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Celebrity Cipher

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morf13, Subject: Celebrity Cipher Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:29 pm

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:03 am

The woman on the stamp is poet Marianne Moore.

, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:16 pm

….very interesting, AK…

Nachtsider, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:00 pm

Nah. The handwriting and cipher characters (including the alignment of the cipher characters) look all wrong to me.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:55 pm

Comparison of Celebrity Cipher Card and some Zodiac writing, put together by me and AweShucks.

sandy betts, Subject: Z note Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:56 pm

The card is so very Z like to me, and the Idea that the first letters look like ROBT. I like that card very much LOL. I do believe that it was a warning of a killing at a Sandy beach in Calif. The Z enjoys giving fair warnings.
Check out the date it was mailed.
Naturally anyone who has a suspect in jail, or long dead, would not see how Z like it is. I tend to believe that the Zodiac is very much alive and is still killing, but not announcing it, just as he said he would do. That could be the only time he told the truth ?

I am pretty sure there will be more information about that Celeb card, when Lyndon’s book comes out towards the end of the year. Zam and I will be the first in line to get a autographed copy of that book !

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:37 pm

Just bumping this as it was recently mentioned.

It does say "SANDY BEACHES – CALIFORNIA" on the lower left side.

There have been some attempts to solve the code, but not yet an agreed proven solution.

This is what I came up with a while back. Warning: I was more into anagrams back then, now I think extreme anagrams have too much possible variation and multiplicity of solutions, thus I am not as crazy about them, but some limited anagram use is possible, as mentioned by the FBI in their analysis of the 340 Cipher.

OT U A C O S, L (A, S or J)

T E _ L
U Y _ H

September 25, 1990

The "_" means I have no clue. The rest I have made very, very early provisional possible first stage solves using Harden, 340 and Fairfield. SOME of these or even a LOT of these could be wrong. There could be a "V" symbol before the "T E _ L", and in Harden that is a "B".

Could be some are regular anagrams (DGOLR = Gold R?) , maybe some or all then use Caesar 0-3-6-9?

This is PROBABLY a Zodiac hoax. The message could read "ha ha dumb cops North High rocks go Raiders! PS I luv Kelly".

In May 1990 Judi Bari was car bombed in OAKLAND and someone probably mailed a strange Zodiac Xmas card to the Chronicle in December 1990 from EUREKA, where bari had been protesting.

That the reverse of the card is said to have driftwood on an ocean beach is interesting.

I feel compelled to give a shot to any possible Z code, even if it is 90% likely a hoax.

As a regular anagram the fourth line can give you: OUST ALCOA or COAST LA (with OU left over).

Regular anagram application can give:


Meaning "Gold Coast Los Angeles".

Regular anagram application can give:


Site of June 1963 murder of couple. Their bodies were dragged into a driftwood shack by the beach. The image on the front of the card is said to be driftwood on a sandy beach by the ocean.

If this was a hoax, perhaps the hoaxer was well versed in Zodiac possible crimes.

NOTE: I now think much of this possible translation I did was wrong. Someone translated the fourth line as OAKLAND, CA and I now think that is likely correct.

One of the things that makes me think this MIGHT be real is that 1990 was when Zodiac mailed an Xmas card (approximate 22th anniversary of Xmas week 1968 attack), and this card was mailed on the 21th anniversary of the Zodiac LB attack on 9/27/69. Add to that the evidence that TJK was in Northern Cal in winter of 1990 and in Oakland in summer/fall 1990.

I can’t say if this card ir real or hoax, but it does interest me. And it lacks the copycat language and show off nature of most hoaxes.

There are strong evidentiary and MO links between the SB beach attack and the Zodiac LB beach attack. Same .22 LR ammo Winchester Super X used in SB and Zodiac LHR 68, and SB 63 and LB 69 share use of knife – gun – rope, ordering female to tie male, then tightening, overkill gun shot wounds and overkill stab wounds, attack on couple on a blanket at the beach.

On something like the February 5, 1964 "Honeymoon Murder" of newly married US Navy sailor Swindle and his wife by a .22 rifle in San Diego, on the beach. Like SB and LB, we have a .22 caliber LR ammo attack on a couple at a beach. Then there is the knife murder of John Hood, a decorated Vietnam Vet, and girlfriend Sandra Garcia, at Cemetery Beach in Santa Barbara, on Feb 21, 1970.

