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WARNING: Thread Contains Theory! 🙂

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Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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DISCLAIMER: The following series of words contains theories and even some assumptions, which some viewers may decide to take offense at. Anyone wishing to be of the opinion that theories are usless are more than within their right’s to believe that…. While being over there somewhere lol>>>>> somewhere thank you please :-) Viewer discretion is advised!

The following is just a scenario. A theoretical sequence of events. (For the members who told me earlier that theory and assumption are a waste of time, and that we should stick to the known facts only, then I apologize in advance. <*Grin’s*> Hehe.

But first, start with a question:

Do we know if Dean has ever been able to speak with Mageau about what happened that night? I think, and this is only my own personal opinion, that Mike knows why they were out there at BRS @ midnight to meet with and for what reason. He may not know the man who turned up and shot him, but he probably knows why Dee wanted to go to the Parking lot and what the reason was. I think there is a chance that Mike actally may have known who he was also though because the shooter doesn’t brag or claim credit for having been responsible for the LHR incident, because both of his victims died as a result their injuries. No witnesses, no need to make up some cover story & invent ‘Zodiac’, the deranged, psychopathic crazed serial killer picking victims at random, repeat: at random. Very important it’s appears random. July 4th, same plan. Eliminate the witness by arranging to meet at BRS claiming he needs to talk to Dee. Mike’s there, he’s now just an inconvenience that will mean the shooter will have to reload. Thinks he’s despatched both Dee and Mike, and the next day, see’s the news that Mike’s condition is stable, and panic’s. The shooter knows that Mike knows the reason Darlene was at the Springs that night and if Mageau talks….

How can you instantly try and divert the police and their attention away, as-well as prepare for the possibility that Mike has or will talked and the offender’s arrest, in his panic stricken mind, is imminent? Yes! Create a fictional lunatic that is targeting youngsters at random!

That maybe why Bryan and Cecelia had to be attacked in his mind, to make the Crazed Zodiac Killer credible?

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 7, 2013 6:02 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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This theory does have it’s basis.

David Faraday: Recently threatened a persistent admirer of Betty’s to back off, telling the unwanted admirer of his date to be that if he didn’t leave her be, he would go to the authorities and exposes the upcoming drug deal that he knew this admirer was going to be, and already was, involved with. David Faraday, the man who knew, and then said, too much?

Darlene Ferrin: According to her sisters, and other independent witnesses, Darlene was the object of what appeared to be, an infatuated older male. (Darlene would tell her sisters, allegedly, that he was actually watching her because she had seen him commit murder.) The night of her death, was said to have appeared on edge, nervous and in a hurry. When asked what was wrong, Dee simply replied "You’ll read about me in the papers tomorrow".

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 7, 2013 6:18 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

This theory does have it’s basis.

David Faraday: Recently threatened a persistent admirer of Betty’s to back off, telling the unwanted admirer of his date to be that if he didn’t leave her be, he would go to the authorities and exposes the upcoming drug deal that he knew this admirer was going to be, and already was, involved with. David Faraday, the man who knew, and then said, too much?

Darlene Ferrin: According to her sisters, and other independent witnesses, Darlene was the object of what appeared to be, an infatuated older male. (Darlene would tell her sisters, allegedly, that he was actually watching her because she had seen him commit murder.) The night of her death, was said to have appeared on edge, nervous and in a hurry. When asked what was wrong, Dee simply replied "You’ll read about me in the papers tomorrow".

Betty’s admirer was Ricky Burton. He wasn’t the same person who David allegedly had an altercation with at the "pancake" house about weed. Unless I am misunderstanding your statement.

Also, unless I am mistaken, I don’t think Darlene said SHE would be in the papers…just something big was going to happen and that IT would be in the paper.

I know a lot has been said about Mike and how he may have been involved that evening, but we must remember…it was her husband and his friend/boss Bill who sent her out that night to look for "fireworks". So if it were drugs, or really fireworks, Darlene wouldn’t have been there at all had they not sent her. Maybe it’s THEM who actually knew more.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : July 7, 2013 7:33 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member
Topic starter

This theory does have it’s basis.

David Faraday: Recently threatened a persistent admirer of Betty’s to back off, telling the unwanted admirer of his date to be that if he didn’t leave her be, he would go to the authorities and exposes the upcoming drug deal that he knew this admirer was going to be, and already was, involved with. David Faraday, the man who knew, and then said, too much?

Darlene Ferrin: According to her sisters, and other independent witnesses, Darlene was the object of what appeared to be, an infatuated older male. (Darlene would tell her sisters, allegedly, that he was actually watching her because she had seen him commit murder.) The night of her death, was said to have appeared on edge, nervous and in a hurry. When asked what was wrong, Dee simply replied "You’ll read about me in the papers tomorrow".

Betty’s admirer was Ricky Burton. He wasn’t the same person who David allegedly had an altercation with at the "pancake" house about weed. Unless I am misunderstanding your statement.

Also, unless I am mistaken, I don’t think Darlene said SHE would be in the papers…just something big was going to happen and that IT would be in the paper.

