Last seen: March 3, 2022 7:56 pm
If it’s $300 a pop these days, they should be able to have all the envelopes tested for 5 grand. Good chance many of the flaps and stamps are too degr…
Yeah, you have to assume the DNA solve is in there somewhere. If those file cabinets were the property of an enterprising Silicon Valley startup, odds…
Not sure about the specific number of cells, but there is a cottage industry of labs now that test ‘special samples’ which include envelopes and stamp…
Right, it doesn’t prove it, but it gives us more than we’ve obtained in 50 years of the case — which unfortunately continues to be zippo.
If a tiny fleck of dandruff bounced off the killer’s head as the cab sped along Pine Street for example, that would be in play now. The difficulty of …
Forensics is different today, a partial profile can be computer sequenced into a full profile and uploaded. For the Cleveland unknown man (Joseph Chan…
Forensics is different today, a partial profile can be computer sequenced into a full profile and uploaded. For the Cleveland unknown man (Joseph Chan…
If they have usable genetic material from ANY Zodiac letters — real, or thought to be fake — profile it and run the suckers through the matching. Af…
The open-ended nature of LHR invites all kinds of speculation. I wouldn’t be the least surprised if he was being disingenuous about something. However…
A question. The SFPD lab in 2002 allegedly obtained DNA from a postage stamp. Then a couple years ago it was announced that the DNA was obtained fro…
The Salem murder, a home invasion stabbing, is very similar to the Bennallack murder in Sacramento six months later. Right. Neither one fits.
Are you saying the confession-letter writer may have picked up factual information from newspapers? If so, do you have links to those articles? Would …