Now, there was also a man named Joseph Henry Burgess who was killing couples with a .22 in California! He just got killed in New Mexico. He might have done the 2004 Allen – Cutshall murders in Jenner, CA, but his MO and other factors make it unlikely he did these ones.

There is some evidence linking these couples murders – 63 SB, 64 SD, 69 LB and 70 SB. The gun used in SB 63 was not the same gun as 64 SD, though they were both .22 caliber. The ammo from 63 SB and 68 LHR match up.

ROLAND and http://www.zodiologist.com also did an impressive possible solution to this code:

I think it says:


They offer some very interesting possible references that their proposed code solution may make to SB 63, suspect "Sandy" as researched by Ricardo of http://www.mk-zodiac.com , the Donna Lass case, a poem and a Dylan song.

I would also note this card is postmarked OAKLAND September 25, 1990, and that in OAKLAND on May 24, 1990, activist Judi Bari was blown up in a car bomb. She was a feminist, environmentalist and had demonstrarted in support of the Nicaraguan communists, and was labeled by her critics as a "RED". Her bomber admitted in a letter he had planted a bomb at a lumber mill in an attempt to set up Bari as having done that bombing.

http://www.zodiologists.com/z63_cipher_ … ction.html



http://www.zodiologists.com/z63_cipher_ … ation.html


onewhoknows, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:44 pm

you mean, "I opt for plea" Dead Ex? scary……..
Looks like Zodiac printing to me, see the A,C,T,M

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:00 pm

Comparison of Celebrity Cipher Card and some Zodiac writing, put together by me and AweShucks.

Bari’s ex husband was also a suspect in the bombing. I do think the writing looks like Zodiac. Maybe Roland can comment on his solution and the interesting connections to the ‘dirge’ poem that mentions ‘pines’.

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:26 pm

I dunno, look at the L’s on the celebrity ‘cypher’ card. The aren’t like any of Zodiac’s.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:53 pm

Anyone else want to take a crack at this code? I am now quite certain that the fourth line in the code does translate as ‘oakland, ca’.

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:05 pm

TF had a pretty good translation of it with Oakland in it didn’t she?

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:16 pm

Can someone post it?

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:24 pm

Think this is it. Posted by TF on ZKF


This might be what you refer to.

I made this "solution" back in Aug 2009.

I based it on that that someone else, can´t remember who, belived the town in the addres was Oakland, CA. and I took it from there filled in the letters from "Oakland, CA" and guessed the rest of the letters that is in my "solution"
I´m certanly NOT saying my "Solution" is correct, it was just my try on it, and I´m NOT skilled in ciphers/codes whatsoever.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:02 pm

I asked thebigZ and Doranchak if they had any thoughts on this. BigZ said he would look through his notes. Doranchak said:

I’ve looked at that cipher before but haven’t spent much time with it.

The most interesting "chunk" of the cipher, to me, is this: IZY+FBI>c+ [NOTE: This is the 3rd line].

Looks like that is a 10-letter word, whose 1st and 7th positions are the same, and whose 4th and 10th positions are the same.

Here are 10-letter words in English that match that pattern:


Perhaps plugging in one of those, or some other matching word, will reveal more plaintext in the remainder of the cipher.

AK Wilks: Interesting idea. Or could "FBI" in the 3rd line actually mean "FBI"?

I think the possible solution Trav1st posted above may have some merit. I agree with the 4th line of OAKLAND, CA. And the DO YOU KNOW (WHAT) MY NAME IS seems to fit quite nicely! Looking at the 5 symbol, 8 symbol repeat at the start and finish, what is that? That seems to be the "NAME"? I may see if ALORD SAVENGER ILORD AVENGERS or some variation fits.

I agree the Zodiac crosshair could be "N", but the crosshair filled in may be something else, maybe "I" or "A".

Seagull, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:13 pm

If we could understand why the writer of this card has called it "Celebrity Cypher" it might be a clue to what it says. So far none of the solutions have hinted at any kind of a celebrity connection.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:19 pm

If we could understand why the writer of this card has called it "Celebrity Cypher" it might be a clue to what it says. So far none of the solutions have hinted at any kind of a celebrity connection.

