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RCC Archives Research Report

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For my money, it had to be:

1) Someone who knew her and had some acquaintance with her. He knew which was her car, knew how to disable that particular car (possible evidence of planning), and was able to get her to walk down an extremely dark, creepy alley with him.
2) Someone who worked or studied at the college. He had to know those houses were owned by the school and were empty. Had to know if Little Theater had something going on be it an event or practice. Had to know how dark it was down there. Had to be familiar with the layout and traffic in the alley. Had to know get away routes. Had to know the general routine of the library on a Sunday night.
3) Someone who planned it ahead of time.

Very nice post, Khys. We tend to think at the circumstances of a well known, 50-years old murder in a kind of abstract way, and deduce this and that. But, that’s not how reality works. So, I think your thoughts are very interesting, something like trying to shed a realistic light on what happened.

I think something is off about the murder, one way or another:
– Nobody saw her for hours
– No friend was aware of CJB meeting somebody
– She did have library books on the car seat
– The car was unlocked (if I’m correct), with open windshields on a cold night
– The engine was hampered with
– The alley was very dark

So, half of these things point to a mysterious meeting with somebody she knew well, possibly a lover, so much to stay with him for hours and then go with him in a pitch-dark alley; and half point to a “chance” encounter with a good samaritan that planned to kill her.
I can’t get my head around that.

Maybe it was a weird combination of two encounters, a lover for the late afternoon hours, and then, returning back to the car, the aquaintance.
Anyway, I find odd that a young girl would follow an aquaintance in such a dark place, no matter how desperate she was for the broken engine. Just about any woman would say “Ok thanks, I’ll wait here for you to come with the car!”. Or, he was closer than we think, a well-known friend. Or again, the hampered car and the letters were giant red herrings. As I said, something is off.

Posted : June 27, 2019 4:29 am
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

Expanding on my POI:
RH was a senior at Ramona High in 1963, as was his fiancee, who lived right around the corner (three houses away) from CJB.
RH played varsity football for RHS; CJB’s eventual fiancee played B Football at this time and, after graduating from RHS went on to play football at RCC. CJB went on to cheerlead for RHS before graduating in 1966. Further, before her marriage to RH in Sept. 1966, she was a library assistant at RCC. All things considered, I find it likely that all these individuals knew, and perhaps even socialized with, each other.

Posted : June 27, 2019 7:18 am
Posts: 193
Estimable Member

If anybody is interested in the files just send me a private message. I have a Dropbox link I can share. It’s not everything I collected, but it’s a ton of it.

I am not technologically proficient. I will be happy to share the entire set of files with anyone who wants it. It will require sending me a jump drive in the US mail. I’ll copy the whole set and return it in the mail to you. I already did this once for a member here.

As a reminder, I went to the RCC library on December 4, 2018. I spoke with a reference librarian who said they get so many people coming in to ask for this stuff that they just scanned it all. I was allowed to sit down at their computer and insert my juml drive. It’s pretty much everything that is publicly-accessible that you would want.

Posted : June 28, 2019 6:06 am
Posts: 154
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I’d be happy to post some pics of the alley I’ve screenshotted as well as some other interested ones. I haven’t been able to figure out how to upload them here. It seems like I tried to do it before and I didn’t have permission? If someone can tell me how or I can send them to someone who has that access then I am willing!

Posted : July 9, 2019 10:50 pm
Posts: 193
Estimable Member

I’ve gotten some requests for the Dropbox link. If you don’t have the link yet, hang tight. I got locked out of my Dropbox somehow. I’m working on it. Sorry, everybody.

Posted : July 10, 2019 12:24 am
Posts: 154
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Not sure if IthinkIknow has got the archives up and shared but I went ahead and did some screenshots of pics and articles and blogged them at these spaces. Check them out if interested.

1. https://zodiackblog.home.blog/2019/07/1 … the-alley/
2. https://zodiackblog.home.blog/2019/07/1 … -and-ends/
3. https://zodiackblog.home.blog/2019/07/1 … s-of-note/
4. https://zodiackblog.home.blog/2019/07/1 … ger-times/

Posted : July 12, 2019 1:38 am
Posts: 767
Prominent Member

Hi, did we ever have any joy in uploading these. Unfortunately I did ask at the time for the archives but I did not receive them ?

Posted : April 6, 2020 9:58 pm
Posts: 154
Estimable Member
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Hi, did we ever have any joy in uploading these. Unfortunately I did ask at the time for the archives but I did not receive them ?

PM me with your email and I can share via Google Drive.

Posted : April 7, 2020 11:45 pm
Posts: 154
Estimable Member
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This is probably a good time to bump this from a previous entry.

For people good at tracking other people down, the people below could tell us if this publication actually made it to print, and if it still exists somewhere. It very likely is the place where Ross’s frightening poem mentioned by Bailey ended up, especially considering the submission place was an anonymous box on the Quad. An ‘rh’ poem is another possibility. The information could probably be solicited without bringing up Ross, CJB, or Zodiac. That publication could be very important.

‘* There is another research avenue on the poem front, however. In the Nov. 18, 1966 Tiger Times it is announced in the article "SCP Magazine Invites Participation" that a publication named "Impulse" was actively soliciting "stories, poems, essays, cartoons" and other writing. The submissions were to be placed in a box on the Quad. SCP stands for "Student Congress Party". I’m trying to track down that publication if it ever went to print. Participants were Lynn Porter (editor), Greg Lowe & Claudia Lucas (assistant editor), Ron Sutton (production), and Steve Roberts (publicity).’

Posted : April 7, 2020 11:57 pm
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