I know a lot has been said about Mike and how he may have been involved that evening, but we must remember…it was her husband and his friend/boss Bill who sent her out that night to look for "fireworks". So if it were drugs, or really fireworks, Darlene wouldn’t have been there at all had they not sent her. Maybe it’s THEM who actually knew more.

I Concede that you very well maybe, and probably are, correct on the First point regarding Faraday. But, no, not with Dee. Pam Huckaby specifically said that Dee had told her that she would read about her in Tomorrows newspapers. Irregardless of whether you consider Pam credible or otherwise, she still did make that claim.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 7, 2013 7:53 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member
Topic starter

This theory does have it’s basis.

David Faraday: Recently threatened a persistent admirer of Betty’s to back off, telling the unwanted admirer of his date to be that if he didn’t leave her be, he would go to the authorities and exposes the upcoming drug deal that he knew this admirer was going to be, and already was, involved with. David Faraday, the man who knew, and then said, too much?

Darlene Ferrin: According to her sisters, and other independent witnesses, Darlene was the object of what appeared to be, an infatuated older male. (Darlene would tell her sisters, allegedly, that he was actually watching her because she had seen him commit murder.) The night of her death, was said to have appeared on edge, nervous and in a hurry. When asked what was wrong, Dee simply replied "You’ll read about me in the papers tomorrow".

Betty’s admirer was Ricky Burton. He wasn’t the same person who David allegedly had an altercation with at the "pancake" house about weed. Unless I am misunderstanding your statement.

Also, unless I am mistaken, I don’t think Darlene said SHE would be in the papers…just something big was going to happen and that IT would be in the paper.

I know a lot has been said about Mike and how he may have been involved that evening, but we must remember…it was her husband and his friend/boss Bill who sent her out that night to look for "fireworks". So if it were drugs, or really fireworks, Darlene wouldn’t have been there at all had they not sent her. Maybe it’s THEM who actually knew more.

That very though, regarding Dean possibly knowing more than he want’s to let on, has gone through my mind several times funnily enough. What do you mean when you say "I know a lot has been said about Mike and how he may have been involved that evening?" In what way? In which respect do you mean Mikes Involvement? Him being there knowing what they were waiting for and who to meet? Mike Claims Darene ‘wanted to talk’ so they decided, after driving to Mr Ed’s, not to get food, and head for BRS. Mike, as far as I know, has never said what it was that Dee needed to talk to him about so badly in private. I mean according to Dean & Co. Darlene is supposed to be scouring the Shops and Malls for fireworks, yet here we are, sat in a dark parking lot at the side of a Golf Course? Dee was never going out with intent to buy ‘fireworks’ in my opinion. After Darlene’s encounter that nigh resulted in her Death, The search for Weed became the search for ‘fireworks’ for the benefit of the law I expect. Again, just a theory.
This isn’t a theory that I adamantly and vehemently endorse, it’s just something I kinda think is worth a post and thinking about. :-)

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 7, 2013 8:09 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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I will win you around to my side of this argument Tahoe regarding Theories lol. I know you are not really a big fan of theories and assumptions, and don’t get me wrong, I can even sympathise with you in regards to that due to some of the theories that have been offered. But….
I want to go back to a point that someone brought up earlier when you and I were posting regarding theories. The conjecture is that we would be better off if we stuck only to the known hard facts of this case. Well, I see a gigantic flaw in that straight away. The Facts of this case were here for the past 44 years. The facts are still here and known today the same as they were 44 years ago, and they will still be here, the same facts, tomorrow and for the forthcoming 44 years. The facts have been there to analyse, study, test, ponder, and verify for amost half a Century, and they have failed, as facts, to provide a resolution to this case so I would argue that sticking to hem alone until 2055 or so, isn’t going to benefit anyone. Plus, going trough the known evidence and facts, using these to make some reasonable assumptions to come up with a theory that is a plausible. For me, that get’s the old Brain ticking and asking questions, and is something that is enjoyable, creative, artistic and does keeping an open mind the world of good. Tbh, if you said to me, "In this case, it is nopermitted to speculate, theorise or assume anything at all even if you can show reasonable or strong grounds for that theory" I would get extremely board fairly quickly due to the monotony. Theres only so many times I could look at a cipher, or go over a statement without it seeming like i’m simply repeating what I have already done 800 times previously, because the 801’s time isn’ likely to throw up anything new lol. You just go around in circles, going over the same evidence that, just like the last 800 times, won’t get you any further. But I agree, that some theories are about as useful as a chocolate umbrella. I mean the downside is, your inevitably going to get the eccentric types come up with theories that involve everyone from LBJ to the Tooth fairy being in on a conspiracy to protect Z. Just need to separate the good theories with a basis from those which are dreamt up by the mentally ill lol.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 7, 2013 8:45 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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I appreciate you saying "Alex, you know, your absolutely correct!" (You don’t know your going to say that yet, but I have a theory that you will lol)

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 7, 2013 8:48 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Also, unless I am mistaken, I don’t think Darlene said SHE would be in the papers…just something big was going to happen and that IT would be in the paper.