I understand that the "Celebrity Cipher" was a game that ran in the newspaper? Where you have to decode the name of a famous person?

Seagull, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:57 pm

Thanks AK I was unaware of that.

I did a search for "Celebrity Cipher" at newspaperarchive.com. The oldest Celebrity Cipher puzzle I could find ran in newspapers in 1993, in the Ukiah Daily Journal. This does not mean that the puzzles didn’t run in other papers before then. The archive could just not have the papers that ran it at an earlier date.

This is what one of the ciphers looked like. It ran in the UDJ March 14, 1993.

sandy betts, Subject: Celebrity Cypher Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:27 pm

Morf, I posted late last night about the celebrity card, but for what ever reason one of your mods decided it should be deleted ? If I post something that you feel should be deleted at least let me know why ? This is the second time this has happened here. I will attempt to post it again.
Yesterday’s post told that I had seen the code solution. It was done by someone who was taught code in the military, so I believe it to be the true solution.
Sorry but I have been asked to hold off on showing it just yet.( I am very sure it is in Lyndon’s book is why I must wait.)
I can tell you that the front of the card shows a beach front with lots of driftwood , very much like the beach at Jenner.
It’s as if it was a warning that Zodiac was trolling Calif. beaches , looking for more victims ?

The solution has the word "Slut" in it.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:45 pm

That is cool Sandy, I look forward to seeing that possible solution when you can post it. To my knowledge no mod deleted your post it must have been a tech error we do get those soemtimes.

I would love to see the image on this card…driftwood on a sandy beach does bring to mind 6/4/63, the driftwood shack, the suspect SANDY, the beach…

Seagull thnaks for the info.

So the Celebrity Cipher involves a QUOTE OR SAYING from a famous person. In this respect the possible decrypt of "DO YOU KNOW WHAT MY NAME IS" is a saying or quote from the Zodiac.

I agree the Zodiac crosshair could be "N", but the crosshair filled in could be something else, maybe "I" or "A".

Seagull, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:00 pm

Sandy I don’t know who deleted your post, it wasn’t me! I know exactly the solution you are talking about as I did a screen capture of it when you asked Vallejo Dave to post it for you at Tom’s back in 2006. It was lost when that board was hacked but I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t the only one to make a copy of it.

Let’s try it again and see if it gets deleted.

tracers, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:31 pm

Is this the post Vallejo Dave made for Sandy year’s back? If so, it is still online


Look about 3/4’s down the page.

onewhoknows, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:03 pm

Notice how Vallejo Times Herald is misspelled as Herold

Seagull, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Feb 29, 2012 9:43 pm

Is this the post Vallejo Dave made for Sandy year’s back? If so, it is still online


Look about 3/4’s down the page.

I looked and looked on the old board for that post but didn’t look in the Sandy thread. Good find!!!

kirkham, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:41 pm

the bottom right line reads from right to left play ovid…Ovid.read somewhere was a roman poet/ satirist

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:56 pm

the bottom right line reads from right to left play ovid…Ovid.read somewhere was a roman poet/ satirist


EDIT: Also to add that if the last two lines are a name they contain 13 letters. :shock:

morf13, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:10 am

the bottom right line reads from right to left play ovid…Ovid.read somewhere was a roman poet/ satirist


EDIT: Also to add that if the last two lines are a name they contain 13 letters. :shock:

Never noticed that! :shock:

In my opinion, the top left of the postcard is no doubt a return name & address(ending in ST for street), and just below it, we see the address of the Vallejo Times herald. Then, we see the author’s name signed at the bottom right of the postcard again. (it ends in TROUT) …which ends "MY NAME IS"..like the cipher from Zodiac. Can we crack this?

Example: "MY NAMES IS TROUT(looks like the word TROUT anyhow) _______" 5 letters in his first name, and 8 in his 2nd name.

IMO, he lives on a Street because it ends in ST as opposed to LANE or DRIVE, etc. Also the town could be VALLEJO, OAKLAND,or any other 7 letter town around there.

Here is what I have:

the ‘M’ symbol stand for the letter M
the backwards ‘D’ symbol stands for letter Y
Crosshair Symbol stands for letter N
The Triangle symbol stands for letter A
The 9 symbol stands for letter E
The ‘I’ symbol stands for letter I
Backwards Q symbol stands for letter S
the ‘B’ symbol stands for letter C

Also, I can not see the image well, is there two types of crosshair symbols? One that is is filled in and one that is not, or is that just my eyes?

