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Joyce Walker – Manhattan Beach, CA 1964

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Was able to reach out to a contact for some information about this case and obtained some clearer images of original sketches.

Wow, this guy looks and sounds really familiar…

Hmm, and who are you thinking? There was a reason I reached out after finding this ;-)

Posted : September 12, 2019 7:01 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

If this was a Z crime, we search for a guy with a limping walk.



Posted : September 17, 2019 11:49 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

My suspect Honcho had more of a full or rounder looking face than the composite , but he has a limp and he favors his left leg. I noticed one drawing looked like the composite had a widows peak? Fouke also mentioned a widows peak.
He may have been the person who hit her car and then offered her a ride, like in the Isobel Watson case where the man hit her with his car and offered her a ride.

There was a case in CCCounty of Teresa Coleen Brown, who’s car was hit from behind on highway 4, she wrecked into a ditch and was stabbed to death. That is the same place my suspect tried forcing me off of the road, only I caused him to go sideways up the embankment!

Honcho is a suspect in several murders in CCC County, he stabbed, strangled, beat most of those girls. A few got away and ID’d the picture I have of him as their attacker. That is why he is now a suspect.
There were times when I saw Honcho and didn’t notice his limp, but he has one and that was how when he was dressed as a woman, I knew it was him. His limp is more pronounced after he sits for a while. As he walks, it becomes less noticeable. It may have been worse in the early 60’s? I wonder what happened to cause him to be slightly paralyzed on one side of his face, have a lazy eye, and a limp? That explains why he talks slowly and enunciates each word as if he has a speech impediment. ( Like a drawl )

None of the articles about Joyce Walker, say for sure she was raped? Rape is not Zodiac’s MO, but can we say for sure that he wouldn’t ever? Thanksgiving is a holiday and Zodiac likes holidays! I do believe Zodiac started his crimes in southern Ca. then moved up north. Not all victims that are covered with blankets etc, knew there killers That also happens when the killer is sorry for what he has done. I don’t see Zodiac feeling sorry for any of his kills, but if he knew covering the body indicates knowing the victim, Zodiac could do that to throw off the police? He liked playing games with the police.

Posted : January 12, 2020 10:28 am
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

Do they have DNA from this one? And/or the other one discussed?

Posted : February 14, 2020 2:00 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Just ASSUMING this as a Z crime leads us to a

– limping walk (Joyce Walker)
– in a hurry walking with a shuffling slope (Paul Stine)
– taking a cab instead of walking, later hiding in the bushes instead of ‘running’ away (Paul Stine)
– walked slowly back to his car (Darlene Ferrin/Mike Mageau)
– parked next to the Rambler (Betty Jensen/David Faraday)
– told her to get into his car (Kathleen Johns)
– needed a car to go to Mexico (Cecilia Shepard / Bryan Hartnell)

Sounds as if Z wasn’t very comfortable with walking in any of these cases.

What if Z indeed had a serious walking issue?



Posted : February 14, 2020 11:19 pm
Posts: 103
Estimable Member

Not forgetting Stuart e Maher execution style murder in 1968, (think it was nob hill San Francisco) witnesses said the man who pulled the trigger “waddled like a duck” the thread is on page 3 of possible zodiac victims (sorry I don’t know how to link the thread to here)

Posted : February 15, 2020 4:29 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Not forgetting Stuart e Maher execution style murder in 1968, (think it was nob hill San Francisco) witnesses said the man who pulled the trigger “waddled like a duck” the thread is on page 3 of possible zodiac victims (sorry I don’t know how to link the thread to here)

Thank you for bringing that case up! I do remember reading about that case and the "waddled like a duck" description. He walked from side to side is what I am thinking , that could also be looked at as sort of a limp or a slumbering lope? ( Again fiting Honcho’s walk.) Sorry I can’t help but get excited when things point to my suspect! It’s almost like one leg is a bit shorter than the other?
Years ago I was looking at a Anthony Hernandez whose wife died in a hospital in Riverside", yet they lived in CCCounty. He had a wooden leg and that got my attention because of my suspects odd walk, swaying a bit from side to side. Most people pay attention to facial features and don’t pay attention to the way a person walks. I know that I didn’t notice his walk at first.

