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So the original poster Anonymous_47, started this thread, but never replied to anyone’s posts?
Just curious.

If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : November 21, 2018 10:23 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

So the original poster Anonymous_47, started this thread, but never replied to anyone’s posts?
Just curious.

I am glad you mentioned this, I was wondering the same thing being the person seemed to really want the information.

Posted : November 21, 2018 11:11 am
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

So the original poster Anonymous_47, started this thread, but never replied to anyone’s posts?
Just curious.

I am glad you mentioned this, I was wondering the same thing being the person seemed to really want the information.

Well, I guess he/she got his/her answer. The question was, does a member here actually have the costume worn at LB and the answer given was basically, yes, but for the almost 50 years since the attack, it has been in a box, tantalizingly just out of reach, with no way to actually get it tested.

I asked if there isn’t some way to actually get to it and the reply was, no.

So…… what follow-up question could the original poster have?

Posted : November 21, 2018 6:32 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

So the original poster Anonymous_47, started this thread, but never replied to anyone’s posts?
Just curious.

I am glad you mentioned this, I was wondering the same thing being the person seemed to really want the information.

Well, I guess he/she got his/her answer. The question was, does a member here actually have the costume worn at LB and the answer given was basically, yes, but for the almost 50 years since the attack, it has been in a box, tantalizingly just out of reach, with no way to actually get it tested.

I asked if there isn’t some way to actually get to it and the reply was, no.

So…… what follow-up question could the original poster have?

I did not say no! I said I have to wait until my ex finds the one box that is among 100’s of his other boxes. He has informed me that he has started to go through his boxes and when he finds the ones that belong to me, he will call to let me know , I can then pick the boxes up.

Posted : November 26, 2018 12:48 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Regarding those boxes..

If there are hundreds of boxes, it might indeed be a lot of work to go through those to find any Z stuff. "If", because most times it is annoying to go even through dozens of boxes to find any stuff from your ex or another third party. Because of this, 30 boxes can quickly become ‘hundreds’.

However, I think we should have a closer look on this issue: First, the Z case is not about some lost ‘pans and pots’ but about multiple homicides. Therefore, such ‘stuff’ would in fact be evidence. With regard to Lake Berryessa, it is nearly the only Z evidence existing. There is not very much left in all Z (assumed) cases. A Timex watch, a car door, plenty of letters (still in the Chronicle’s archives, too, possibly) and some shell casings.

While simply keeping such stuff is actually not tempering but spoliation of evidence, negligent behaviour regarding that can result in penalties due to either federal law or California Evidence Code. This, of course, is not the main issue but can a case – also a murder case – actually be dismissed due to such circumstances (Brady vs. Maryland, 1963; Gonzalez vs. Wong, 2011; https://www.greghillassociates.com/murd … dence.html).

Z’s case, if ever caught, could be dismissed for such a simple reason (e.g. with his lawyer stating the mask/poncho would prove that his client was not the killer of Cecilia Shepard, thus also not the Z killer in other cases).

The mask (or poncho, I think the mask was thrown away) could also provide interesting details such as hair of Z (color, DNA).

Back to the boxes, there seem to be two possibilities: Either the current possessor has the possibility to go through the boxes or he cannot. But things won’t get better..people get older, more tired dealing with such stuff, eventually even get into a condition in which they ‘never’ go through those boxes again. Eventually, the boxes are sold to people who pick out the top 5 valuable objects with the rest rather sooner than later being thrown away. This again explains, why California had created its Evidence Code (covering spoliation, too).

There could be a more simple way to solve this ‘problem’. As those things presumably belong to you Sandy (or actually Z..), you also have the right to demand the boxes back. Regardless if your ex likes this idea or not.

But there is also an advantage for him: Cleaning up his storage, less storage costs, finding other stuff in the boxes, selling or throwing away useless stuff etc. He should be aware, however, what you are actually looking for (e.g. the poncho, the ammunition box, the heart necklace etc.), otherwise he might accidentially dispose it. The poncho, most likely, in a box would look like an old black rag with some white symbol on it..

To get away from what I call ‘mambo jambo’, I think you should write him that

a.) you’d like to get your boxes back until e.g. 31st of January 2019
b.) that there might be relevant evidence inside one of your boxes
c.) what this evidence consists of.

Also, that you are thankful for him looking through the boxes to find your stuff, that you hope he might also have advantages from checking through his boxes and that he please handles this with care (e.g. calling you immediately when the specific box is found). Previous, because I am not sure that your ex is aware about the importance of such evidence (if existing). Also he can prevent any wrongdoing for himself regarding the currently enduring spoliation of evidence.

Not sure if that will help (it actually should..) but I always like it when people clean up their mess, especially if he or she is an ex ;). Also, I don’t see any other solution to protect such potential evidence from being thrown away?