To me, the last name of this person is 8 letters long, starts with a Y and ends with a E. Any ideas?

morf13, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:56 am

Just found a guy that lived in Riverside in 1966, and then later lived in the SF bay area whose name fits into the cipher….last name is 8 letters,starts with a Y ends in an E. :shock:

But his first name does not seem to match the first name of the cipher.hmmm

If anybody wants the name and would like to poke around with it, send me a PM. The guy was born in the bay area,and lived in the bay area in the 80’s and 90’s,but he is listed in the 1965 Riverside phone book. His last name is so unusual that I have no doubt it is the same guy!

morf13, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:54 am

Just found a guy that lived in Riverside in 1966, and then later lived in the SF bay area whose name fits into the cipher….last name is 8 letters,starts with a Y ends in an E. :shock:

But his first name does not seem to match the first name of the cipher.hmmm

If anybody wants the name and would like to poke around with it, send me a PM. The guy was born in the bay area,and lived in the bay area in the 80’s and 90’s,but he is listed in the 1965 Riverside phone book. His last name is so unusual that I have no doubt it is the same guy!

This guy is likely a dead end. He was a major in the Air Force in 1971,and I saw a photo,doesnt look like Zodiac. I for one can not see a high ranking military officer as being a lunatic serial killer.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:52 pm

Well there was an Air Force Colonel in Canada who turned out to be a serial killer.


But this cipher is not going to contain anyone’s real name. The newspaper celebrity cipher is a quote or saying from a famous person. If this is Zodiac real or fake the code probably has a saying from Zodiac. We may have parts of this right, the "Oakland, CA" and the "My Name Is".

I do think there are TWO different symbols, a regular crosshair and a crosshair filled in.

morf13, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:05 pm

Well there was an Air Force Colonel in Canada who turned out to be a serial killer.


But this cipher is not going to contain anyone’s real name. The newspaper celebrity cipher is a quote or saying from a famous person. If this is Zodiac real or fake the code probably has a saying from Zodiac. We may have parts of this right, the "Oakland, CA" and the "My Name Is".

I do think there are TWO different symbols, a regular crosshair and a crosshair filled in.

Certainly possible. What I think it ends with is "MY NAME IS _____ _______". I think the first letter of the last name is Y and the eighth and last letter is the letter E. Some possibilities:


Theforeigner, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:49 pm

N*o** Yi**ku*e

The first name could be "Naomi" (I know that is a female name but the name dosen’t have to be the senders name)

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:52 pm

N*o** Yi**ku*e

The first name could be "Naomi" (I know that is a female name but the name dosen’t have to be the senders name)

Here is what I think so far, and I wonder if this may in some way relate to the place where the next possible Zodiac letter came from, EUREKA:

_ _ O _ _

_ I _ _ K U _ E

Quicktrader, Subject: Cipher… Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:21 pm

A game to play:


Thought long time about ‘NUDIE FILMSETS INSENSIBLE DUSTBIN, SO IF YOU…’, however couldn´t finish the cipher.

My most favorite version is now:


Maybe Z was angry about not getting a letter printed or people wearing buttons..’Sule’ als could be ‘sure’, however the name Nudge exists:

‘Nudge is a boy’s name seen in the origins Old English, Australian. The name Nudge, is the 70337th most popular baby name at mybaby.net.au, placing it in the top 92% of names on our site.’ (some babynet name site from Australia)

Also there has been a Sule Enterprise coporation in West Covina.



AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:53 pm

What is the name of the Lord Executioner in Mikado?

Seagull, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:36 pm

Here’s the cast from the liner notes of my copy of the record. (Angel Records 1951) Groucho’s may be different.

Jem, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:23 am

the bottom right line reads from right to left play ovid…Ovid.read somewhere was a roman poet/ satirist

The last line does look a lot like PLAYOVID, backwards and with OVID upside-down. Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, is based on Ovid’s story, Pyramus and Thisbe. And, in Midsummer Night’s Dream, Pyramus and Thisbe is enacted and often referred to as a play within a play. These stories are about young lovers, meetings in odd places, illicit love.

