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faraday bodie and shells position

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i was looking in this page https://www.zodiacciphers.com/lake-herman-murders.html (a good page i must say) and i really come to a problem.

How faraday comes to the oposite side of car to a short distance from the killer? This is not trivial.

If you are pointing a guns (after made some shoots in the car to force them to get out of it) its hardly to bealive that he let faraday come so close than could hit the gut out of the line of fire or start a fist fight.
Zodiac force they to come out of the car, or they get out of the car with out a shoot, and then the killer take the gun from the holster and shoot faraday without warnig and after all of this shoot the car.
I see the position of the shells, the bodie that colapse in the place and the relative narrow space frmo the position is supossed for the killer car… something not fit to me if they dont walk by their self until to be in same side of the car all in a very close range.

In the reports, the car was turn off then cops cate the scene? lights turn off? i dont remember, mybe someone could refresh my memory.

Posted : June 30, 2020 4:03 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

That site alters the original photos, for some reason.

Posted : June 30, 2020 7:27 am
Posts: 36
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That site alters the original photos, for some reason.

Interesting, no enough to solve my questions because the space is stretch fur an the actions even parking didn’t to the right border of the parking lot (still possible, but u don’t know what evidence have the police to get a apparently position, I never see Boerne saying it was parked too long).
There’s a better source for police info of that event tom?

Posted : June 30, 2020 4:55 pm
Posts: 1210
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It’s likely that Zodiac approached the passenger side and fired one or two shots to either get their attention or frighten them out of the car. They probably both exited the passenger side, and David was shot in the head moments after exiting the car. Betty Lou then fled on foot and Zodiac shot her in the back as she ran away.

This is all educated guessing. There’s no way we can really know the sequence of events.

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : June 30, 2020 5:06 pm
Posts: 36
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It’s likely that Zodiac approached the passenger side and fired one or two shots to either get their attention or frighten them out of the car. They probably both exited the passenger side, and David was shot in the head moments after exiting the car. Betty Lou then fled on foot and Zodiac shot her in the back as she ran away.

This is all educated guessing. There’s no way we can really know the sequence of events.

You said that they get of by passager side, good i take it as a posibility. It could not be actualy just after exit the door, he should walk few steps.
im having a problem if there was a second car, so in a realtive strech pasage (considering that the guy in handing and pointing with the gun) he goes to the middle of the car and then go back to be in the side of the engine where the casing shells are found. Also there are other shells the apears to be in the other side of the theoric car.
I mean a second car look very strange to me, its like he make the advetence shoots after exit of the second car passager door and go round the second car more likely that he exit from the driver door, or just there were no second car and he come walking crossing fields.

Posted : July 1, 2020 12:24 am
Posts: 1210
Moderator Admin

Richard Grinnell’s site http://www.zodiacciphers.com does a really good job with the ballistics of the crime and even has a section on the sequence of shots that is very well done IMO. You should check that out.

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : July 1, 2020 3:30 am
Posts: 36
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Richard Grinnell’s site http://www.zodiacciphers.com does a really good job with the ballistics of the crime and even has a section on the sequence of shots that is very well done IMO. You should check that out.

i have already read some of those posts, i agree in all the anomalies, but i dnot like the analisys of the casing dispersion… but i even more impacted for all the movements of the rambler prior the shoots.
They have many interesting points, the idea that the door was close and reopen (to tunr up or down the window?)
The short distance to faraday is an alarm. Its a strong signal to see if this was not a meeting. The road was not discrete, no mather the hour, its a place likely to make a meeting. I dont like the hoax zodiac conspiracy but i agree that a meeting there is more likely than a lovers line. Also explain the spotting of the emty cars for a while. And im not suggesting a drug selling or similar.
I bealive a second person in the place could be factible, not sure a second shooter. Only in stein muder you can recall that there was no second one in the scene (this means in the place even if witness didnt see him, mageau is a very weak witness wearing 3 layers of clothing.
In the post of cassing position there are quiet stranges thing, on foot shoots goes do so cassing fell in place or in shoot direction not jumping back on the car (becosue we think that he wast running, there were no space for that)

Posted : July 1, 2020 11:00 pm