I want to make a comment on Soze interpretation of the The individual who wrote the poe…

9 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 864
Re: The proper steps to take on this case.

I have been on the phone for about the last hour. I have call every police Dept I could,they try to Connect me and then it would hang up and then they…

9 years ago
Re: The proper steps to take on this case.

Thank you for you reply, I will do my very best to help out with this case.

9 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1860
Re: The Demon of the Southwest Wind: Tracking the Zodiac Kil

This makes me very up set! I just can not believe this, he is making this Case a Comedy. I really need to think about this,I’m going to need a bet Of…

9 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1023
Re: "The Gaf Killer: Son of Zodiac"

This is what I have been trying to bring to light! The killer was not alone, he had an audience. A very young audience, in that cab.

9 years ago
Re: "The Gaf Killer: Son of Zodiac"

This is what I have been trying to bring to light! The killer was not alone, he had an audience. A very young audience, in that cab.

9 years ago
Re: More than one of Zodiac’s prints on the cab?

These bloody prints left on the cab, Maybe, the clue to unlocking this case. I have a feeling, the Killer was not alone. Has the SFPD run this print…

9 years ago
Re: Could Z have known all the victims?

First of all I believe he knew Darlene, because didn’t Mike,reply that the murderer called her Dee? I believe that Darleen was a target. And I believe…

10 years ago
Re: "Zodiac Hints of Body Near Tahoe" SF Chron 3/26/71 (P.Av

One more Thought comes to mind you have to have a photograph around September 1970 so you can see where the water line was prior to a rain or freeze. …

10 years ago
Re: "Zodiac Hints of Body Near Tahoe" SF Chron 3/26/71 (P.Av

I was up late last night and I came across unsolved mysteries the date was September 6, 1970 about a young nurse that worked at the Sheraton. Now, a p…

10 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1237
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