In this topic, I will make a compilation of a number of things in my research, I came to find around the "environment" of the Z. case
Analyzed, letters, codes, dates, location of crime scenes and more.
I do not intend to "unravel" the mystery more than 45 years with this.
My only goal, sincere, is to share what we have come to share in a little-known blog, unifying it with "a whole".
Many of the points here post have already been discussed, criticized and rejected, so I will be as transparent as possible, linking, so that each new topic repeated, some topics published in their trajectories and responses by reputable members of this site.
this theme is open to honest criticism, skepticism against argument or rhetoric, or simply be ignored.
I ask only one thing.
Respect and civility, the same way about each other.
This is described when we joined the site and this is a golden rule.
Remember, there are more important things than that, but the case because fascination, but the world, in our short existence and short life has other priorities, one of it’s know that we are nothing, know nothing and all we see is in part.
Marcelo Leandro
1 – The sequence EBEORIETEMETHHPITI was not created by me, it was drafted by the infamous Zodiac, I do not believe it was random, and there appears to be definite context.
2 – The breakdown method I have used, is to consider that the letters can be attributed a value from the number of times each letter is repeated in the sequence. For example, ask a student, how many times the letter E occurs within the sequence EBEORIETEMETHHPITI,??!! The students answer will be 5
3- There are 9 vowels and 9 consonants in the sequence, that is fact.
4 – Adding the values extracted by the above method produces a total of 52, that is fact
5 – Then place the vowels and consonants in two distinct rows in descending order .
6 – Using 52 as the "key" we then move forward in two stages, using the first 2 rows and 5 columns shown in the diagram below, add up the figures as demonstrated to pruduce 166776 .
7-Using the key "52" , proceed to multiply this with the figure 16776 to generate our new total 8672352.
8-The 8th letter of the alphabet is H, that is fact, and a cut joining the left part of the letter H with another cut in the number 8, is similar to the letter B (see below for explanation).
10 – The final result produces B672352, the number of the main suspects driving license, I can not say that he was the author, but it appeared without too much effort using simple mathematics.
11 – I do not have the time trying to convince anybody, for me this is just a hobby. My family and work, for me, are far more important than all of this, but lets hope one day they find out who committed these horrendous murders in the Zodiac case, although in all likelihood he is possibly dead, or too old to see justice done for the poor victims and their families. RIP. AND FINALLY, THIS IS JUST A THEORY
ps topic, in which there is any refutation the theory itself.:http://www.zodiackillersite.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=769&hilit=driver
The 340 trip
In another little trip, noted that by putting the letters (discarding symbols) the first line of Z340 in alphabetical order, working with the first five letters from an anagram, we build a harmonious way, by coincidence, the middle name the prime suspect.It should also be noted that the remaining letters (PRTV) are "equidistant" P (Q), R (S), T (U), V, Was all this mere coincidence, or a "key" for encryption, either numeric, whether the construction of the code or something else??!! I am, when I have time, working on it.
The Neon and Aluminum "Code"
On 13 October 1969, the infamous Z, Sent to the San Francisco Chronicle for a change in their usual follies
Watching the month and the day
10 and 13
As periodic table correspond to neon and aluminum, which are represented by "Ne and Al"
Becoming an "almost" anagram of the name of one of the suspects (ALLEN), add to this the fact that it has been observed by others, the renewal of the same driver’s license was also on that date (in 1967)
diagram below
dates of the crimes (the killer zodiac attributes to himself)
Updating this article, We have the dates of the crimes, that in fact the infamous Z assumed in order according to the day of the crime:
04,11,20 and 27
and obtain such information as pictures below
They say it is forced but wonder, how can I force it, or if I was born (I was born on July 5, 1973) determined that the subject was raised as a suspect, and that the suspect had been born on a specific date that appears so as "logical" ?? !!
What are the mathematical odds of so many "coincidences" that a certain person among thousands of people who lived in a certain place have been suspected and investigated "appear" in much of my work numerous times ?? !!
I do not believe in ultimate truth, but I think the least intriguing !!!
In this topic, I will make a compilation of a number of things in my research, I came to find around the "environment" of the Z. caseAnalyzed, letters, codes, dates, location of crime scenes and more.
I do not intend to "unravel" the mystery more than 45 years with this.My only goal, sincere, is to share what we have come to share in a little-known blog, unifying it with "a whole".
Many of the points here post have already been discussed, criticized and rejected, so I will be as transparent as possible, linking, so that each new topic repeated, some topics published in their trajectories and responses by reputable members of this site.
this theme is open to honest criticism, skepticism against argument or rhetoric, or simply be ignored.
I ask only one thing.
Respect and civility, the same way about each other.
This is described when we joined the site and this is a golden rule.first
Let me ask you an honest question. Did you start by trying to tie this to Allen, or did you come up with your involved methodology first, and then were surprised when it pointed at Allen? For example, converting the H into the B that’s needed for the solution – that seems manipulated.
Now, let me ask another question. How easy would it be to reverse engineer that code? In other words, create an alternate 18 that, using the exact same process, would produce: C408127.
If it can be done (without computers) then the next question would be, was Art smart enough to come up with something that involved?
Next question involving Allen would be, why would a sexual pervert not kill to gratify that desire? When serial killers are in control of a situation, they tend to do as they please. But, arguments against Allen being Z are elsewhere… I just think you’re manufacturing something with that 18 solution that would have been too hard for Allen to have come up with.
Let me ask you an honest question. Did you start by trying to tie this to Allen, or did you come up with your involved methodology first, and then were surprised when it pointed at Allen? For example, converting the H into the B that’s needed for the solution – that seems manipulated.
