Posted a long while back. This is a map that Sandy received. She would have to tell the story behind it. This map & its locations always brothered me, especially the Bryon area. Approximately 6 years ago, a guy that Sandy & I meant, had a strange story, it was about a a guy found dead in Bryon by farm workers on farm land. There was a Z drawn in the dirt. I tried to contact the person whom knew about this story- but too late, they are older & senile now. We searched for information on this strange story, no luck. Perhaps someone else can find a newsletter article or police report on it? Here’s a scan of the map that Sandy received & still has.
Thanks, Zam*
If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote
Thanks Zamantha, for showing what I call the killing map.I wish I would have been smart enough to write the dates I received all of the items that my suspect/suspects have left for me , unfortunately I can only guess the approximate dates.
Being that it doesn’t show the 12 murders in the late 80 through the 90’s in the Pittsburg /Antioch area that is believed to be Zodiac’s victims, my guess would be early to mid 80’s?
On a huge concrete wall around the corner of where I was living at that time, there were words written in huge red letters. The words were "7 in a row". At that time I assumed that meant the 7 that Zodiac had claimed in Northern Ca.? Looking at the killing map, he killed 7 in Antioch!
The 12 victims in the Pittsburg area are posted in another thread. One of those girls was a close friend of my eldest daughter, who was also stalked often by my suspect I call him Honcho aka Anthony.
The victims name was Andrea Ingersol, my daughter was with her the night she disappeared. She dropped Andrea off at the Bonfair Market in Pittsburg and when she went back to meet up with her a hour later , Andrea was gone.
Her killer phoned the police to tell them where to find her body and that he was the killer of all the other girls found in that area. He them told them he was thee Zodiac.It had been so many years sense anyone had heard from him, they did not believe the caller could be Zodiac.
I did my own investigation and found one girl named Louisa who escaped from his truck and told me that the picture I have of my Honcho suspect was the man who tried to kill her with a long knife! Sometime later he showed up in a white Jag and was dressed very nice, he had who I believe was his buddy RH with him. ( According the the description Louisa gave me.) They asked her to take a ride with them for $200.00 to the Vallejo /Napa area. She looked closely at the driver and knew he was the same man who she got away from. There is so much more to this , but you can read all of that on the thread about the victims. Perhaps my buddy Zamantha has that link?
Sandy, I’m reading your story right now and this is amazingly disturbing. So the Zodiac may not have been one single person, that would make so much sense.
Claypooles, It could also be the reason why there is so much confusion as to what he looked like? The Lake B killer weighed more and was taller than the smaller man seen on Jackson st two weeks later.
Pam Hoffsass who did the DNA testing on the gloves I had mentioned to her yrs ago, said she found "two" male DNA inside of those gloves!
Proving number one , that they did not belong to a female and second that the gloves were worn by "two men" and that one of those DNA’s belonged to the killer of Paul Stine.
There have been others in LE who believe there could have been two.
Those gloves were a size 7 , the watch found at Riverside which was also a size 7 wristband.
I have no idea if a size 7 wrist band and a size 7 glove could be correlated? If so, then that could be a huge connection to Cheri Jo’s case!
Thanks, But I can’t blame them, because I know that my story is over the top hard to believe, it sounds way too good to be true, especially after so many people like Debra Perez and Dennis Kaufman said about their suspect. (Shame on all of them for ruining the chance for someone with real evidence to be ignored! )
I keep telling my story over and over ,with the hope that one day a detective who is working the case will see it and give me a polygraph, to see I am not making any of this up! Then check my evidence and test what I have for a DNA match to what we have of the Zodiac’s. Even check the DNA on that watch or the blood on the dictionary.Cecelia was O neg. Bryan is AB positive, both are rare types.
I have had two handwriting experts say that the letter with the line about Graysmith at the top is for sure written by Zodiac. One handwriting expert from Oakland PD ( I think his name was John Even’s?) he said that letter was too much like the Zodiac’s to be from him???? Where did he get he get his license ,out of a Cracker Jack box?
Sandy, for as much time as you have spent on the Zodiac case, I can’t understand why you haven’t already made arrangements with your ex to get those boxes and start going through them yourself! For one thing, that bib would be extraordinary evidence as would likely have blood splatters of one or both victims and for another, you could take the precaution of wearing gloves as you looked for it. Is your ex doing that?
But mostly – you could get it done now!
It would be like if I was pretty sure there was a bar of gold in my back yard, and I had plenty of time to discuss it, but for some reason, I just didn’t
feel like going and looking for it. In your case, you know exactly where to look.