Posted : February 15, 2020 9:58 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

When in 1964 was Joyce Walker murdered?

Posted : February 19, 2020 4:33 am
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

Found it: Thanksgiving morning, 1964 (11/25-26) A particularly brutal murder: she was stabbed and strangled "multiple times."

Posted : February 19, 2020 7:34 pm
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

Fuck. He knew her.

Posted : April 4, 2020 2:06 am
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

To expand ….

Walker worked as a secretary at Space Technologies Laboratories in El Segundo CA, near LAX, in a cluster of aerospace companies. It is a federally-funded consultancy involved in satellites. They work/ed with the National Reconnaissance Organization, with an office in El Segundo. The NRO ran/runs the US spy satellite program.

This 1987 LA Times article details the West Coast military intelligence system. It describes the NRO office. It describes Skaggs Island, near Vallejo, run by the NSA and the Navy, where a unit of code experts tracked Russian subs, used radians, and worked with teletype machines. It also says they launched the satellites at Vandenburg AFB, near Lompoc. There are a number of intelligence installations close or fairly close to Zodiac activity.

https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm … story.html

So with these details in mind …

Do I think Walker was killed by someone she knew?
Was that a person a co-worker/work associate?
Was that person involved in the West Coast intelligence network?
Was that person connected to Skaggs Island?

It’s speculation for now. But it would make a lot of sense.

Seagull’s posted upthread about Walker being found covered in a blanket and that often happens when the killer knows the victim. Also, she was chatting with the man at the scene of the car wreck.


Posted : April 5, 2020 7:53 am
Posts: 103
Estimable Member

I think a good suspect in this case and I’ve never seen his name connected before) would be a mr Taylor Morris Teaford , he had a history of extreme violence, I think Joyce was murdered (along with others like Stuart Maher), by teaford, teaford contracted polio at the age of 13 and walked with a noticeable limp which would fit in to his description

Posted : December 20, 2020 8:06 pm
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

I need to correct the record somewhat on this.

This 2007 LA Times article details the origins and some history of Space Technologies Laboratories:

https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm … story.html

I’m not sure i have the maze of corporate structures worked out very well. It gets confusing. What company owned what and when is odd, as is what company worked on what project and when.

The LAT article indicates STL started as part of an private company in the 1950s. It took off by helping the government develop ICBMs. It merged with another company to become TRW, Inc. in 1958. Its location appears to have been "Space Park," which is further south.

The Aerospace Corporation is a non-profit that supports the NRO with technical services. with current offices near LAAFB south of LAX. Going by their Wiki page ….. in the late fifties, the government suggested converting STL into a non-profit corp to control missile development. If I understand it correctly, Congress created the Aerospace Corp. as a compromise alternative – basically to help the NRO/govt agencies not get ripped off by private contractors (my spin). SLT/TRW continued as a major private contractor.

STL did develop spacecraft and satellites, the article indicates. Other sources (OK Wikipedia) indicates that after the 1958 merger, the STL division focused on ICBM development. Of course spy satellites need missiles to launch. So ……see the next post.

We’ve talked about James Joyce in the case. But this is totally Thomas Pynchon.

Posted : January 14, 2021 9:58 am
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

Now here, it does look like SLT was involved in spy satellites, at least the missiles that launched them, and did work with NRO:

The 2007 LAT article mentions the Thor missile and implies it was developed by SLT. This 1985 New York Times article indicates the NRO’s first spy satellite was launched in 1959 from Vandenburg AFB on top of a Thor missile. It also points out that TRW was involved in spy satellites in the 1970s. Although that doesn’t necessarily mean that STL was involved in that. Although it might be. Especially on the missile end.

https://www.nytimes.com/1985/01/13/maga … space.html

Posted : January 14, 2021 10:01 am
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

Now I’m really confused. Looking back at the newspaper article it says Walker worked for STL, but in El Segundo. Space Park is in Redondo Beach. Did she work for STL at a different location, closer to LAX/LAAFB? Something seems off.

Another article says "Manhattan Beach." But that’s where she lived. Space park is in Redondo Beach.


Posted : January 19, 2021 11:46 pm
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