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Cheri Not Wearing Shoes

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That she wasn’t wearing shoes, I find this to be extremely compelling, for one thing it completely destroys the scenario that the killer led her away from her disabled car in an attempt to get her into a dark alley to kill her. What, did he coax her into removing her shoes as part of the requirement for lending assistance? Did she think it best to remove her shoes to facilitate going to use a phone to call for assistance? Sarcasm aside, the shoes is saying something important, even if the following assessment I give about them is wrong.

I hate to say it but that she wasn’t wearing shoes is a tell tale sign that her murder was occult related. Besides that, it having been the day before Halloween also smacks of the occult, so just saying it’s not just the shoes that’s implying an occult connection to the murder. Not sure what the link is between removing shoes (or at least one shoe) and the occult, but this thing about shoes shows up time and time again.

They need to secure their victim prior to the day of the ritual, not wait till the last minute. The rituals are scheduled, they have to take place on specific nights or not at all, Halloween for instance. Concerning Cheri, they were cutting it close by waiting till the day before. More typically, a week or two beforehand would be the norm, then the victim would be discarded a week or so after the ritual night. Why the wait afterward, they wait until a drop location has been searched, quite often repeatedly searched, thus the victim is way less likely of being found. Sometimes however the victim is found (Chandra Levy), right under peoples noses, right where people have searched.

Personally, I think what happened with Cheri was a botched abduction, she was being held in one of the vacant houses until the coast was clear to transfer her to a vehicle and take her away. Chances are, the cigarette smoking lurker was keeping a look out for when all the people associated with the closing of the library had cleared the area and filtered their way home. Possibly the four guys across the street, the witnesses who had been stubbornly hanging out and sitting on the fence, where the biggest hold up, they didn’t see anything because the killers (plural) had intentionally waited till the coast was clear.

I say botched abduction because while in the midst of transferring Cheri to a get away vehicle, this is when she made her attempt to break free, this is when she was able to scream for help. Did they have to quickly shut her up at this point? A seven inch wrist is a small wrist, the hand attached to this wrist was most likely across her mouth trying to keep her quite during the transfer, not on her "warm breast" as the fake letter tries to mislead you into thinking. That small seven inch wrist was attached to a small arm, one not sufficiently strong enough to keep her quite, thus why the abduction ended up becoming botched.

Another thing that hints at the murder being the result of a botched abduction is the murder weapon itself, a pocket knife isn’t exactly the type of weapon a murderer would choose, however it would’ve been a highly acceptable choice to hold at someones throat during an abduction.

This botched abduction for ritualistic purposes would also be cause for the cover up and unsolved status of this case. It was realized before her body was even found that a cover up was in order.

I know I’ve gone into a lot here, all because of the shoes, or lack thereof, but the shoes wouldn’t have been such cause for alarm in 1966, now a days however it’s a different story. Not that I’m any expert on Satanists, far from it, but a lot of people especially in the last decade or so have been working hard to decipher and expose what these pieces of crap have been up to for a very, very, long time now, and the thing with the shoes is just one of the weird things that’s part of it.

"The truth is stranger than fiction" – Aristotle 336BC

Posted : October 7, 2018 12:57 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

She was wearing sandals.


Posted : October 7, 2018 5:10 am
Posts: 20
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She was wearing sandals.


I don’t see sandals nor shoes in that photo, which is why when I read the newspaper articles saying
"The girls body was fully clothed except for shoes" it made sense, they were gone.

"The truth is stranger than fiction" – Aristotle 336BC

Posted : October 7, 2018 7:20 pm
Posts: 433
Reputable Member

She was wearing sandals.


I don’t see sandals nor shoes in that photo, which is why when I read the newspaper articles saying
"The girls body was fully clothed except for shoes" it made sense, they were gone.

The sandals are clearly there, look closely you can see the thin strap around her ankle and part of the sole.

Posted : October 7, 2018 7:39 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Yes, the ankle strap and heel part of the sole of sandal is there, right enough.

Posted : October 7, 2018 9:23 pm
Posts: 20
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She was wearing sandals.