Find the bib and if it has blood splatters on it, I’ll chip in a couple hundred dollars towards DNA analysis myself, and I mean that sincerely. If the blood matches either or both victims, then you may be responsible for breaking this case wide open. Then write the book that will certainly be a best-seller and pay off your mortgage. Isn’t that enough incentive to get those boxes and go through them yourself, and soon?
Posted a long while back. This is a map that Sandy received.
If that is the actual "killing map" that sandy received then the writing may be Zodiac’s? Do you or sandy has a better resolution example of this?
Here is my attempt to increase the resolution a bit.
Marshall, It isn’t like I haven’t begged my ex to let me go to his new home and help him go through the boxes. When he first told me he saw my boxes at his mothers home, I told him to call me when he was moving from her home and I would go there to help him move and collect my boxes. I knew I would need my old truck to work and bought a new radiator for it, had it fixed and ready to go as soon as I got the call that he was at his mothers getting ready to move.
That call never came, he went there with his brother and they both loaded up most of the boxes they felt should be kept and left many behind.
I asked him if he may have left mine behind, he said he was sure he brought them with him.
He told me the boxes where sky high and filled both his garage and his huge shed, with over a hundred boxes.
He was overwhelmed by that move and kicked back for a while, then his 20 X 34 shed had caught on fire during that summer and had to be investigated by the fire department. ( I wondered if my stalker did it to get rid of the evidence?) It was started by fuel oil some rags and fertilizer , a lot like what Zodiac had written he would use. He had to rebuild the shed after the old burnt shed was removed.
The ex’s pool that came with his home was cracked and needed fixing. All of that has taken a lot of time and was more of a priority to him than a bunch of old boxes, even the one box that could solve a 50 yr old case! I offered to help him again this past week, when he called to ask me about my cancer and how I was doing? I am weak from the operation, but would still go and help him if he would allow it.
He is remarried , so it could be that his wife would rather I don’t go there to help. Believe me I want to get that costume more than you can imagine. I was told I should threaten him with the idea that he is withholding evidence! That would be stupid and would cause him get rid of my boxes. All I can do is wait and believe me it hasn’t been easy. There were spots on that bib that looked like mud to me at that time, now I know that had to be blood. Even if I washed it before packing it, there would still be DNA on it. More than likely the blood drops on the dictionary that" I have" were the victims blood! We could start with that , if it is a combination of both of them , DNA can be separated . The envelopes that I have, one was sent before we knew about DNA, there is a good chance it came from the killer. If I can show some proof that this stalker is Zodiac, that is better than waiting for my ex to finish what he is doing and me getting the costume. At lease we could start with some of what I have now.
Its not about me solving the case and getting credit for it, or making money from a book. It is about stopping this killer and putting him away. He has not stopped killing like most want to believe.
Have you learned any more about your suspect who was arrested and jailed in Mexico?
Have you learned any more about your suspect who was arrested and jailed in Mexico?
I spoke to the police and the sheriff in the area where the female victim was brutally murdered and they looked as far back as 13 yrs, nothing. Then I am told she was murdered more like 20 yrs ago! ( I get information in tiny segments)
The police also told me that if he was arrested here in Calif. they would not be sending him to Mexico. The two people who told me about their aunt Maria being murdered by my suspect named Tony, had to be very confused or mistaken!
I spoke to my informant named Tommy and told him that his uncle and his sister told me that Tony was the killer of his aunt. He said no it was not him, or he would have killed him himself. (That case is still not solved.)
Tommy is now homeless , his home was caught on fire along with a series of other fires in that area. Tommy has a very bad memory due to having a stroke, so he said he has forgotten a lot about what my suspect told him. He did say that he knew that Tony beat his girl friend all the time. That he hasn’t seen Tony sense the fire which was two yrs ago. Tommy hasn’t been in that area for a long time to know if Tony was still there or not? He told me two weeks ago that he heard that Tony passed away, but he didn’t say when. He said it was Tony’s girlfriend who told him.
Keep in mind that Tommy spent a long time in prison, so how much can I believe? Tony could have told Tommy to tell me he died, so I will not be looking over my shoulder?
Yesterday was Vets day, that is one of the days that Tony will call or show up and he didn’t do either yesterday. I have looked at obituaries for any Anthony’s or Tony’s in the Contra Costa times for the past two years. I found two but neither were him either too old or too young. When I told that to Tommy he said to check Benicia, that Tony had lived and worked there before he moved to Antioch. My boyfriend will be here in a week from out of state, he will go with me to the area where Tommy would run into Tony.