Doesn’t look like a Z letter, but, whatever it is – could it be a "play within a play" or a game within a game somehow?

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:56 am

Thanks Seagull and Jem.

_ _ O _ _

_ I _ _ K U _ E

I guess the name I was thinking of was KOKO, also NANKIPOO.

IKOKO might fit the first part.

Don’t know about the second part…

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:28 am

I don’t want to spoil the party here but I think we better look at this. Is that a V or is it a Y? I’ve put one of the other Y’s beside it for comparison and also the green arrow points to what could be the bottom of the tail of a Y obscured by the postmark.

Also consider that there are no other V’s in the cipher and if it was a straight substitution it should be an F anyway.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:39 am

I think you may be right!

What two letter word begins with a "K"?

K _

Or is it:

K _ _ _ _

Maybe the "Do you know what my name is" idea is wrong.

What do we have if we just use OAKLAND, CA?

Maybe the rest of it is a quote from THE MIKADO, from the character KOKO aka the LORD HIGH EXECUTIONER.

"I’ve got a little list, They’d none of them be missed…"

bentley, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:47 am

I say it’s a V. The right leg clearly starts outside the circle at the top, and if continued below the intersection of the other leg, it should be black here (red arrow).

Other than that, I’m not really following this thread and have no idea what you guys are up to… :)

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:49 am

Well there are other examples in the proposed solution that have more than one symbol assigned to a letter. That’s homophonic isn’t it and if it’s the other way round with the same symbol assigned different letters that’s polyalphabetic? is that right.

I’m asking, well for one I can’t remember lol, and also to figure out what this one could be cause I can’t think of any two letter words that start with K.

Also it might be a v but I thought it was something I should point out once I thought I saw it. In the grand scheme of things it might not affect it all that much to matter. Some more zynchronicity for ya – the symbols on the left hand side of the post card number 32. :)

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:53 am

Hmm, good counter point Bentley…

If it is a "V" under the Harden Key that translates as a "B".

So maybe that first is ""BE"?

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:57 am

I have to ask. What’s the deal with the bit on or under the stamp? is it really there? Is it really 4 letters? Has there ever been a clearer image?. Has anyone found a colour version of that stamp to see how clearly writing would show up if you did write over the top of it?

I mean presumably the stamp was affixed by the person who sent it so why write over it and not avoid it and you certainly wouldn’t stick the stamp over part of it unless it was no longer meant to part of the cipher.

EDIT: here we go. Pretty dark stamp to even consider writing over.

morf13, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:16 am

For what its worth, I also see little dots on the right side of the postcard. They dont look like they would be periods. Any thoughts on those?

Seagull, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:25 am

We should also consider that there may be more letters under the stamp in the first line of the cipher that are completely covered by the stamp.

kirkham, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:43 am

For what its worth, I also see little dots on the right side of the postcard. They dont look like they would be periods. Any thoughts on those?

Probably the outline of where the stamp was to go..most post cards have that

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:46 pm

Here is what I think so far, and I wonder if this may in some way relate to the place where the next possible Zodiac letter came from, EUREKA:

_ _ O _ _

_ I _ _ K U _ E

Seagull, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:28 pm

I was reading through the BRS report last night and noticed that a person who was questioned in Darlene’s murder had lived on Sandy Beach Road in Vallejo at one point.

Officer Husted phoned to report that he checked at Kentwig Lodge and GEORGE identified as George XXXXXX. He only worked there one day and when he left he gave his address as 20 Sandy Beach Road. Stated that he could be contacted there if his services were needed.


George it seems had many different jobs and addresses with the Sandy Beach Road address being just one. LE did finally catch up with him in Yountville, Napa County, to interview him. He is mentioned on a few different pages of the report.

I was not aware that there was a road by that name in Vallejo until seeing it in the report last night. It probably does not have anything to do with the cipher card but thought I’d mention it just in case someone can make something of it.

Zamantha, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:51 pm

I was reading through the BRS report last night and noticed that a person who was questioned in Darlene’s murder had lived on Sandy Beach Road in Vallejo at one point.

Officer Husted phoned to report that he checked at Kentwig Lodge and GEORGE identified as George XXXXXX. He only worked there one day and when he left he gave his address as 20 Sandy Beach Road. Stated that he could be contacted there if his services were needed.


