Notes: Toward a Preliminary reconstruction. (This is put forth in this forum as an effort to move from the rutted paths we all can fall into during o…
What does he do, this man you seek?-Dr. Hannibal Lecter Morf, thanks for your posting about about the symbols. Wow! How lucky was Z to live in the &q…
Interesting posts. (1) The "ciphers" are devoid of meaning, deliberately. Very possible, it may be that the Z killer was methodical, but did…
Mark, I believe you’re quite right. I think your analysis have helped move the discussion(regarding the possible background of Z) in a forward direc…
Thanks for all the feedback! I will try to outline what I meant by post. I’m not sure the alleged attacker at LB was necessarily a Francophile, howeve…
Hello this is my first time on this site. I would like to restart a discussion raised before. How might the figure of Fantomas connect with Zodiac? (N…