He was seen shopping at the Bon Fair market and a sandwich shop. Someone there might know Tony’s last name? Tommy thought is could be Silva, Sousa or Martinez. I had a neighbor in Napa with the name Tony Souza on the same street where I lived in 1969. He worked at mare Island in Vallejo. I do not remember what he looked like.
If I can get Tony’s whole name, I can then see where he did live and when, to see if it lines up to any of the Zodiac crimes. I have looked for a Calif. death list on line , but didn’t find one. There is one at the library , but it is not updated! If anyone here knows where I can see a up to date Calif death list please let me know. Not everyone has a obituary, so I still don’t know if Tony died recently or not? I would like to find his girl friend, there could be some things he left behind that she still has?
Beacuse you mentioned Napa,
Ive been playing around with the 340 cipher and have found a nice recurring pattern
Ive solved a number of lines, and i fairly certain with the letters N,A,P,S,E,O,T
Giving me the following two lines:
"Zodiac address –
Evans avenue EAST NAPA." -Evans is a guess as the letter V could be a code letter
Of course the first thing i did was search for POI in napa and found your post
I can not tell whats written prior to this or the reason for the address, but am very confident thats what is written.
Edit: i know "east napa" isnt really a thing but im assuming its a postal adresss and "east" is added for whatever reason.
Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.
Beacuse you mentioned Napa,
Ive been playing around with the 340 cipher and have found a nice recurring pattern
Ive solved a number of lines, and i fairly certain with the letters N,A,P,S,E,O,TGiving me the following two lines:
"Zodiac address –
Evans avenue EAST NAPA." -Evans is a guess as the letter V could be a code letterOf course the first thing i did was search for POI in napa and found your post
I can not tell whats written prior to this or the reason for the address, but am very confident thats what is written.
Edit: i know "east napa" isnt really a thing but im assuming its a postal adresss and "east" is added for whatever reason.
Very interesting thank you for working on solving the codes. There was also a Evans St in Vallejo ,where Don Porter who knew Darlene lived with a room mate who very well could be Zodiac. I saw him a few times, he looked a lot like my Tony suspect. I wish I remembered that mans name! He was average height , barrel chested, stocky ,brown curly hair. (He loved playing the piano). Don’t remember if he wore glasses or not? But he did have a very odd voice and couldn’t yell without sounding like a screeching sound. I can still here him yelling at Don for mentioning the name Dee in front of me. If he hadn’t caused such a scene, I never would have remembered the name Dee. We were headed to Dee’s house or apt ,for Don to either drop something off or pick something up before going to San Francisco. Not sure if he had to go to someones home in San Francisco, but we ended up at the beach. That would have been 1968 -69.
I lived in east Napa, east if the Napa river.
The Zodiac’s logo was used for the letter D. I have been looking at the name Duarte because of a plate number I had of one of my suspects. Also knowing the Zodiac’s huge ego. I felt the letter D could be the first letter of his first or last name?
Could you please write it into Doranchak’s webtoy ( ) and make a screenshot? Thx
East evans avenue napa
Looks alot like the bomb diagrams location, adjacent to school and bus stop in correct location.
It wont let me add the letters in quicktrader.
The last 4 lines in my opinion are to be read in order of 11, 13, 15th, 16th.
These are the last for 4 lines to be read.
Are you ready to know (the) (destiny of my code /)
Zodiac address evans ave .east napa.
These are the only lines that read sequential for zodiac address , the part in brackets may not belong.
im revising what i have and will provided what i have when i can.
I hope Z burns extra hot in hell for this cipher.
Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.
With all respect, imo your solution is not correct. Even if you switch the lines, you otherwise were able to enter such stuff. And even if, with all those different homophones you can enter one part of a sentence easily but not complete e.g. one third of the cipher.
Don’t worry about that…the cipher is not only hard to crack but also not sure if it can be cracked without a quant computer at all. Currently trying to crack an ‘easy cheesy’ cipher compared to the Z340 (the Dorabella – there is a thread, too) and – although using a 4-5 step cracking process it takes hours to only compute 1/1000th of what could/should be done (in Python, not Excel or stuff like that).
My approach is to crack the Dorabella first, then (after six years) go for the Z340 again.
Napa, nevertheless, could still have been Z’s home town. Or Lafayette. Or Vallejo..
Cheers for saying it nicely QT and thank you sandy.
I took a shot in the dark with the rough pattern i had.
Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.