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Howard Dye & Susan Wolfron, Griffith Park, shot in a car

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Came across this case and although the height estimate is quite low, thought it sounded interesting since there’s quite a few similarities to Z’s actions at Lake Herman and Blue Rock Springs. The youngsters’ reports of being shot at bring to my mind the reports about a sniper at Gaviota beach on the days before Domingos’ and Edwards’ murder.

Redlands Daily Facts, August 13, 1973
Couple shot in car in Griffith park
A young couple sitting in their parked car in a secluded area of Griffith Park were shot early Sunday by a mysterious intruder who opened the car’s rear door and began firing. Howard Allan Dye, 31, was killed instantly when shot in the back of the head. Susan Marie Wolfron, 19, Los Angeles, was in satisfactory condition at St. Joseph Hospital in Burbank with three bullet wounds. Miss Wolfron told police she saw the assailant approaching the car and warned her companion, according to Hollywood police Sgt. Bryce Houchin. "But before we could do anything, he opened the door and started blazing away," the woman told Houchin. Police were alerted when four teen-agers told a park ranger they had been shot at in the secluded area. The ranger drove to the spot and found Miss Wolfron staggering from the automobile.

The Los Angeles Times Tuesday, August 14, 1973
Police Seek 4 Teens’ Aid in Murder Case
Police appealed Monday to four teen-agers who reported a murder early Sunday in Griffith Park to come forward and tell detectives what they know of the crime. Det. Lt. Anthony Bald-assano said officers were attempting to contact the two boys and two girls in the hope that the youngsters may have seen the killer or could provide additional clues. The youths, who came across the Murder scene about 3:30 a.m. Sunday, told a park ranger shots had also been fired at them. The youngsters left without identifying themselves. Police said Howard Allan Dye, 31, was fatally shot in the back of the head and his companion, Susan Marie Wolfrom, 19, was shot four times by a gunman who opened the door of a van in which the couple was parked and opened fire. Miss Wolfrom, who was listed in fair condition Monday at St. Joseph Hospital Medical Center in Burhank, described the assailant as Caucasian, about 45 years old and 5 feet, 6. There was no apparent motive for attack, police said. The victims were not robbed and Miss Wolfrom was not sexually assaulted.

The Van Nuys News, August 16, 1973
Clues Sought in Shooting Death of Former Officer
Police investigators continued to search yesterday for leads into a shooting incident at Griffith Park in which a former policeman was killed and his female companion critically wounded. Killed in the mysterious attack was Howard A. Dye 31, of Burbank. He was shot to death early Sunday morning in his parked car in the park’s Traveltown area. William C. Hoffman, of Hollywood Division investigators, said authorities again have talked with the young woman who survived the attack, but she was unable to tell them anything new. The woman, Susan M. Wolfrom 19, of Los Angeles, was reported in satisfactory condition and improving at St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank. Doctors said they removed one bullet from Miss Wolfrom on Monday, but would wait three months before removing another. She was shot two times in the chest and one bullet apparently nicked her finger. Report Shooting Hoffman also said police still were looking for the four teenagers who apparently witnessed the shooting. The youths are not suspects, Hoffman said, but are asked to come forward and perhaps shed new light on the shooting. The teenagers apparently were driving in the desolate section of the park around 3:30 a.m. Sunday and told a park ranger they had been shot at. They left without identifying themselves. Police have surmised that the teenagers only thought they were fired on by the shots which killed Dye and wounded Miss Wolfrom. Died Instantly The woman told police she and Dye, were sitting in his car when she looked up and saw a man near the rear door. Before Dye could do anything, she said, the suspect had opened the door and began shooting. Dye, formerly with the Los Angeles Police Dept, was shot in the back of the head and died instantly, authorities said.

Posted : December 26, 2017 6:33 pm
Pretty Polly
Posts: 49
Trusted Member

Good find!

Posted : December 27, 2017 8:53 am