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Bruce Davis, Scientology and Zodiac

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I found a discussion at a forum geared for ex-Scientology members that says Scientology was behind the Zodiac killings with Bruce Davis being involved because of his Scientology connections.

http://www.forum.exscn.net/showthread.p … -Killings!!


Posted : April 5, 2013 8:37 pm
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

Page 2 on from a special intell report to Mary Sue Ron Hubbard’s wife who was second in command of Scientology has vanished.

Posted : April 5, 2013 11:47 pm
Posts: 19
Active Member

I found a discussion at a forum geared for ex-Scientology members that says Scientology was behind the Zodiac killings with Bruce Davis being involved because of his Scientology connections.

http://www.forum.exscn.net/showthread.p … -Killings!!

That is a very interesting link Seagull. I would have to agree with the poster. Thanks for posting that Seagull. Unless Scientology got to you since you posted that a year ago, you are legit as far as I’m concerned and one hell of a damn good investigator. I apologize for ever doubting your integrity. Keep up the good work.

Posted : April 11, 2014 9:17 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

For those interested in Bruce Davis and possible Manson family and/or other cult connections to the Zodiac case, Darla Jones has posted in Zodiac Theories about the Process Church and Morse Myths influence on Zodiac here: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=2202

The Process Church had definite influence and connections to Manson, as shown by prosecutor Bugliosi in his famous book Helter Skelter.


Posted : February 17, 2015 7:39 am
Posts: 185
Estimable Member

For those interested in Bruce Davis and possible Manson family and/or other cult connections to the Zodiac case, Darla Jones has posted in Zodiac Theories about the Process Church and Morse Myths influence on Zodiac here: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=2202

The Process Church had definite influence and connections to Manson, as shown by prosecutor Bugliosi in his famous book Helter Skelter.

The connections to the Process are tenuous at best- Charlie was fond of claiming that he was "in" with a lot of people. About the only one he was truthful about was Dennis Wilson.

I have read everything over the years that I could find about the Process, including the books written by their head, De Grimston. The Process were VERY keen on presenting themselves as sinister- the whole German Shepards-and-black-cape number they liked to trot out- it got them converts. They were in no way as sinister as the Children of God, Scientology or the OTO. The Process were portrayed as spooky and have been dragged into all sorts of hoohah over the years, including the Son of Sam. I would not count Maury Terry’s words for anything in this. Any man who believed in a satanic conspiracy in the 80’s is pretty much clueless in my opinion. But he helped to paint the Process as this vast sinister network, when really, their actual philosophy wasn’t nearly as spooky as Crowley’s. There is far more evidence of the OTO operating in Los Angeles at that time, than there ever has been for the Process being involved in the killings. Their overall countenance was certainly memorable and sparked all sorts of rumors, and during the later part of the hippie movement the Process was known in London, Sf and NYC mostly, and if you read as many music bios from famous people from that time many mention seeing the Process out selling their newspapers. They cut a glamorous figure, but if you read deeply into them you find out they were simply a sort of human potential cult, who undoubtably took alot of money from their followers and were nefarious in the ways cults always are. But their reach was NEVER what Bugliosi or Ed Sanders (who wrote "the Family" and was later sued by the Process for defamation, I think it was) made it out to be- I don’t think Bugliosi took that angle seriously at all. He certainly mentioned it, but any connections between Manson and the Process are in Manson’s (and some journalists) imaginations.

Posted : June 15, 2015 1:25 pm