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Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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This is a request to anyone who may be able to find a specific person living in a specific place in 1968. Brief Details…

Shortly after the murders of David Faraday & Betty-Lou Jensen on Dec 20, 1968 James Owen stopped his vehicle while passing the crime scene to tell police that he’d seen two vehicles parked at that location the night before. Mr Owen was subsequently interviewed on more than one occasion (as a witness) and in one of these interviews he suggested that police may wish to speak with one of his colleagues who he said was on graveyard shift the previous night like himself and that this person drives to work each day/night and would have passed the crime scene. The police don’t bother following up on this lead and instead request that Owen ask his colleague himself and report back to them with any news. In a subsequent interview Owen is on record informing the police that after conversing with his work colleague, he states that his colleague stated that he did not drive to work via that route the previous evening.

Anyway, the name Owen gives is redacted in the police report but Morf has a copy of this page with the name un-redacted so this is the man I wish to find more details about. All that is known is as follows.

Name: Prentis. (Could be a misspelling and it may actually be Prentiss or Prentice)
Lived: Apartments at the end of Springs Road, Vallejo.

If anyone is able to help to locate this persons details and point me toward a link then I would really appreciate it. :-)

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : March 31, 2014 9:38 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Be careful, name could be totally misspelled, as the police have done time & again in these reports. By the way, nothing like allowing a witness,and possible suspect in the case, to question other possible witnesses, seems like real solid police work :roll:

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : April 1, 2014 5:46 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

I gave you a list of similar last names that were listed in the 1970 Solano county directory, do you still have thise names? If so, maybe I can look some up. If not, I will dig them back up.

Could be actually spelled, PRENTIS,PRENTISS,PRENTICE,PRENTASS,PRENTICE,a handful of ways, and not having a 1st name makes it really hard.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : April 1, 2014 5:49 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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Yeah I know Morf and I’ve tried to find this person by entering various combinations of his name, ie, Prentise, Prestis, Prentiss, Pretence etc on Spring Road but just can’t find him.

And yes, I completely agree, fantastic investigative prowess shown on the part of Lundblad and Co. Why bother interviewing possible witnesses/suspects yourself as a highly ranked Law Officer? Just get one witness to interrogate the other and thus, more time available for a doughnut and Coffee.

To be fair Morf, this is the one and only instance I have ever come across this kind of incompetence of asking a citizen to interview a witness on your behalf.

What happened with Lundblad after, I heard somewhere that he was suddenly taken off the Lake Herman Case for reasons unknown.

Made me wonder if Geysmith’s 340 deciphering effort was accurate in that he claims the text read "Cops shall Meet Killer, Ask Lundblad"

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 1, 2014 11:07 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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But then hasn’t this case and those who investigated it ever struck you as past the point of simple incompetence? I mean you have

Dave Collins, Napa Sheriffs Office takes a statement from Cecelia Sheppard at Lake B before she’s taken away and subsequently passes away and Cecelia geives Dave a detailed description of the man and his face BEFORE he donned the hood behind the tree. Cecelia told him she watched him (Zodiac) walk all the way down the hillside to the tree and saw his face. Of course Sheriff Collins never reported this, and when he was asked in 2008: "Why doesn’t anybody know that she saw his face?" Super Sheriff Dave replied (while laughing) "You know, I didn’t think it was important at the time."
I almost had to rewind the documentary when I first saw it asking myself "Did he really just say what I think he did?"

Then we have SFPD Patol Officers patrolling the upscale Richmond District in Sa Francisco who, all you need do to confuse them enough to go away, is walk up some steps and their suspicion will be instantly quashed. Don, Like ou friend Dave above, waited over 40 years to tell us that he too had decided to not bother mentioning that the suspect he saw had actually turned into a house pathway.

I mean between Super Sherriff Dave and Passive passing Patolman Fouke, we could have a detailed description of what he looks like from one, and his home address from the other. But between them both, they believe that when searching for a homicide suspect, it is simply not important to know what the suspect looks like, nor where he may reside.

And that’s not to mention the City employing Emergency Dispatch Operators who get those two word confused that sound so similar, Black and White.

Caller "Theres a man robbing a cab driver at W & C st, he’s a white man"

"Dispatcher to Local Units: All units, all available units, we have a robbery assault in progress at W & C in Pacific Heights. Suspect is described as being a Black Male, 5 ’10"

Fouke and the other 10 PD vehicles dash to the scene and pass Zodiac on their way, he is white so can’t be him. Homicidal Lunatic even took time to have a chat with an officer that night…

"Nice evening Officer…..Ignore my blood soaked clothing….Uhhhh, I work in a butchers. There’s a man running up there with a gun, Bye bye Officers."

And people big up Zodiac for avoiding capture as some master criminal? If your being investigated by Barry & Paul Chuckle *To me, To you* then Zodiac could have stood in the middle of Jackson Street with Police approaching like this….. (and still be allowed to walk away)

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 1, 2014 11:46 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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I believe Officer Pelissetti may mistake the man above for a dog walker, easy mistake to make as we all know. Only yesterday I took my dog over the park and was running around with him for an hour before I realised I didn’t have a dog. Easy mistake to make.


"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 1, 2014 11:50 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

I have a 1968-69 Vallejo Polk’s Directory and there are no Prentiss’s listed. The only name that starts with P-r-e-n-t is Prenton. I also looked in the back of the directory at the streets, I can see that there were a few apartments at the end of Springs. No Prentiss there, nothing close to it. There were some vacant apartments though.

I also looked at Ancestry and was able to find one fellow with the last name of Prentiss but he was born in 1948. Presumably he lived with his parents though I couldn’t find out what his father’s name might have been. That Prentiss had a child in Solano County in 1970. Sorry I couldn’t have been more help.


Posted : April 2, 2014 3:15 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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I have a 1968-69 Vallejo Polk’s Directory and there are no Prentiss’s listed. The only name that starts with P-r-e-n-t is Prenton. I also looked in the back of the directory at the streets, I can see that there were a few apartments at the end of Springs. No Prentiss there, nothing close to it. There were some vacant apartments though.

I also looked at Ancestry and was able to find one fellow with the last name of Prentiss but he was born in 1948. Presumably he lived with his parents though I couldn’t find out what his father’s name might have been. That Prentiss had a child in Solano County in 1970. Sorry I couldn’t have been more help.

I thought he would have been more Owens ago, no real evidence for that idea thought, just assumed it. While the colleague Owen refers to may have been a 20 year old young man, I cant see it. What about going down the avenue of obtaining former employees names from Humble Oil? I don’t know if there’s any way this can be done without violating date protection? I mean not SSI, Employee Number, anything like that, just a list of employees from the latter part of 1968?

"Sorry I couldn’t have been more help"

No need to apologise Deb, I appreciate very much just the fact you tried. :-)

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 2, 2014 8:50 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

I figured Prentiss would have been older, too, that’s why I tried to find the younger Prentiss’s father’s first name.

I don’t know where you’d find a list of employees. I did look to see if there may have been an employee reunion but didn’t find one.


Posted : April 2, 2014 9:07 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member
Topic starter

Tell you what I did come across earlier though, Mr Qvale was very pally with a certain ‘R. Hansen’ who both shared a passion for racing.

That’s the thing about this case that’s fairly frustrating, so many little things attached to each suspect that all look interesting and gives that suspect more credence and the fact is, they can’t all be Zodiac. Well, not likely lol.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 2, 2014 9:09 am