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Anyone know if EAR/…
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Anyone know if EAR/ONS DNA was matched to Z's?

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I read that LE has DNA from EAR/ONS. Does anyone know if they compared it to Z’s?

Posted : January 26, 2014 7:30 am
Posts: 628
Honorable Member

Almost positive that they did not. As far as I know the only person confirmed to have been compared against the Zodiac DNA is ALA.

Posted : January 26, 2014 7:39 am
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Thank you.

Now, the next question has to be, "Why not?" Does LE have reason to believe EAR/ONS is not Z, or did LE just "not get a round tuit" yet?

Posted : January 26, 2014 9:00 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

after giving him evidence showing the possible link between Zodiac and ear/ons, Inv. Larry Montgomery of the OCDA asked SFPD for the Zodiac DNA to compare it to earons DNA. He was told there is nothing SFPD has confidence in as Zodiac DNA. He was told statements made by a lab person on ABC were not accurate.

This whole saga is recounted some where on another thread.


Posted : January 26, 2014 5:32 pm
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Thank you. I’m glad SFPD isn’t going with DNA on the rope that is undoubtedly contaminated by everyone who touched it since Z. Also, the DNA on the stamps don’t have to be from Z. If someone else touched them, their DNA is on them

Posted : January 28, 2014 2:31 am
Posts: 3583
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Also, the DNA on the stamps don’t have to be from Z. If someone else touched them, their DNA is on them

I think they tested for DNA from the gum under the stamps in an attempt to avoid getting contamination from touch DNA.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : January 28, 2014 2:57 am
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Wouldn’t skin cells stick to the gum, if someone touched the back of the stamp?

Posted : January 28, 2014 3:10 am
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after giving him evidence showing the possible link between Zodiac and ear/ons, Inv. Larry Montgomery of the OCDA asked SFPD for the Zodiac DNA to compare it to earons DNA. He was told there is nothing SFPD has confidence in as Zodiac DNA. He was told statements made by a lab person on ABC were not accurate.

This whole saga is recounted some where on another thread.

Then, ALA wasn’t ruled out via DNA?

Posted : January 28, 2014 3:12 am
Posts: 628
Honorable Member

It’s a cluster *…

Various SFPD people are all over the place on whether the DNA is "good", whether it’s contaminated, etc. The fact is that SFPD developed a DNA profile from sources in the Zodiac letter)s), but it’s only a partial so it is not eligible for entry into CODIS.

"Ruled out" is apparently subjective. If you don’t think the DNA compared against Allen’s was Zodiacs, then I guess to you he hasn’t been ruled out. Based on the testimony of SFPD he has been ruled out, in the sense that they agreed with those results and are not continuing to investigate him as a suspect. Since there is no other Zodiac DNA it’s a moot point whether or not Allen would be compared against it.

Posted : January 28, 2014 4:47 am
Posts: 69
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It’s a cluster *…

Various SFPD people are all over the place on whether the DNA is "good", whether it’s contaminated, etc. The fact is that SFPD developed a DNA profile from sources in the Zodiac letter)s), but it’s only a partial so it is not eligible for entry into CODIS.

"Ruled out" is apparently subjective. If you don’t think the DNA compared against Allen’s was Zodiacs, then I guess to you he hasn’t been ruled out. Based on the testimony of SFPD he has been ruled out, in the sense that they agreed with those results and are not continuing to investigate him as a suspect. Since there is no other Zodiac DNA it’s a moot point whether or not Allen would be compared against it.

Wow. It sounds like they don’t have anything and this guy is gonna skate.

Posted : January 29, 2014 9:30 am