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Nancy Bennallack

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Sandy, IMO your ex-husband is stringing you along!

It seems like more than a year ago, he was working on his swimming pool and then was going to start on these boxes!

Where is he storing them if he had to pour the concrete and is now building a shed? I thought that had been done and these boxes were in the shed but there were so many, he just couldn’t get to them all and you felt he would refuse any help. That was also a year or more ago IIRC! I do remember your concern about the heat and that it was before the rainy season (I felt if he was taking all this time, he probably wouldn’t lift a finger during the rain).

Recently, you posted you were now living with an FBI agent (or former FBI agent). What does he have to say about these boxes and the long delay your ex-husband has created here?

I am one who always suspects the ex’s and the fact that you found it in your car and he now is stalling you seemingly makes me for one very suspicious of your ex-husband. I’d think he’d be as concerned as you are and would have by now made some effort to retrieve your property.

Posted : November 1, 2019 12:03 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

True it has been a yr or longer , he has absolutely no interested at all about the Zodiac case. He is only interested in his first new home and making the much needed improvements. He wanted his pool done in time for summer, then the fire happened. I saw pictures of that fire , so he is not making up stories about anything that he is doing. He did have some boxes in that shed, but told me that mine were not in the shed. When I said he has over 100 boxes, that was not an exaggeration. I think he is overwhelmed?
None of my boyfriends have ever interfered with anything between myself and my ex. He is as happy as I am that the costume wasn’t lost, that it is safe.

I have other evidence , but LE is only interested in the costume. I am surprised they haven’t gotten a warrant and gone to his house to get the costume?

Posted : November 1, 2019 7:29 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Yes I am surprised they haven’t gotten a warrant and gone to his house! Maybe one of them will see this and go get one!

Posted : November 1, 2019 8:27 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Yes I am surprised they haven’t gotten a warrant and gone to his house! Maybe one of them will see this and go get one!

Perhaps it isn’t important to them. knowing that they have Zodiac’s DNA and that will solve the case without seeing the costume? The problem I see with that is they are looking for one Zodiac and I am very sure he has a partner. Could be one did the writing and the other did the killing? Except I feel the Lake B killer was not the smaller killer seen by Fouke and Zelms. The compaction foot print screwed up the idea Zodiac was the same killer as the one who shot Paul Stine. I have always believed the case was messed up by that foot print making Zodiac heavier than he probably was. If you have ever worked with plaster of Paris and I have many times, it is heavy and swells then shrinks. It is not the best medium to use , that is why they no longer use it! The other thing to take into consideration, if that deeper print was from Zodiac getting up from stabbing either victim, his weight could have shifted to one side making that print deeper.

Of course that is what I think happened causing the investigators to think Zodiac weighed over 200 pounds. The wanted poster I have that was printed on Oct 13th 69 , has the suspect as 25 to 30 yrs old , 5ft 8 to 5ft 9 . At that height Zodiac would be extremely fat! Did they not have common sense back then?

Posted : November 1, 2019 8:11 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

I don’t think he was fat or very slim. More like an American football player build.

Posted : November 1, 2019 9:02 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

quote from Jacob: I don’t think he was fat or very slim. More like an American football player build

The only foot ball players I knew were the Raiders back in the 70’s-80’s , ( I waited on them as their waitress in Oakland) all were built like doors. Even Ray Guy their kicker ,who on TV looked like a small player compared to the others. He was pretty big in person! Kenny Stabbler wasn’t as big as most of the team, all of them were very nice.
(None would fit a 7 inch watch band like what was found in Riverside, or the size 7 gloves left in Paul Stine’s cab.) I was able to try their supper bowl ring on , it was about an inch wider than my thumb!

I don’t think Zodiac was built like any of them , he was shorter and had a bulging stomach. I would say he has a very thick upper body , barrel chested ,has a rather large head and long thin legs for his height, making him appear taller than he was. I think it is safe to say when found, he won’t be taller than 5ft 10.

I will always believe that Kathleen Johns gave the best description of Zodiac than officer Fouke’s" later description" of the man he saw on Jackson st Oct 11th 1969.

The only person who said he was perhaps 6 ft or better was Hartnell who saw him with a stiff tall hood , making him look about 4 inches taller than what was under the hood. Nothing like what is shown on the Zodiac documentary’s, they have it touching the top of his head and lumpy not at all like the true hood. The logo was smaller than they show in the documentary’s, it was about 3 and a half inches across, not 6. Ken Narlow assumed Zodiac was tall , because of the foot impression and the fact that Hartnell did not say Zodiac was overly fat.

I think the person who was able to get up to the second floor of Nancy’s apt , had to be fairly fit. Not someone built like Art Allen , Ross Sullivan or Rick Marshall.

Posted : November 2, 2019 8:21 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

Were fingerprints on the tape recovered at the scene? If not, it could confirm the killer was Zodiac who masked his fingerprints with "airplane cement" along with fingertip guards.

Posted : November 6, 2019 2:15 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Obviously Zodiac lied about the glue on his fingertips. If that were true why would he feel the need to wipe down where he thought he left his prints? I don’t know if the tape had a print on it, but they do have his blood at the scene. I am sure that they are working on that for the killers DNA.

Posted : November 6, 2019 11:03 am
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

Obviously Zodiac lied about the glue on his fingertips. If that were true why would he feel the need to wipe down where he thought he left his prints? I don’t know if the tape had a print on it, but they do have his blood at the scene. I am sure that they are working on that for the killers DNA.

I am not sure what case it was that i read they found tape but when they went to get prints from them they were dissolved or crumbled. Would that make sense with the glue on fingertips if they fell off at the crime scene they may look like tape but would break up pretty easily.

Posted : November 6, 2019 12:36 pm
Posts: 1210
Moderator Admin

I’m not even sure putting model airplane glue on your fingertips would work. Has it been established that it’s actually effective? Also, what about palm prints? You’d have to slather your hand in glue to mask your prints if that were the case.

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : November 6, 2019 9:10 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I have accidentally gotten air plane glue on my fingers and I would have to say say that it covers the ridges well enough to cover up a print. I doubt he would put his entire hand in the glue. If that were the case why not just put on gloves? People weren’t thinking about leaving palm prints, only finger prints back then.

Posted : November 6, 2019 10:05 pm
Posts: 88
Trusted Member

I don’t know if someone else noticed, but:
"Lake of the Pines":

Somehow makes one wonder about "peek through the pines".

“Nobody called him Arthur.”

Posted : February 11, 2020 6:14 pm
Posts: 767
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Topic starter

I don’t know if someone else noticed, but:
"Lake of the Pines":

Somehow makes one wonder about "peek through the pines".

Yeah I mentioned this before. Another interesting link between the two is that lake of the Pines. And Incline village were both by the same property developers.

Posted : February 11, 2020 6:20 pm
Posts: 1210
Moderator Admin

I’ve long suspected that Zodiac was involved somehow in land surveying. I’d be curious to know who or what company did the surveying for the developers/contractors.

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : February 11, 2020 6:31 pm
Posts: 767
Prominent Member
Topic starter

I’ve long suspected that Zodiac was involved somehow in land surveying. I’d be curious to know who or what company did the surveying for the developers/contractors.

Please see :-


Posted : February 11, 2020 7:19 pm
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