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To Kill a Mockingbird

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Coincidences of the novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee and Zodiac letters.
The story is an observation of life and racial intolerance from her early upbringing.
It was put forward by Kevin Robert Brooks that the symbol at the foot of the Exorcist Letter could spell ‘To Kill’, these are the first two words of this novel. The Exorcist Letter contained an extract from the Mikado about a bird, a little tom-tit in this case.
The SLA letter was sent on Valentines Day and the author suggested that SLA was a Norse word meaning kill, but it is not, the Norse for kill is ‘val’ (entine). The underlined section on the Halloween Card of Paul Averley is ‘lav’. This reversed is ‘val’.
To Kill a Mockingbird was published on July 11th 1960, and one of the central characters was "Boo" Radley, a reclusive resident of Maycomb. Note BOO on the Halloween Card. He went by the name Boo Radley but curiously his first name was Arthur.
Note the middle three letters of the crossed PARADICE and SLAVES running down, they spell RAD.
The incorrect spelling of Paul Avery to Averly points at LEY, we now have BOO RADLEY.
In the tree around the knot there are the words PEEK A BOO YOU ARE DOOMED.
The musical score to the original motion picture was composed by Elmer Bernstein and three of the tracks were Creepy Caper/Peek-a-Boo, Boo Who and Tree Treasure.
Tree Treasure was a hiding place in the knot hole of the tree where several items were found including a broken pocket watch, aluminium knife and a ball of twine. These were placed here by Boo, for two local kids, Scout and Jem to discover. The knothole in the tree represented Boo’s outlet to the world, with the kids soon realizing that Boo Radley was far from being a monster to be feared.
All the items in the knothole came in pairs except the twine, there was two packs of chewing gum, two polished coins, two miniatures of children and the most interesting of all was a knife and pocket watch both on the same chain. Presumably two so Jem and Scout could have one each.
Remember the Eureka Card or Christmas Card sent by Zodiac, very similar to the Halloween Card, this correspondence included a photocopy of a pair of keys on a chain A gift from Zodiac or BOO.
Incidentally Scout and Jem build a snowman, made initially from mud, then layered with snow, a theme inferring racist overtones of the story. A snowman was depicted on the Eureka Card with what appeared like Groucho Marx imagery on the face.
Jem and Scout build this snowman because of their dislike of a local resident down the street, but their father Atticus tells the children to disguise it, because it so resembles the local resident they were poking fun at, so they place Miss Maudie’s hat on it. That resident they hated was called MR AVERY, now that is a coincidence.
Along with release date of the film December 25th 1962, in Los Angeles, California.
https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/to-ki … id60345994

Posted : June 9, 2013 12:18 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

Wow great post and a lot of points made that this doesn’t sound like a coincidence. So what does this leave us to believe Zodiac had a fascination with the book or the movie ?

Posted : June 9, 2013 6:02 pm
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It could be just coincidence, but it surprised me to find several good links. No doubt Zodiac could have seen the film or read the book, he was a bit of a film buff as his later letters portrayed, but its far from concrete whether any of these cards were influenced by the novel, but I know the cards mean something so i’ll keep diggin

Posted : June 10, 2013 12:44 am
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Also on their way back on Halloween night from a pageant Scout and Jem are attacked by an assailant, who turns out to be Bob Ewell. He is found lying under a tree dead with a knife stuck under his ribs.

Posted : June 10, 2013 1:00 am
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I wonder if any tree knotholes were possible hiding places for the Zodiac to stash any incriminating evidence. There is not extensive routes away from Lake Berryessa, so if the crime had been discovered prior to him making the call from Napa, he surely would not have been wanted to be stopped in possession of a hood and weaponry, the only thing in his favor back then was the absence of mobile phones.
The eye in the knothole in the Halloween Card is circumvented by Peek a boo you are doomed and the ME is larger by comparison. We also know that he claimed to have retreated to the wooded area of the Julius Kahn Playground. Although it was stated sniffer dogs were employed, which would definitely have picked up a scent from any stashed material.
But we have the knothole on the Halloween Card , the Pines Card had a hole punched over the wooded region, there were 13 eyes on the HC and 13 puncholes on the 13 Hole Postcard. In To Kill a Mockingbird the gifts left were in pairs, in the knothole.
The Zodiac possibly left us three gifts, a pair of sunglasses buried in a hole under 13 stones at the Sierra grounds, a pair of keys on a chain in the Eureka Card and two swatches of Paul Stine’s Shirt, sent to the paper and Melvin Belli.
The Zodiac liked leaving clues and taunting the police and it would have appeared a missed opportunity to have just destroyed any evidence, when he could have left it right under the authorities noses.
Unlikely as it is, just a thought.

Posted : June 17, 2013 12:09 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Interesting indeed. Someplace here in one of these threads, in a video I think, Trav spotted and zoomed in on a hole in a tree that looked like the one in the card, I think it may have been one at Berryrssa ask Trav if he still has that

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 17, 2013 3:03 pm
Posts: 3583
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From you tube documentary "This is the Zodiac Speaking"

Beside the HC

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : June 17, 2013 4:15 pm
Posts: 1772
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Most interesting, I know its unlikely, but worth a thought, cheers.

Posted : June 18, 2013 1:05 am
Posts: 1588
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That’s some strong Zynchronicity!

If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : June 18, 2013 2:26 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member


Sla is a Norse word for strike/kill.



Posted : June 18, 2013 3:50 am