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Nancy Bennallack

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Thanks, Sandy. Do you have any current info. on the other one and is there a picture of him somewhere? Sorry but I don’t remember offhand seeing one…only the one here of the cement worker.

Can you go back to your source for re-checking/current info.? Have you been in touch with any of these women the detective discounted? These women might have better luck getting together as a group and contacting someone like Gloria Allred. He must not have heard about the "me too movement". This year would be a good one for these women to call attention to their assaults with the convictions these rapists such as Harvey Weinstein got. Then there is former Sheriff Lee Baca!

Posted : March 11, 2020 3:22 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Thanks, Sandy. Do you have any current info. on the other one and is there a picture of him somewhere? Sorry but I don’t remember offhand seeing one…only the one here of the cement worker.

Can you go back to your source for re-checking/current info.? Have you been in touch with any of these women the detective discounted? These women might have better luck getting together as a group and contacting someone like Gloria Allred. He must not have heard about the "me too movement". This year would be a good one for these women to call attention to their assaults with the convictions these rapists such as Harvey Weinstein got. Then there is former Sheriff Lee Baca!

I have a picture I use to show what RH looked like, it’s on my thread at Zkiller.com. It’s a picture of someone who was arrested Oct 13th 1969 named Robert Harvey. When I saw his picture I thought he could be a clone to RH, so I use it to show to people who ask about him. Some people including LE, think he looks like Paul Stine and they are correct he sure does! RH looks more like the SFPD composite than Honcho.
Honch looks more like the Lake B composite.
I have not talked to the girls who got away since I met them about 1992. I gave their names to LE to talk to them. These girls were not raped , so it isn’t like Gloria A. would be interested. The police don’t believe they are reliable witnesses , because most were prostitutes. I am not giving up and will keep pushing LE to do something to solve these murders!

Posted : March 11, 2020 3:42 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

CuriousCat, I know that I sound like I am just guessing about the type of job I believe Zodiac had.
I am not guessing who I believe Zodiac was or is, I am very sure he is my suspect and that he worked in construction.

Hey Sandy. I was just saying don’t discount the possibility he at one time worked as a surveyor. I worked as a surveyor for several years and then went into other construction work and even concrete work. I worked longer at concrete than I did any of them. Construction guys tend to move around from different types of construction work, we’re generally freelancers.

That man told her that he only worked a few months out of the year. Wouldn’t that fit very well with someone working with concrete?

Well, construction work can be very spotty. However, i’ve worked with several guys that only worked a few months a year because they drew some sort of pension or disability payments but could only work a few months out of a year. And also, in that time, before the construction trade got gutted by cheap labor, it was damn good money, so someone could afford to work just a few months a year in the right situation. Concrete basically shuts down in the winter a lot of times, between the rain and the temperature you just can’t do it. Some guys can afford to sit it out, some catch on with other types of construction work just for the winter.

Posted : March 12, 2020 6:36 am
Posts: 1210
Moderator Admin


Sorry to beat a dead horse (and possibly de-rail the thread) but if you google land surveyor qualifications, they all say that a four year degree is required. Has this changed since the 1960s?

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : March 12, 2020 5:50 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member


Sorry to beat a dead horse (and possibly de-rail the thread) but if you google land surveyor qualifications, they all say that a four year degree is required. Has this changed since the 1960s?

That’s only the person who owns the company, they have to be a licensed surveyor, not the field crew.

Posted : March 12, 2020 8:31 pm
Posts: 1210
Moderator Admin


Sorry to beat a dead horse (and possibly de-rail the thread) but if you google land surveyor qualifications, they all say that a four year degree is required. Has this changed since the 1960s?

That’s only the person who owns the company, they have to be a licensed surveyor, not the field crew.

What was the typical age range for a survey field crew? Are they young kids in their teens and twenties? Or older guys in their 30s and 40s?

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : March 12, 2020 9:04 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member


Sorry to beat a dead horse (and possibly de-rail the thread) but if you google land surveyor qualifications, they all say that a four year degree is required. Has this changed since the 1960s?

That’s only the person who owns the company, they have to be a licensed surveyor, not the field crew.

What was the typical age range for a survey field crew? Are they young kids in their teens and twenties? Or older guys in their 30s and 40s?

Generally guys in their 20’s-30’s. In all my years I think I was the only teenager I ever saw on a crew.

It can be pretty tough work. A lot of walking and brush cutting, plus here in Texas you do it in 100+ heat many days, and that’s not counting the snakes and bugs, spiders, mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, wasps. I’ve been in swamps where you have to cover your face to keep from breathing in the mosquitoes they were so thick. Some of the party chiefs were older guys, in their 40’s-50’s, but they were usually given the easier jobs plus a party chief doesn’t do the hard brush cutting usually. Pay was decent but they have a high turnover rate due to many not wanting to deal with all of it.

Posted : March 12, 2020 9:28 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

Is there any reason a construction worker or surveyor would tape up their fingertips? I’m thinking of the tape found at the Bennallack crime scene.

Posted : March 12, 2020 10:20 pm
Posts: 132
Estimable Member

Hi Sandy – Just replying to your earlier post. He disabled the victims at Lake Beryessa.

First he had them trapped on the spit of land, second he brandished a gun, third he had them tie each other up.

Only after that did he attack

Only after being absolutely sure they couldn’t fight back.

I believe Z always did this for a reason and I have a hunch it has to do with some kind of injury, not to mention the first three attacks are of couples, and he wants to do away with both people.

Posted : March 12, 2020 11:40 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Is there any reason a construction worker or surveyor would tape up their fingertips?

None that I can think of.

