Zodiac Discussion Forum

Reputable Member
Joined: April 13, 2013 5:12 pm
Topics: 28 / Replies: 212
Re: 8/1/69 Three part Z408

Was wondering if the following was just a meaningless coincidence (possibly even of my own making) or if it pointed to some method to Z,s madness. …

7 years ago

Something else that does not make sense to me and goes to your question as to when exactly Fouke and Pelisetti met. I’m paraphrasing the latter….he …

7 years ago
Re: The Books

We also have witness testimony from another student who thought he saw Cheri at the library around opening time. He relates that he saw her or someone…

7 years ago
Re: The Books

Thanks Tahoe…..I blew it up to the last. I thought the large one on the end was the "wrong" way around. Couldn’t make out the middle one b…

7 years ago
7 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1811
Re: Xenophon Anthony

Yes, thanks Doranchak, that’s it. As I said earlier I believe there’s more to it. I sent to it a Greek professor back in the day and there’s something…

8 years ago
Re: Xenophon Anthony

FWIW…Many years ago Howard Davis found a string of letters/symbols in a book that were amazingly similar to Zodiac’s " MY name is" code. (…

8 years ago
9 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 742
Re: 1976 News Article Toschi, Bates, Etc

I don’t think the 78 letter could have been a woman because I’m almost certain this was the first letter checked for DNA in 2001/2002. The claim ( Gra…

9 years ago
Re: Geographic profile investigation

The days upon which he posted his letters is also interesting….( counting the first three as one up until march 13 1971,,,We have 13) Thursday, Wee…

9 years ago
Re: Geographic profile investigation

I think we should also consider the time and day of the murders. I’ve argued before that the earlier times of the murders ( San Francisco and LB) as o…

9 years ago
Re: Why do the ciphers hate prime numbers?

At the risk of asking a silly question…..How would this prime number aspect play out if Zodiac in encoding this cipher, omitted one or more of the m…

9 years ago
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