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Blind Bat, You are very refreshing , please continue to give us your thoughts. I tend to believe that Zodiac was older rather than younger. I do believe that he remembered scenes from old movies , statements that were made which impressed him , he wouldn’t forget.

The old Sherlock Holmes’s movie “Secret Weapon” was about a person who sent three ciphers to three scientist. Those were deciphered , so a fourth cipher was sent, which wasn’t so easy . Finally they figured out that it was a mirror image.

When I saw the movie I couldn’t help but think about Zodiac and how the first three of his ciphers were sent to three papers , those being solved right away , then his fourth is sent like the 340 which is still unsolved.

Posted : January 25, 2015 8:53 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

This one always made me think of the Zodiac and his bomb.

You think it’s been too long to order that? :lol: You couldn’t get away with even that fake stuff now-a-days. Cool.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : January 25, 2015 9:39 am
Posts: 186
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Blind Bat, You are very refreshing , please continue to give us your thoughts. I tend to believe that Zodiac was older rather than younger. I do believe that he remembered scenes from old movies , statements that were made which impressed him , he wouldn’t forget.

The old Sherlock Holmes’s movie “Secret Weapon” was about a person who sent three ciphers to three scientist. Those were deciphered , so a fourth cipher was sent, which wasn’t so easy . Finally they figured out that it was a mirror image.

When I saw the movie I couldn’t help but think about Zodiac and how the first three of his ciphers were sent to three papers , those being solved right away , then his fourth is sent like the 340 which is still unsolved.

I will, and thank you "sandy betts"

Thank you for another eye opener, SH movie.

I would not be surprised if Zodiacs mother
took him and his brother to the movies on Sat.
when they were kids, and left them there all day.
Perhaps Zodiac was in video production
and had personal equiptment of his own
like movie cameras, recorders, etc.

He certainly, read, listened, watched, and
quoted movie scripts.

I saw and think the exorcist was (Satirical) (sic)

Blind Bat

Posted : January 25, 2015 5:57 pm
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

Zamantha-great name you have there-

Found it on the internet some time ago when researching and had to shuffle through a bunch of my images to find it again. I think it looks very similar to Z’s work.


It is hoot and cool, too. Imagine trying to zap someone.You are a cheeky one for wanting to order it. ;)

I also have somewhere around here, regarding the publication (Weird Tales A unique Magazine) In one of the issues it speaks of a "death machine" down in the basement—Just as the Zodiac had stated in one of the letters. I will try and find it again.

The Best Mystery Is An Unsolved Mystery….

Posted : January 25, 2015 8:15 pm
Posts: 186
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Zamantha-great name you have there-

Found it on the internet some time ago when researching and had to shuffle through a bunch of my images to find it again. I think it looks very similar to Z’s work.


It is hoot and cool, too. Imagine trying to zap someone.You are a cheeky one for wanting to order it. ;)

I also have somewhere around here, regarding the publication (Weird Tales A unique Magazine) In one of the issues it speaks of a "death machine" down in the basement—Just as the Zodiac had stated in one of the letters. I will try and find it again.

Good finds and reads, thanks all.

We’re on his trail.
He was not an original, but a fake!
Jack the Ripper was one of a kind!

don’t try to grow a brain!

Blind Bat

Posted : January 25, 2015 10:21 pm
Posts: 186
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More Peek & Peek-A-Boo mags.

Blind Bat

Posted : January 25, 2015 10:33 pm
Posts: 1588
Member Moderator

Never heard of the Peak A Boo magazine, an interesting find.

If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : January 26, 2015 1:24 am
Posts: 186
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Blind Bat ..To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research. So are we dropping Z into which category. Remembering to add in the wheel of death to his scripts. How do you think he navigated his way to each letter or card. Did it just strike him on a whim whilst sitting in a waiting room reading a magazine or comic book or at a news stand or watching tv late at night with a few brews under his belt, or was it all pre planned and he went in search for material to add to the riddle and twist it into his words to keep his Ego in the papers and news.

He certainly wasn’t sitting by the wayside,
Mr. Lowe
Most opportunitist don’t!
His writings testify to this.

It might be hard to build a race car
without researching it first.
That would be preplaning?

On race day, 100 spectators might wonder how
the race car was built, and where the style of
the body came from.

The driver might say, "here are the plans I drew up
and it was my own personal design."

But one researching-historian spectator might say,
that design and those plans came from an auto mag.,
published many yrs. ago.
And is out of publication today.

That’s how the 99 spectators were deceived.

Blind Bat

Posted : January 26, 2015 11:14 am
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

well Z I guess was not gay..throws out my theory on that..good info bat..where those foreign (british, aussie) or usa published periodicals

Posted : January 26, 2015 11:39 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

William "Peek-a-boo" Pennington – the "infamous San Francisco private investigator":

And here…ahhh, all the many zynchronicities! ;)

"Cattle man, private investigator, theater owner, building contractor, oil man, apartment owner, father and grandfather, and now, songwriter.

Add to these words Mason, Elk, and member of the Eastern Star and you get a faint inkling of the varied talents of William Pennington Sr., Lake Havasu City property-owner, who has produced the first song with Lake Havasu as its theme."

