Zodiac Discussion Forum

Reputable Member
Joined: April 13, 2013 5:12 pm
Topics: 28 / Replies: 212
Re: The "Hoax" Theory. Problems.

In fairness Smithy, it’s a little more than a "problem", it’s one of the things that make this theory untenable.

12 years ago
Re: The "Hoax" Theory. Problems.

Can anyone tell me please….. what explanation is offered as to when this Hoaxer wrote on the car door? Thanks

12 years ago
Re: Wristwatch

Many sites do report the watch stopped at 12:23 Ace but they are probably all quoting from the same (dubious ?) source. There have been many such err…

12 years ago
Re: Footprints

Technically I’m still on the fence here but I do appreciate the argument/find it hard to dismiss the idea that Zodiac, the guy the girls witnessed and…

12 years ago
Re: Wristwatch

I don’t see a big mystery here either, although I do think the most logical explanation is that the watch did probably stop at 12;23….but NOT at the…

12 years ago
Re: Wristwatch

Smithy wrote:- My thruppence: The watch was photographed at the crime scene the day after the murder, and showed the time that the photo was take…

12 years ago
Re: Berryessa – how did he find them?

Wier, your post about the trip down to the site from the road sounds very first-hand. Is it? If going down from the road to the site logically brings…

12 years ago
Re: Berryessa – how did he find them?

FWIW… The victims could not be seen from the road, in fact (as best I recall) you would have to hike down a ways before you would spot them. About t…

12 years ago
Re: Albany NY Medical Center letter/cipher August 1973

I’ll just throw out my thinking re the name in the code, I agree that the surname is most likely HENLY, however I’m at a loss as to how Doranchak sett…

12 years ago
Re: Zodiac’s Family & Relationships

He did use the word "bullshit" once but otherwise seemed to shy away from harder profanity even though he was obviously thinking it. Also he…

12 years ago
Re: Albany NY Medical Center letter/cipher August 1973

The cipher isn’t very Z-like either, in fact for all intents and purposes, it’s a pointless exercise. There is virtually no frequency disguise with on…

12 years ago
Re: Pierre Bidou

Regardless of timing, the actual times recorded in the police reports and Bidou’s own comments do paint a picture. These murders were not confirmed as…

12 years ago
Re: Pierre Bidou

I don’t know whether it’s a mistake I am making but I cannot get my head around Bidou’s account of that night. He’s made, what for the time was a maj…

12 years ago
Re: Zodiac’s Self Promition ?

Yes, it’s hard not to think (as far as Z was concerned) that the Little list letter was the more important. I think it’s also likely that it was prob…

12 years ago
Re: Weapons diagram/presentation

Yeah, thanks Smithy…informative! It is interesting that you think the JC Higgins was more of a target pistol…I’ve often wondered about that ( espe…

12 years ago
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