I don’t see sandals nor shoes in that photo, which is why when I read the newspaper articles saying
"The girls body was fully clothed except for shoes" it made sense, they were gone.

The sandals are clearly there, look closely you can see the thin strap around her ankle and part of the sole.

Thanks again Monarch!
Yes I see it now, the strap, amazingly obvious now that you’ve pointed it out.
Also amazingly embarrassing to be wrong about it.
I’m learning about this case the hard way.

"The truth is stranger than fiction" – Aristotle 336BC

Posted : October 8, 2018 12:40 am
Posts: 433
Reputable Member

You’re Welcome Shaggy,

It took me years to figure out some of the details of this case, it’s such a strange and bizarre case, I guess that’s why this
mystery is so compelling !

Posted : October 8, 2018 4:07 pm
Posts: 20
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You’re Welcome Shaggy,

It took me years to figure out some of the details of this case, it’s such a strange and bizarre case, I guess that’s why this
mystery is so compelling !

Since the sandals were pointed out to me, I’ve been thinking……..

Have you ever considered that the "strap" could possibly be rope, such as clothesline rope? The way her ankles are crossed it looks as if they might be tied?
Maybe her wrists are also, she does appear to be laying on her arms in an odd way, the way someone who was tied up would end up being positioned.

Not that I’m trying to discredit the sandals being there, just saying there might be more there than just the sandals.

Something else that came to mind is the big empty bag, might it have been used over her head?
So maybe she was bound and blindfolded so to speak, but not gaged, or maybe the gage failed somehow and they had to shut her up.

"The truth is stranger than fiction" – Aristotle 336BC

Posted : October 12, 2018 10:42 pm
Posts: 433
Reputable Member

You’re Welcome Shaggy,

It took me years to figure out some of the details of this case, it’s such a strange and bizarre case, I guess that’s why this
mystery is so compelling !

Since the sandals were pointed out to me, I’ve been thinking……..

Have you ever considered that the "strap" could possibly be rope, such as clothesline rope? The way her ankles are crossed it looks as if they might be tied?
Maybe her wrists are also, she does appear to be laying on her arms in an odd way, the way someone who was tied up would end up being positioned.

Not that I’m trying to discredit the sandals being there, just saying there might be more there than just the sandals.

Something else that came to mind is the big empty bag, might it have been used over her head?
So maybe she was bound and blindfolded so to speak, but not gaged, or maybe the gage failed somehow and they had to shut her up.

I don’t think her ankles were tied, you can see part of the sole of her sandal so I don’t think there is anything else there.

I believe her arms are in that position because she was clutching at her neck with her hands in an attempt to stop the
bleeding and just bled out and died in that position.

As far as her tote bag purse is concerned, I feel it is a good indication that she was not under duress as she walked up
that driveway and then something went very wrong very fast and here we all are 52 years later trying to figure out what
happened. also I read the detectives found her shoe prints in the soil of that dirt driveway and it indicated she was walking
at a normal walking pace heel to toe so if true that’s another indication she walked back there by her own free will.

Posted : October 13, 2018 1:25 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Something Kenneth Mains suggested to me makes complete sense. Prints were found at the bottom of her pants and if you look at the way she is laying there, with the ankles somewhat crossed, it appears someone (likely) grabbed her by the ankles and turned her face down. Might suggest someone who knew her and didn’t want to see her face.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : October 25, 2018 4:05 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Seems an odd way to turn someone over. I wonder if she was dragged?

Posted : October 25, 2018 6:47 am
Posts: 433
Reputable Member

Seems an odd way to turn someone over. I wonder if she was dragged?

I would think that’s unlikely because of the way her arms are tightly tucked underneath her, i think her arms would be out
in front of her if she was dragged after she died. I think she put herself in that position as she was dying.

My guess is the bloody hand prints on the ankle area of her pants got there during the prolonged struggle with her assailant
or maybe he placed his hands there to push himself up off the ground after he killed her.

Posted : October 25, 2018 7:32 am