… "He and his family moved to San Francisco, Calif., in 1924, where he was a practicing private investigator for many famous lawyers including Melvin Belli and Jacob Erlich.

http://www.havasunews.com/news/a-trip-d … l?mode=jqm

I wonder if he and Paul Avery knew each other.

(his son William: http://www.unlv.edu/business/nbhof/william-pennington )

(thanks again for the find Blind Bat)

Would you happen to know what apartment building(s) he owned? A POI of mine was an apartment manager at a place in S.F. and has ties to both Belli and Erlich. A really close relationship to Erlich, actually.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : January 26, 2015 11:40 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Blind Bat, great research! I must admit that I find your presentations a bit odd, but not in a bad way. Not sure how to explain it, but the way you describe Zodiac’s thought process is similar to the way you present your findings. Hope that makes sense. So the questions is this… what is the connection between Z and all of the things (movies, TV shows, cartoons, comics, magazines, newspapers, artists etc.) that influenced and/or inspired him? Did he just find random things and say "I like this, I will use it in my next letter," or was he actually providing a clue to his identity in a way that would be very hard to figure out? If he was providing a clue, then we must assume that Z had a personal connection to Peek-A-Boo- Pennington, the Sierra Club etc.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : January 26, 2015 12:09 pm
Posts: 186
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Blind Bat, great research! I must admit that I find your presentations a bit odd, but not in a bad way. Not sure how to explain it, but the way you describe Zodiac’s thought process is similar to the way you present your findings. Hope that makes sense. So the questions is this… what is the connection between Z and all of the things (movies, TV shows, cartoons, comics, magazines, newspapers, artists etc.) that influenced and/or inspired him? Did he just find random things and say "I like this, I will use it in my next letter," or was he actually providing a clue to his identity in a way that would be very hard to figure out? If he was providing a clue, then we must assume that Z had a personal connection to Peek-A-Boo- Pennington, the Sierra Club etc.

ophion1013 plus one, four teen. :)

Sometimes the killer lets us get into
their mind by their crack proof screw-up!

Yes, the Zodiac’s robe of many colors came
from his knowledge of the film and writers
His writings prove it. (words and phrases)

I would say he knew Marilyn better
than Pennington.
She was young and beautiful, but now
she’s gone.
Both were icons though.

Clue to his Identity?
He never gave it like he
claimed, It was all BS.
That game was the fuel to his
candle ego.

You left out game shows.

As we all know, Zodiac had a high ego.
But what profession would cause such
one as high as his?
The same profession as Jack the Ripper’s?
They both killed, bragged, and wrote letters.
The Ripper is stamped all over the Zodiac.

My name is?
Guess, (sic)

Not what is my name, but rather, what is my
That name is the name to look for!

Your little list you printed,
what Genre do they all fall under?
Movies, cartoons, etc.

Zodiac had a humorous side,
business side, law side, and writers side.
It’s in his writings.

Goose chasing the 340, I haven’t and won’t.

I would have sent you a photo, but then
you would have traced it back to me. (sic)

My profession is?
I left out the one word, (name)
See how one word can send one
on a goose chase.

A professional name would be
good to know.
Might lead to a name!

Nice to meet you Zodiac, your profession is?

Blind Bat

Posted : January 26, 2015 7:25 pm
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

Nice to meet you zodiac .. Your profession is what. Did you say Life insurance salesman!
Irony. But you never know, paul stine was, for northern life insurance.. Wonder if he was covered.
Just to add my poi started up a company northern lite homes.

Posted : January 27, 2015 12:18 am
Posts: 838
Prominent Member


Well, like I said, the Z case would not exist without cars. Could Z be a mechanic? Sure. There is one named suspect whose life absolutely and unequivocally revolved around cars. Oh, and he was his own mechanic in the 1940s and 1950s until he became big. He is also the guy that Pelissetti spoke to on the night of the Stine murder…and who later lied to me when he denied it was him. Is there another POI in the case who was spoken to by the police after any of the Z crimes for any reason…"witness" or suspect? I don’t know of one. I also don’t know of one who wrote on Monarch sized paper. They say that when a case is solved the name of the suspect was right there in the files. KQ’s was apparently in there from the very first night of the Stine investigation.

And KQ is the right age and the right type of person to have possibly either employed, known or been investigated by Peek-a Boo Pennington. He also moved in the right (i.e., elite) circles to have known Belli.


Mike Rodelli

Author, The Hunt for Zodiac; 3.9 stars on Amazon and
In The Shadow of Mt. Diablo: The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer, a second edition in print format. 4.3 Amazon stars and great Editorial reviews. Twitter:@mikerodelli

Posted : January 27, 2015 8:17 am
Posts: 186
Estimable Member
Topic starter

Nice to meet you zodiac .. Your profession is what. Did you say Life insurance salesman!
Irony. But you never know, paul stine was, for northern life insurance.. Wonder if he was covered.
Just to add my poi started up a company northern lite homes.

Did you set your compass to N or
magnetic north when you surveyed?

Blind Bat

Posted : January 27, 2015 8:18 am
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