Posted : November 26, 2018 9:51 am
Posts: 25
Eminent Member

Wow this is interesting. I really hope that you get your boxes soon. Cant wait to hear more

Posted : November 26, 2018 5:59 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Wow this is interesting. I really hope that you get your boxes soon. Cant wait to hear more

Thank you, My ex recognized my boxes, because he knew I had boxes of material saved. The black poncho is buried among other material, my ex is not going though what is in my boxes, so I don’t have to worry about his DNA getting on the poncho. I told him it wouldn’t be wise to touch it and get his DNA on it, that could cause him to be a suspect.

The victims DNA will still be on the poncho ,proving that it once was worn by Zodiac.

Posted : November 27, 2018 10:27 am
Posts: 25
Eminent Member

But im quite sure police thinks that this is just a joke right? I do believe you but if they are not willing to take DNA samples, im ready to give a bit of money to get the DNA tested. This is so bizarre right now that im getting very very exited.

Posted : November 27, 2018 4:33 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

I think we all should remain calm until Sandy gets her goodies.

Posted : November 27, 2018 9:02 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Thank you, I have hope that my ex will continue to get on with checking for my boxes. He moves "very slowly" unfortunately. I have offered to help and to pay him to find my boxes, to no avail. This is not an excuse, it is just the way that it is. The word "frustration" doesn’t come close to how I feel having to wait so long and nothing so far.

I probably shouldn’t have posted about it until I received it, but I was overly excited when I got the news and wanted to share that excitement with everyone. It gave us new hope that we could finally see some light at the end of the tunnel and get the case solved at last! ( I still have that hope)

There are other things that were left in the car that day that could prove it was left by Zodiac, but Law enforcement said they are only interested in seeing the costume.

Posted : November 29, 2018 10:03 pm
Posts: 25
Eminent Member

No rush, i understant your frustration.

Posted : November 30, 2018 2:24 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Good luck with that.

The cops have been hoping to have a word with the guy who has that costume – for the last 49 years!

Twice today you made me laugh. Thank you. :lol:

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : January 1, 2019 11:11 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I am sorry but I don’t find your stupid comment funny at all!

First of all I did not know what I had until 1987 and the police didn’t know I had it either.

They were not looking for the person who had it. Try doing something constructive instead of making fun of someone who actually is trying to solve the case.

Posted : January 2, 2019 1:15 am
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

I am sorry but I don’t find your stupid comment funny at all!

First of all I did not know what I had until 1987 and the police didn’t know I had it either.

They were not looking for the person who had it. Try doing something constructive instead of making fun of someone who actually is trying to solve the case.

I continue to try to understand this. Sandy, didn’t you give a report to the Vallejo PD on a Zodiac related matter back in 1970? And now, if I understand the above, you are saying it wasn’t until 17 years later that you finally connected the hood and bib placed in your car with Zodiac and his trademark symbol?

I would think most people who lived in that area at that time must have seen the sketch of LB Zodiac in his hooded outfit many, many times, but especially people interested enough in the case as to be coming forth to make police statements specifically regarding Z.

But the hood and bib, with the iconic Zodiac emblem, didn’t ring the proverbial bell for you until 17 years later? Or the missing clothesline (ordinarily a pretty insignificant event, but when you did connect the dots, all those years later, you were certain it had been taken just prior to the LB attack…)

What am I missing? It doesn’t seem to make logical sense.

Posted : January 2, 2019 6:40 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

You are missing a lot, because you think that there was a drawing of that costume in the Napa newspaper? It was not shown in any paper that I have ever seen. The very first time that I saw a drawing of what I had found in my car, was when I saw it the Zodiac by Graysmith. That was 1987 -88. I phoned Graysmith and thanked him for doing that drawing and possibly saving my life.

A very poor decryption of the costume was put in the Napa paper "after" I found it, but it was a very poor description and not anything at all like what the real costume looked liked.
As I have said many times , I thought what I found was a early Halloween costume. There was no reason at that time for me to think that the killer put his costume in my car,or that the killer stole my clothesline!

When I went to talk to George Bowart at VPD I still didn’t know what I had found, so there wasn’t anything I had to say to him about it. Even dating Buzz for those years after, I never mentioned it to Buzz, because I didn’t have a clue what I had. Had I known back then, this case would have been solved long ago.

If your mission is to discredit me, do some checking and read what the Napa paper wrote after the stabbings. Prove me wrong if you think I am making this up. It should be easy if you say that there was a drawing that I had to see in a paper. It was described as a hooded sweater and another story was it was like a ski mask. Those papers are on line, so you don’t need to drive to Napa to see that I am telling the truth.

Even today there is not a good description in any paper or on line. Most of the drawings now show a lumpy hood , the real one was not lumpy, it was straight with a flat four corner top just like a paper sack. Not made of cotton, it may have looked like cotton to the victim, but it wasn’t, it was paper. If I was actually making this up, don’t you think I would go along with the description that was given?

I want the truth to be told, not muddy it up more than it is already.

Posted : January 2, 2019 7:31 am
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