Possible reasons for hair length discrepancy:
1) Z got hair cut between LB and PH killings
2) Some witnesses were mistaken
3) There was more than one killer
…More than one killer? But what about the letters…..?
What about them?
Don’t the letters tie all the crimes together and prove that they were committed by one person?
Don’t the letters tie all the crimes together and prove that they were committed by one person?
‘Prove’ is a tricky word.
What does it mean?
* Sigh *
verb: prove; 3rd person present: proves; past tense: proved; gerund or present participle: proving; past participle: proven
1. demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or argument.
"the concept is difficult to prove"
demonstrate, show, show beyond doubt, show to be true, manifest, produce/submit proof, produce/submit evidence, establish evidence, evince, witness to, give substance to, determine, demonstrate the truth of, substantiate, corroborate, verify, ratify, validate, authenticate, attest, certify, document, bear out, confirm "even this argument would not prove that everyone benefits from the reform"
2. demonstrate to be the specified thing by evidence or argument.
"if they are proved guilty we won’t trade with them"
Other definitions available here:
http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/defin … lish/prove
1. demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or argument.
Oh, thanks.
What was the evidence or argument you were referring to?
Read my post – see if that helps.
Read my post – see if that helps.
I just did a little work (wheeze, wheeze) to try to find which post you are referring to but didn’t see it.
Unfortunately, I am a little blind and a lot stupid, so perhaps you could remind me which post you are referring to.
P.S.: Smithy, I am not trying to be snarky, here. I remain a Smithy fan, as always. Just looking for specifics.
‘Statler & Waldorf’ or ‘Shut up little man’?
"Prove" is tricky but it’s quicker than saying "the evidence strongly suggests…". It’s also quite a clever word when used as part of a question, as smithy did. It presents the evidence that’s most likely is the proof but leaves that up to reader decide for themselves. In that respect it’s not tricky but appropriate. Still tricky though or rather "not simple" but then that’s the English language for ya. Just musing out loud BTW. Not replying or offering opinion on what’s just banter.
Bald Eh?
Yes, I’ve wondered about that angle before. If there had been another level to the hair saga then I would say ‘bald’ has a very good chance of being it. I personally can’t factor it in comfortably but it’s not impossible, possibly just, in the end unlikely. I think you feel the same anyway given it’s status on your list.
They would have to be good, the wigs that is. A crew-cut one especially. It could probably be done, certainly attempted. It seems unlikely though. You touch on the witness aspect. I agree, witness statements regarding the same subject can be difficult to reconcile sometimes and you have to wonder how they are remembering and if it’s accurate. Especially when there are differences, if not discrepancies. We do have PH though. Two eyewitness accounts, minutes apart, of the same person and they both pretty much say the same thing and neither includes seeing anything ‘odd’ about the hair. They just describe it and pretty much both the same description with minor variations regarding the colour but that’s just down to perception and viewing conditions. The overall and simplified description is light coloured hair in a crewcut style. They are both saying/confirming ‘it was hair’ because it most likely was and probably quite obvious to both witnessing parties at the time.
There are always doubts and that’s what we hash out, in our discussions. The level of scrutiny we like to work with isn’t presented in things like police reports but that doesn’t mean the information isn’t represented. It’s just minus the detailed explanation for it’s inclusion. The information is ‘crewcut’ it’s just without its qualifying history. That will have included information about the hair that the witnesses themselves didn’t even realise they were processing. Subtle things like texture, conforming to head shape and movement, blending and so on. In essence it looked right because it was hair.
I can’t discount wigs completely but I pretty satisfied that PH wasn’t one. Sometimes when they just say hair, it’s because it was hair and they knew it.
Trav, I just googled to see who Statler and Waldorf are!!.
P.S: I’m the good looking one
Don’t the letters tie all the crimes together and prove that they were committed by one person?
Not to my knowledge.
Don’t the letters tie all the crimes together and prove that they were committed by one person?
As far as I’m concerned, they do.
The witness descriptions are also consistent enough to indicate that the same man was the one responsible in all cases.
Hi Nachtsider,
Let me preface my question by saying that I am not arguing that there was more than one killer, just allowing it as a possibility.
But what do you mean by prove?
Can you categorically eliminate the possibility that there was more than one killer?
Hi Nachtsider,
Let me preface my question by saying that I am not arguing that there was more than one killer, just allowing it as a possibility.
But what do you mean by prove?
Can you categorically eliminate the possibility that there was more than one killer?
I’m a Gluckman fan – didn’t mean to be hard on you. And this is a gooooood question.
The trouble I have with the wig scenario is that wigs back in those days were not near as "stealth" as they look today. The materials they were made from for the most part made them obvious and cheezy looking. They didn’t use and probably didn’t have the manmade materials that we have today to make them look more realistic. Yes, you could probably spend a bunch of money and get a better wig or toupee but Zodiac was so cheap in other ways that I do not see him spending a boatload of money on various wigs.