A drugs bust? An arrest?

Posted : July 8, 2013 1:59 am
Posts: 217
Estimable Member

This theory does have it’s basis.

David Faraday: Recently threatened a persistent admirer of Betty’s to back off, telling the unwanted admirer of his date to be that if he didn’t leave her be, he would go to the authorities and exposes the upcoming drug deal that he knew this admirer was going to be, and already was, involved with. David Faraday, the man who knew, and then said, too much?

Darlene Ferrin: According to her sisters, and other independent witnesses, Darlene was the object of what appeared to be, an infatuated older male. (Darlene would tell her sisters, allegedly, that he was actually watching her because she had seen him commit murder.) The night of her death, was said to have appeared on edge, nervous and in a hurry. When asked what was wrong, Dee simply replied "You’ll read about me in the papers tomorrow".

Exactly. Excellent Welsh Chappie. Two murders involving or related to drugs and in close proximity to one another. And afterwards, two seemingly unrelated murders, with exception to being the work of The Z., in locations each 40 miles away in opposite directions, claims to other crimes, then nothing. The Z. was involved, as "the muscle", in drug trade ?

"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld

Posted : July 8, 2013 2:16 am
Posts: 367
Reputable Member

Also, unless I am mistaken, I don’t think Darlene said SHE would be in the papers…just something big was going to happen and that IT would be in the paper.

A drugs bust? An arrest?

Or maybe it was just the fact that she was runner-up in the Miss Firecracker contest.

Posted : July 8, 2013 2:40 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Nacht, could be. Not quite as exciting though, that. Not what I’d have thought of as "something big was going to happen" – if that’s a decent quote.
But then I’ve never been Miss Firecracker.
Say, who was the "Miss Firecracker" contestant anyway? Twasn’t Darlene was it?

Posted : July 8, 2013 3:21 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Nope..it wasn’t Darlene…it was Christina, her little sis.

Chappie–I’m not totally against "theories", I’ve been known to throw out some doosies. It’s when they are thrown at as fact.

I don’t know how Mike would have been involved except maybe that it was him who knew the person who attacked them IF for drugs, etc. Pam, Darlene’s sister seemed to think Mike knew more than he let on…and Mike in the Fincher Documentary DVD seemed to think it was his fault, but that interview is practically worthless.

I too think "fireworks" meant something else. I wonder how the Sheriff’s Dept. (2 lots down from the Ferrin home) would have felt about fireworks in the streets back then? Probably would have been ok I suppose…was late though.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : July 8, 2013 8:37 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member
Topic starter

Nope..it wasn’t Darlene…it was Christina, her little sis.

Chappie–I’m not totally against "theories", I’ve been known to throw out some doosies. It’s when they are thrown at as fact.

I don’t know how Mike would have been involved except maybe that it was him who knew the person who attacked them IF for drugs, etc. Pam, Darlene’s sister seemed to think Mike knew more than he let on…and Mike in the Fincher Documentary DVD seemed to think it was his fault, but that interview is practically worthless.

I too think "fireworks" meant something else. I wonder how the Sheriff’s Dept. (2 lots down from the Ferrin home) would have felt about fireworks in the streets back then? Probably would have been ok I suppose…was late though.

Well if Mike, or any of the surviving victim’s knew the attacker and he was involved in drugs then I can’t see him being some street dealer level type. Mageau seemed genuinely terrified and could not wait to flee the hospital and go into hiding. Why did he feel unsafe at the hospital and obviously must have had reason to believe that the shooter could just walk into his hospital if he wished. Maybe he did pay Mageau a ‘get well soon’ visit in which he informed Mike that if he opens his mouth, he won’t be so lucky next time? Mike tried to flee on at least one previous occasion to his actual successful departure because he was caught trying to leave by, was it a nurse or LE? One or the other.
If Mageau knew his attacker then he must have decided this man can easiiy get through Hospital and Police guard and he was not safe there. Was his attacker a cop himself?

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : August 25, 2013 11:40 am
Posts: 32
Eminent Member

Another theory:

Just what if the Zodiac Killer was created to cover up illegal activities involving the local police in Vallejo and some of Dee’s associates. Now is it really believable Dee and Mike went out at 11:00 on the 4th of July to buy fireworks? Who sales fireworks that late? By that time of the night the festivities are over.

Now lets discuss the guest attendees at the "paint party. It is my experience most police officers know the town drug dealers and users. So, why would police officers be attendees at a paint party unless they were also some what involved with illegal drug activity. I’m puzzled. :?

Posted : February 26, 2014 3:58 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Another theory:
Just what if the Zodiac Killer was created to cover up illegal activities involving the local police in Vallejo and some of Dee’s associates.

What? "Created"? Not sure what you mean. If you expand on that, this thread will indeed contain a theory. :lol:

That "painting party" – I don’t think there’s any genuine evidence anywhere that it took place, is there?
(It’s a bit like "who might have been on the Grassy Knoll." A wonderful catch-all piece of bs.)

Posted : February 26, 2014 2:23 pm
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