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Still just one suspect connected to Vallejo.

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Because what they had from the 1990’s was only a "partial " sample and not a "full" DNA sample. They need a full one to do like what was done in the DeAngelo case.

The partial that SFPD have was not taken from the 1978 letter, that letter was "thought" not to be from the Zodiac.

I am looking forward to the day when we are told "oops , that 78 letter really was a true Zodiac letter".

Even if it’s a full or partial dna sample, the zodiac correspondence it was found on is suspected of not being authentic zodiac. Which means we can’t be certain LE has any Zodiac dna, partial or full sample :/ What’s strange to me, is that dna was so easily found on 2 letters, but no other letters. Which for me at least, favors LE’s suspicion that those letters were not sent by the Zodiac. I mean they didn’t have DNA back then, but they did have saliva tests. And I believe the Zodiac killer was fully aware of this and did not lick the stamps or envelope flaps. I really do hope they find some viable dna though, afraid that’s the only way this case will be solved.

Edit: Forgot to ask, which letter is the partial they have from, and are there any official documents stating this as fact? I’ve only seen a report with cells found and dna found (found on 1978 letter).

Posted : January 11, 2019 2:48 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I am glad that you brought up the belief that the 78 letter was not real Zodiac letter.

I was looking for some other Zodiac information today and came across some more information about the 78 letter. It was first thought to be real, then the article came out about David Toschi possibly writing that letter. The same experts backed off of it being real, after some more time there were "four experts" who confirmed it to be a true Zodiac Letter.

It is my understanding that the "partial" DNA SFPD got back in the 90’s ,was from one of the first three envelopes sent by Zodiac and not the 78 letter.

Posted : January 11, 2019 6:12 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

TS is still wrong: https://zodiackiller.com/GykeLakeHerman.html

Posted : September 19, 2020 3:51 am
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

Watching the videos from the movie recently, the responding officer at Beryessa stated Ms. Shepherd told him that Zodiac had brown hair running down his forehead. Which goes well with Hartnell saying he could see the hair through the eyeholes. That doesn’t describe Allen.

Posted : September 20, 2020 4:54 pm
Posts: 133
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Watching the videos from the movie recently, the responding officer at Beryessa stated Ms. Shepherd told him that Zodiac had brown hair running down his forehead. Which goes well with Hartnell saying he could see the hair through the eyeholes. That doesn’t describe Allen.

I am still not 100% convinced Zodiac was the killer at LB.

Posted : December 25, 2020 2:30 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I am 100% convinced that there were two Zodiacs who were related somehow? One who preferred using a gun to the knife-wielding one at lake Berryessa. One is larger than the other. The larger one who prefers knives also likes to beat and strangle his victims. He is who I call Honcho who I took a picture of, the same man I got away from in Vallejo 1968.

Posted : December 25, 2020 10:13 pm
Posts: 144
Estimable Member

Watching the videos from the movie recently, the responding officer at Beryessa stated Ms. Shepherd told him that Zodiac had brown hair running down his forehead. Which goes well with Hartnell saying he could see the hair through the eyeholes. That doesn’t describe Allen.

The makeshift nature of the hood, and its apparent bulkiness, and the difficulty one would have in seeing hair through the eyelets + glasses, could indicate that a wig was worn by the attacker. If it was ALA, the wig would explain the portrait made based on the three girls’ testimony, and might even explain why he approached them from so close, as if wanting to be noticed, so that the wrong portrait would be made afterwards. The attacker, while wearing the wig, would have pulled the hood over their head, causing some of the wig’s hair to shift towards the eye. The portrait’s haircut shows hair long enough to reach the eyelet openings. It would be quite a pain to hold your hair in place while putting on a hood with one hand, most people would use both hands to put the hood on, giving less control on the hair, and in the end all that would matter to the attack is not having his eye sight hampered by the hair.

Posted : December 26, 2020 2:29 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

What makes you think he used only one hand to put on the hood? And why wear a wig under the hood as a disguise? Wigs can get warm but they do not cause the wig hair to drip with sweat! The real hair under the hood would soak up the sweat. The guy the girls described was not the overweight size of Art Allen! We don’t know for sure the man they saw was Zodiac? The car sure as heck was not the car that parked behind Hartnell’s car on Knoxville Rd.

Art Allen has been proven to not be the Zodiac!

Posted : December 26, 2020 11:03 am
Posts: 608
Honorable Member

In response to the OP, my POI was Mare Island Navy trained in submarines and also a reserve police officer. So that places him at times in Vallejo and Santa Rosa. He spent heaps of time in Eureka. He also has family between Santa Rosa and Lake Berryessa. They also had property next to Presideo Heights and Oceanside. His twin worked San Quentin as a prison guard.

www.zodiachalloweencard.com has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.

Posted : December 26, 2020 3:20 pm
Posts: 17
Eminent Member

agree the killer lived and or worked in Vallejo. what other suspect than Allen has such a close tie to Vallejo??

Someone unknown…IMO its a strong possibility the Zodiac had strong ties to Vallejo but lived nearby. Possibly Contra Costa County using the Benicia-Martinez Bridge to and from work.
That would have brought him close without drastically traveling out of his way daily from the first two crime locations. Concord/ Mt Diablo area for instance.

Posted : December 26, 2020 10:19 pm
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