These are great Morf, thanks for posting!
Hi New to the site, first post, but a long time follower of discussions and all things zodiac. My hypothesis is that Zodiac’s motivation is sexual. …
Imagine being the Zodiac right now. You’re at home, relaxing in your big comfy recliner, reflecting on all those innocent lives you took so many year…
This is huge! Gives some closure for the women/families affected. Also gives us some hope that one day, our guy, Zodiac, will be found!
Looking forward to hearing your theory! And welcome!
I have enjoyed the show, even though it feels a bit like a TV version of a glossy magazine, because it is pretty watchable stuff. I don’t think eithe…
So, if the Zodiac is still alive, and happens to be watching this…can you imagine how much he’s laughing about it?
Welcome WM
Welcome Gardengirl. Another brain is always helpful. Look forward to reading any ideas you may have.
So let me get this straight… In order to be killed, he had to leave his house at 3:13:47 for 10 Saturdays in a row? Did this so-called Zodiac do an…