George it seems had many different jobs and addresses with the Sandy Beach Road address being just one. LE did finally catch up with him in Yountville, Napa County, to interview him. He is mentioned on a few different pages of the report.

I was not aware that there was a road by that name in Vallejo until seeing it in the report last night. It probably does not have anything to do with the cipher card but thought I’d mention it just in case someone can make something of it.

Yes there is an area called Sandy Beach & a Sandy Beach Road in Vallejo, right on the water. Sandy & I went there an snooped around. We did a report on it on the old defunk Zodiaczee. I might still have that information. This is were George XXXXXXX once lived.

onewhoknows, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:31 pm

Question…looking at the Celibrity Cipher what if it is Oakland CA but not letter for letter, anagrammed.
So that perhaps it says Oakland once deciphered but re arranged, would that help crack the name on the return

Zamantha, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:35 pm

Still looking for The Sandy Beach Report.

Photos by Zam*

Seagull, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:39 pm

Question…looking at the Celibrity Cipher what if it is Oakland CA but not letter for letter, anagrammed.
So that perhaps it says Oakland once deciphered but re arranged, would that help crack the name on the return

If I understand you correctly you wonder whether or not Oakland anagramed might have meaning. I went to an anagram solver website and this is what they came up with-

5 found. Displaying all:
Land Oak
And Kola
Ado Lank
A Dank Lo
A Lank Do

bentley, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:53 pm

Is that a cat wearing a taco?

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:02 pm

Yes there is an area called Sandy Beach & a Sandy Beach Road in Vallejo, right on the water. Sandy & I went there an snooped around. We did a report on it on the old defunk Zodiaczee. I might still have that information. This is were George XXXXXXX once lived.

I just have this image of you and Sandy with deerstalkers and oversized magnifying glasses.

Seagull, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:05 pm

Cat, the other white meat! Yes, s/he is wearing a taco costume. I have never seen a cat look so calm and collected while being dressed up. I put a Christmas sweater on my cat once and he totally freaked out and started racing around the room backwards. I had a hard time catching him to get the dang thing off. It took a little while for me to regain his trust after that, I felt terrible about it!

bentley, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:36 pm

Cat, the other white meat!

OK, but I’ll need rice and beans on the side, and a large pitcher of margaritas.

Probly had it already and just don’t know it.

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:39 pm

Always thought it was a taco. All this cat talk got me looking at some old photos on my phone of our cat brindle when we got her. She was so tiny and cute. Now she big, cute and lethal. Haven’t tried any animal cruelty with her yet, I mean dressing up :D

Zamantha, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:03 pm

Yes there is an area called Sandy Beach & a Sandy Beach Road in Vallejo, right on the water. Sandy & I went there an snooped around. We did a report on it on the old defunk Zodiaczee. I might still have that information. This is were George XXXXXXX once lived.

I just have this image of you and Sandy with deerstalkers and oversized magnifying glasses.

Yeah we were roaming around…it was kinda creepy & it was getting late. It was a full moon nite which
make it eerier. Also saw Pine Trees there, and my imagination was getting the better of me. So, we left
& headed to the Old Past Time Bar in Benicia to try to find this guy who supposedly has some Z stories.
Never found him…but we did have fun! >grin< If my memory serves me
correctly George W lived in number 20. I must admit it’s totally cool to be able to sleuth around!

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:27 pm

Yeah I ‘ve been there Zam. I mean figuratively in the creepy scenario sense. I could tell you some ghost stories.

I’m actually a bit disappointed with myself. I had some thoughts about this celebrity cipher and I can’t remember them or find if I noted them down anywhere. I just know I had something in the back of my head that fitted quite well,

rand, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Wed May 16, 2012 9:33 pm

the bottom right line reads from right to left play ovid…Ovid.read somewhere was a roman poet/ satirist


EDIT: Also to add that if the last two lines are a name they contain 13 letters. :shock:

Never noticed that! :shock:

In my opinion, the top left of the postcard is no doubt a return name & address(ending in ST for street), and just below it, we see the address of the Vallejo Times herald. Then, we see the author’s name signed at the bottom right of the postcard again. (it ends in TROUT) …which ends "MY NAME IS"..like the cipher from Zodiac. Can we crack this?