This first "theory" was born in 2003, when I had no access to usual way of internet,
My first look at this frequency was in a book by a Brazilian author (Ilana Casoy) on serial killers.
No reverse engineering, was a mistake.
Assigns letters value as described
And after that "played" with letters and numbers, trying to appear names, places etc.
On the final page of the book that I mentioned was a small photo of Allen’s driver’s license.
In the "game" that did, in fact the diagram below the main was the moment that I found something, that was it manually.
Believe me, at that time I had no idea that the Z killer existed, nor that it was so "worshiped"
Carrying on
I thought the sequence 8672352. and I was amazed !!!
I thought it was the 8 instead of b in the book, because the picture was and is small.
I showed it to some friends and found cool, I was skeptical, I thought to myself, "Americans may have seen it." One of the friends who had internet epoch sought and at the time, as I recall, there was only the zodiackiller.com.Ele site printed several things of the site and passed me, and I saw it was the letter B instead of 8, I was intrigued how could I find something and after that by a letter lose sense.
Let it all aside, some time later, I thought, if it’s a code combining letters and numbers, "why not an alphanumeric symbol" I saw that the H 8 and entered the fashion of the season together formed a B similar to a driver’s license.
I was strengthened and I started to observe everything that was given me.
Manuscrevi all (I have kept with me), but I saw no point in going forward and was unemployed at the time, was studying to try to go pro federal government, here we do contests and evidence for that.
So I spent in one of the competitions in the meantime I met my wife and had my beautiful son, but that the best thing in my life.
I grew economically, and keep my good job.
Sorry I talk about my life for it, but to contextualize, I began to have access to the net in 2005, but the Zodiac case stood aside in my life. One day going home to my mother found the old manuscripts, and I was curious and started the own research on Z in the internet.
I did not previously know of the existence Z340 !!!
I tried some contact with some people, some well-known members here, but I was treated with xenophobia and prejudice, asked about Brazilian women and whether they were "easy", they asked if I lived in some forest if I had monkeys etc, finally it made me very angry and discouraged .Desanimado not by my theory, but by the people who took care of it.
Later, there are four years met a website (zodiacciphers.com) and was received with respect by the administrator (Rich), not that he agrees with these my stuff, but the friendliness and respect me and my parents. I revived and created a blog and harm done to be honest.
Met zk of morph and noticed that at least on this site, there has never been an attack on my nationality or my people, only good arguments and where I learned many things about codes etc, I never bothered because the arguments against my theories were against my theories and not against my roots. Added to this the fact that contrary people were and are people of good feedback and very smart , and not my friends, at least respectful treatment,
Forgiveness, regarding Allen’s ability to mount it, really have no answer.
Just as I can not prove I’m right.
Wow, I have enlarged me too !!!
If you missed some answers already sent him in another post Mr Marshall
thanks for the question
Pardon ,
My first contact with EBEORI ETC ETC … sequence was in a book by John Douglas in conjunction with the book Ilana Casoy who had Allen’s driver’s license in one of the pages.
Marcelo, I wonder if you have read the article where a Sonoma County detective took Bryan Hartnell to Allen’s place of work to try to have Hartnell identify Allen as the man that stabbed him. Hartnell said that Allen was the wrong man.
The Graysmith story of Hartnell having been taken to the ACE Hardware in Vallejo is fiction. Hartnell was taken to an auto parts store in Petaluma where Allen worked at the time.
The entire article is here, it’s a one page pdf-
http://www.santarosahitchhikermurders.c … ubling.pdf
This is the paragraph where this is said which is towards the end of the article.
Now, let me ask another question. How easy would it be to reverse engineer that code? In other words, create an alternate 18 that, using the exact same process, would produce: C408127.
I really do not know if I can, I already tried to make (convert) the EBEORIETEMETEHHPITI in 04788125460 which is the number of my driver’s license and did not get success.
Marcelo, I wonder if you have read the article where a Sonoma County detective took Bryan Hartnell to Allen’s place of work to try to have Hartnell identify Allen as the man that stabbed him. Hartnell said that Allen was the wrong man.
The Graysmith story of Hartnell having been taken to the ACE Hardware in Vallejo is fiction. Hartnell was taken to an auto parts store in Petaluma where Allen worked at the time.
The entire article is here, it’s a one page pdf-
http://www.santarosahitchhikermurders.c … ubling.pdf
This is the paragraph where this is said which is towards the end of the article.
Pardon Mr Seagull
I had never read,
Usually I use online translator, and if this material is scanned it makes it very difficult, but if Mr. give me some time to read I’m looking now.
In case, if Leigh disposal as Z, I also agree, the DNA in 2002 already annihilates any idea I had, I repeat, I have no reason to insist on ALA. Are just things that I thought, why thought, I can not say.
Only I say that never forced solutions, ever.
Believe me, my indole prevents attitudes as well.
And who I am to question people who for years studied the case, both the focus of the facts as the focus of codes
I can only say that these things present are sincere, not wanna be the man who solved the case, and so just want to say.
I’m just sharing
Thank you
Marcelo há um serviço gratuito on-line que permitirá a você fazer upload de um artigo de jornal e traduzi-lo para texto em qualquer idioma. O português é oferecido! Isso pode tornar mais fácil para você ler o jornal artigos. Eu acho que você precisa ter o artigo em seu computador para carregá-lo. Aqui está o link-
Que legal!!! E aqui no site tem um monte de material pra ler que sempre deixei de lado
Não sei como lhe agradecer!!!
Obrigado Deb!!!
O seu bem-vindo!
Marclean, all of your methods are "coincidence generators". They are not real clues.
Here is an example based on how you found the birth date in the solution of the 408: