I went up to Vallejo couple of years back with my daughter who also has an interest in the case. We went to both crime scenes and hung around for awhile to soak up the atmosphere. Next found Allens house on Tennesee St. and parked there checking things out. Finished by eating lunch at the I-Hop close to house. Want to get peoples thoughts on my take on this. So many interesting suspects and ideas guess that is why we stay interested.I can’t get by the fact that these two crimes occured so close to his house. Would take him about one hour tops to travel to scenes, commit crimes and be back home. Seems it would be a major coincedence if someone else chose to commit these so close to him. But who knows. Lots of stranger things have happened. Interested to hear others thoughts.
ALA, lived at 32 Fresno Street, off of Tennesse St. The house does have a basement & a bird of PARADIiSE in front, a window with an + on it.
A lot of people in Vallejo, still think it’s him!
If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote
You’re right about address. It was a few years so I had Tennesee st. stuck in my head but it was Fresno.
It’s weird a coincidence if that’s what it is, but then I suppose if you put that forward then everyone in that radius was within the same distance frame from the crimes, only difference being is that the police chose to pursue him instead. I’ve been reading everything on this case for a while now and even if pressed I’d be hard pushed to ‘stick my ore in the ground’ so to speak and name someone I’d put my money on,it’s infuriating even now; can’t imagine how frustrated detectives et al would have been at the time.
Why the sudden interest in ALA again?
Anyway the proximity of 32 Fresno to the phone at the corner of Tuolumne St. and Springs Rd.is noteworthy.
Being new to the site I was curious if others had any thoughts. I’m open and interested in all the theories and POI and their possible involvement. I guess this aspect of ALA’S location always made me wonder. There are so many possible suspects and most have a lot of interesting factors that seem to make them serious enough to be investigated closely. I really am looking forward to hearing about other POI’S that are new to me.
Being new to the site I was curious if others had any thoughts. I’m open and interested in all the theories and POI and their possible involvement. I guess this aspect of ALA’S location always made me wonder. There are so many possible suspects and most have a lot of interesting factors that seem to make them serious enough to be investigated closely. I really am looking forward to hearing about other POI’S that are new to me.charliemartin
Welcome to the site! Al’s hard to dismiss as the number1 suspect.
He had the watch for gosh sakes!:-)
Out of curiosity, anyone know how close George W. lived to Darlene? I don’t think ALA is really the only suspect who lived "close" to the crime scenes. There were definitely other suspects in Vallejo.
Also how about AlA’s proximity to Presidio? You find it strange that Zodiac would drive an hour to Vallejo, but isn’t that the same thing as Allen driving an hour down to SF?
duckking 2001
I don’t think it strange at all that reverse trip is possible.I am not sold on the fact that only Allen could have done this. I have always thought however that his location made him a strong candidate. Just trying to get other thoughts like yours about this subject. Also can you tell me who George W. is? I looked at books etc. and have not heard of him before.
Thanks, charliemartin
I’m sure his name is on here and I think it’s unredacted in the police reports online, but I’d rather not post his full name, since he was cleared as a suspect.
George was a guy who knew Darlene and used to hit on her at Terry’s. I think that Bobbie and her sisters told police about him and he was one of the first suspects considered. He’s called "Paul the bartender" in Graysmith’s book.
There were a couple other guys, David and Jeff I think, I can’t remember, the hunters from Lake Hermann Road, and Jimmy O. off the top of my head.
Nothing really solid, but I mean it depends on what you think makes a good suspect, all these guys being around the crime scenes and the vicims makes a better suspect for me than ALA, who really doesn’t have anything to do with it outside of hearsay from years later.
I went up to Vallejo couple of years back with my daughter who also has an interest in the case. We went to both crime scenes and hung around for awhile to soak up the atmosphere. Next found Allens house on Tennesee St. and parked there checking things out. Finished by eating lunch at the I-Hop close to house. Want to get peoples thoughts on my take on this. So many interesting suspects and ideas guess that is why we stay interested.I can’t get by the fact that these two crimes occured so close to his house. Would take him about one hour tops to travel to scenes, commit crimes and be back home. Seems it would be a major coincedence if someone else chose to commit these so close to him. But who knows. Lots of stranger things have happened. Interested to hear others thoughts.
The enter idea of ‘coincidence’ is clearly evident in almost any POI, which is part of what makes this case so frustrating. Not to mention, as so many people have discovered while trying to crack the ciphers, that working backwards can create an infinite amount of possibilities. Who knows who else was living right around ALA who could have been so low key as to fly under everyone’s radars at the time as to not arouse any suspicions. While I do think it’s almost impossible to dismiss ALA at this point, I also think focusing too much on proximity is dangerous.
Anyway, the trip sounds Ike a great trip and bonding experience. I hope to one day make it out to the west coast and visit some of the locations and soak in the history too.
I googled George W. and word Zodiac. Came up with picture, name and history. Like other POI he could be the one. I didn’t realize there were a few others in Vallejo under suspicion. I’m learning new things which was my goal with this post.
As my reply to duckking earlier I wasn’t aware of other POI in Vallejo. Yes it was a fun trip with my daughter up there. I was surprised she showed so much interest in going with me. It was really surreal to be right where crimes occurred and to sit out in front of Allens house. Hope you will be able one day to get to Vallejo also come to S.F. check out Wash. Cherry.
As my reply to duckking earlier I wasn’t aware of other POI in Vallejo. Yes it was a fun trip with my daughter up there. I was surprised she showed so much interest in going with me. It was really surreal to be right where crimes occurred and to sit out in front of Allens house. Hope you will be able one day to get to Vallejo also come to S.F. check out Wash. Cherry.
I didn’t mean to sound so upfront, and I’ll admit I didn’t read every post in this thread. I just find every part of this case so fascinating, and I don’t even hold a candle to the amount of time and effort that others on this thread have put into this case.
The possibility of ALA being in or around Riverside in 66′ and Lompac in 63′ is interesting as well. I’ve always said "he just was not the type" or "he was not smart enough to get away with it". However, there is always something in the back of my mind that made me think that Allen had some evil genius in him. This is why it is so difficult for me to dismiss him as a POI.