Example: "MY NAMES IS TROUT(looks like the word TROUT anyhow) _______" 5 letters in his first name, and 8 in his 2nd name.

IMO, he lives on a Street because it ends in ST as opposed to LANE or DRIVE, etc. Also the town could be VALLEJO, OAKLAND,or any other 7 letter town around there.

Here is what I have:

the ‘M’ symbol stand for the letter M
the backwards ‘D’ symbol stands for letter Y
Crosshair Symbol stands for letter N
The Triangle symbol stands for letter A
The 9 symbol stands for letter E
The ‘I’ symbol stands for letter I
Backwards Q symbol stands for letter S
the ‘B’ symbol stands for letter C

Also, I can not see the image well, is there two types of crosshair symbols? One that is is filled in and one that is not, or is that just my eyes?

To me, the last name of this person is 8 letters long, starts with a Y and ends with a E. Any ideas?

I’m agreeing with Morf’s work here.
Anyone know a POI whose first and last names put together would give you a version of TROUT? Hmmm. Let me think :scratch:
The author spells the name Herald as Herold. Anyone know a suspect whose first name was changed to his middle name because he was named after his father, Harold. Hmmm. Let me think. :scratch:
Must be another series of coincidences. Like everything in this case. All just a coincidence.
The stamp is of Marianne Moore. Her initials are MM. Anyone think of a POI whose organization was abbreviated MM? :scratch:

, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri May 18, 2012 2:21 am

The Celebrity Cipher was never authenticated by anyone in LE, correct?

onewhoknows, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri May 18, 2012 11:57 am

Hmmm. I see Zodiac symbols, and some of the letters resemble Zodiac printing.
Yes, it appears to be a name with a return address.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Celebrity Cipher Fri May 18, 2012 12:02 pm

Anyone know a POI whose first and last names put together would give you a version of TROUT? Hmmm. Let me think :scratch:
The author spells the name Herald as Herold. Anyone know a suspect whose first name was changed to his middle name because he was named after his father, Harold. Hmmm. Let me think. :scratch:
Must be another series of coincidences. Like everything in this case. All just a coincidence.
The stamp is of Marianne Moore. Her initials are MM. Anyone think of a POI whose organization was abbreviated MM? :scratch:

If that is from Troy Houghton, you have just confirmed (for me at least) TH was not the Zodiac killer.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : April 15, 2013 10:55 pm
Posts: 7527
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Topic starter

Somebody told me that the Celebrity cipher has to do with Lyndon Lafferty and his suspect. Not sure how true that is.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : April 15, 2013 11:20 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

The Celebrity Cipher postcard..the only solution I could figure out for the cipher being a match was ‘Nudie Filmsets insensible dustbin, so is the sado life of neos in nudie filmsets’. However I don’t say that other phrases might be possible, too.

What I do wonder about, however, is the question what motive/picture was on the other side of the postcard?


Just realized that the solution mentioned above has an error..as both bold letters actually should be the same. So although almost correct, its not a viable solution.

For the assumed to be 10-letter word,


there are approximately 150 words matching..all with possible cipher attacks. However after deeply selecting them, most of them can be excluded (as e.g. no four letter word starting with the letter X would exist..therefore the word EXPERIENCE can be ruled out for the 10-letter word).

In fact there are not many possiblities remaining, all I got left is some stuff such as


Most of them make not much sense, however may still deliver some potential for a viable solution (such as TASTE ASSORTED STREAMSIDE SARCINA, ME IS WHO R… .. … SO TASTE ASSORTED). Actually none of those makes sense yet.

That leads me to the conclusion that, if no other solution will show up, there is a name inside the celebrity cipher. Indeed the last part of the cipher could repeat this name with the text ‘MY NAME IS ….. .I…..E’. A favorised solution such as SO IF YOU WANT..MY NAME IS would actually not work as of the difference of the two bold letters.

Other partial solutions that would actually work quite well make not much sense, such as




which sort of supports the idea of a name being present in the cipher (such as OAKLAND, however not leading to a solution either).

IMO the first part is a describing name of e.g. a location with four words, while the latter part of the cipher is rather a Z like expression of what someone should do. Such as:


but does this example actually not match the cipher at all. It could also describe some place combining a name and a place, such as


or similar, with this example not matching the cipher either. What I do suggest, after having ruled out most if not all possibilities of the potential cipher solutions (based on all known 10-letter-words), is that the first four words in fact may describe a name in combination with a location or a as I would describe it ‘superordinate’ word (such as e.g. NEWSPAPER or MAGAZINE or CINEMA).