Posted : March 13, 2020 2:23 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Is there any reason a construction worker or surveyor would tape up their fingertips? I’m thinking of the tape found at the Bennallack crime scene.

I am glad you brought it up jacob. I don’t remember what yr it was that someone who was believed to possibly be Zodiac was spotted in San Ramon Ca. He was wearing goggles and a scarf to cover his face and had tape on his fingertips!

Zodiac mentioned that he used airplane glue on his fingers, which we know he lied about in the Paul Stine case. Why would he have to wipe the cab down if he wasn’t trying to destroy his prints? I think it is probably easier to wrap them in tape ,than try to remove airplane glue.

It caught my attention when I heard about the tape found in Nancy’s case and couldn’t help but remember the San Ramon incident. We have a few Z like crimes near San Ramon, like in Walnut Creek where I was living. Pleasanton is where we know Zodiac sent his LA letter from, that is less than 10 miles from San Ramon. What could be the connection to those areas that Zodiac would have had other than a huge housing development underway?

Posted : March 13, 2020 2:51 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Hi Sandy – Just replying to your earlier post. He disabled the victims at Lake Beryessa.

First he had them trapped on the spit of land, second he brandished a gun, third he had them tie each other up.

Only after that did he attack

Only after being absolutely sure they couldn’t fight back.

I believe Z always did this for a reason and I have a hunch it has to do with some kind of injury, not to mention the first three attacks are of couples, and he wants to do away with both people.

I totally agree Fisherman’sFriend. That costume made him look taller than he really was by at least 3 or 4 inches. He was shorter than Hartnell and wanted to make sure he wouldn’t fight him like Domingo’s did. He kept his distance until he knew Hartnell couldn’t fight him.

If I am right Zodiac had been injured probably yrs before moving to northern ca. If DOJ is correct and Zodiac has a lazy eye , then he could only see well out of one eye. The slight limp that I believe he has , could cause that one footprint to be deeper, giving the detectives the idea he was larger than he truly was. Bottom line, I believe that Zodiac has what is called "The little man’s complex".

Posted : March 13, 2020 3:06 am
Posts: 1210
Moderator Admin

Sorry. Where does the DOJ mention a lazy eye and what does it base that on?

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : March 13, 2020 7:23 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Sorry. Where does the DOJ mention a lazy eye and what does it base that on?

I take it that you haven’t read my story, is why you never read about the lazy eye? ( It is not in any police report, there are a few things they know that are kept within LE.) Perhaps my detective wasn’t supposed to ask me that question, but wait to see if I mentioned it?

It was during the 1990’s when I was reporting almost everyday and night about my suspect trying to open my front door, or in my backyard. I had a detective who was working my stalking case. He contacted Sacramento DOJ during that time and told them I was sure the man I had gotten away from in Vallejo/ Napa 1968 was the Zodiac and was stalking me. That he had also been writing me and experts said it was a match to Zodiac’s writings.

He let DOJ know that the suspect was coming into my work place almost every evening and following me home some 47 miles! They asked the detective if my suspect had a lazy eye , because they knew Zodiac had one.
I told the detective I would make sure to look at my suspect’s face the next time I see him. (Most of the time the suspect wore tinted glasses.) That night I made it a point to get in his face and look at his eyes closely. That was when I saw he had a "Lazy eye", it reminded me of the actor Marty Feldman’s eyes, except without the bulge. The suspects lazy eye was larger than his other eye and it drooped a bit , but it moved around and around! The suspect got very nervous when I was close to him, his hands shook a lot. Not that he was afraid of me, but the hatred he had for me was so much , that he shook is what I felt? I reported about the lazy eye to DOJ and was told that a lot of people have a lazy eye! Maybe they thought that because I was told about the eye , that I wanted them to believe me and made that fact up? Is it any wonder that no one has caught the Zodiac?
Tha last letter he gave me with a picture he drew , he drew his lazy eye and two of his female victims, that have not been associated to him.

Notice the one eye on the 1970 Halloween Card , he has something drawn on one eye. Was he giving a clue that has been overlooked?

Posted : March 15, 2020 9:43 pm
Posts: 54
Member Moderator

Is there any reason a construction worker or surveyor would tape up their fingertips? I’m thinking of the tape found at the Bennallack crime scene.

I am glad you brought it up jacob. I don’t remember what yr it was that someone who was believed to possibly be Zodiac was spotted in San Ramon Ca. He was wearing goggles and a scarf to cover his face and had tape on his fingertips!

Zodiac mentioned that he used airplane glue on his fingers, which we know he lied about in the Paul Stine case. Why would he have to wipe the cab down if he wasn’t trying to destroy his prints? I think it is probably easier to wrap them in tape ,than try to remove airplane glue.

It caught my attention when I heard about the tape found in Nancy’s case and couldn’t help but remember the San Ramon incident. We have a few Z like crimes near San Ramon, like in Walnut Creek where I was living. Pleasanton is where we know Zodiac sent his LA letter from, that is less than 10 miles from San Ramon. What could be the connection to those areas that Zodiac would have had other than a huge housing development underway?

Sandy, thanks for this information. I wasn’t really aware of it. One of my POI’s was a realtor and developer and was associated with properties in northern and southern California, as well as Lake Tahoe. I’m not sure where in Lake Tahoe, as I’ve only seen one general mention of it and no place named specifically. My POI had an ex-wife who lived near Pleasanton and San Ramon areas. I’ll need to recheck to see if she lived there during the time he was active in northern Cal. I believe she lived in Dublin, Ca, but again I’ll need to recheck that info.

Posted : March 15, 2020 11:20 pm
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