So the main thought is that either the second or the third word imo represents a superordinate word such as MOUNTAIN (which does not lead to any solutions). So if you got some other ideas of such superordinate words that can be connected with other names or locations I’d be interested in.



Posted : November 11, 2013 5:41 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Did this one a while back. A nice little anagram of "Unlikely I am Zodiac" wasn’t it? I think so…..

Posted : November 11, 2013 8:02 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Did this one a while back. A nice little anagram of "Unlikely I am Zodiac" wasn’t it? I think so…..

Well, anagram of what? It’s not written in alphabet letters, so I guess many anagrams become possible..



Posted : November 11, 2013 11:22 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

QT – "alphabet letters"?

I believe the above (it ain’t far to scroll) suggests that the words are broken up quite nicely: spaced.
The implication is that there’s a seven letter work there then, too, which includes IKU and E.
I think having failed to find a word that fit sensibly, having monkeyed with anagram.com and other places, "unlikely" seemed to fit; an anagram.
It also seemed to fit, this idea that the missing words were anagrammed, or could be. (I bloody hate anagrams, personally).
Hence "It’s unlikely my name is Zodiac". Or something like it. (Frankly, I can’t be bothered to go look, since as far as I’m concerned the source of this "cipher" ain’t likely to be our boy, and the bearing it has on "the case" is also likely to be zero, IMO.)
That half-remembered opinion ain’t definitive though – nothing is. This ones about opinion – that’s it.
If you happen to like ‘Nudie Filmsets insensible dustbin, so is the sado life of neos in nudie filmsets" better, don’t think I’ll give you a hard time. Enjoy!

Posted : November 12, 2013 2:32 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

I was asked by a member (thanks for forwarding the mail, however it did not include a name..) how I got the 13th of September 1980 as a postage of the Celebrity cipher card? Can’t remember and when looking closer at it

it rather seems to be 23rd or 25th of September 1980. Did correct it in Zodiachronology, as long as there are no better ideas about it.



Posted : November 22, 2013 3:30 pm
Posts: 69
Trusted Member

Thank you, Quicktrader. I asked you for that.

Posted : December 16, 2013 4:18 am
Posts: 101
Estimable Member

This is probably nothing, but
‘On 21 February 1734, Oglethorpe established the first Masonic Lodge within the British Colony of Georgia.[9] Now known as Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M. it is the "Oldest Continuously Operating English Constituted Lodge of Freemasons in the Western Hemisphere".’ (Wiki)

Posted : May 28, 2015 9:46 am
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

Probably nothing… but I found a woman who’s name, Naomi Yielding, more or less fit the cipher, and she died ca 3 months after
the Celeb Cipher was postmarked.
The problem is; she was born and died in Arkansas.
She was only 34 years old.
I have tried to find info on how she died but have found nothing.
I have not even been able to locate a death or any other records for that matter, only found a bit info at Ancestry "Public Member Trees results"

Naomi Frances Yielding
Birth: 07 Sep 1946
Death: 17 Dec 1980 – Arkansas

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : May 28, 2015 2:17 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin
Topic starter

I may be wrong but I seem to recall that Doranchak may have solved this??? Also, I also believe Lyndon Lafferty is the person that brought this to public attention

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 28, 2015 2:39 pm
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

Wasn’t me. Glurk has a partial solution here:

http://www.zodiackillerfacts.com/forum/ … ?f=11&t=83

I think the full solution is still unknown. Been a while since I looked at this.


Posted : May 28, 2015 5:20 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Lafferty proposed a solution to the celebrity cipher, IIRC.

Can’t remember the details, but if it was anything like his Z13 "solution" I think we can safely ignore it.

Posted : May 28, 2015 5:40 pm
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

Seagull had posted it here:

http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/reply/1 … ply-128675

But the image is broken. Here it is again:


Posted : May 28, 2015 5:51 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

^^And nope…the dates are not another coincidence. The date for Donna Lass’ disappearance is wrong so, there’s that.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : May 28, 2015 8:54 pm
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