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Lake Herman Rd Timeline

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Thanks for the visual tools Richard. I have suspected Owen in the past based on some of his inconsistencies from one account to the next, 3-4 feet vs 10 feet, not hearing a shot vs hearing a shot,etc. I still can’t imagine how somebody standing at the scene of a double shooting giving a statement to police 9 hours after the crime doesn’t remember to mention a gun shot but suddenly remembers it 3 days later. But besides that, he doesn’t fit the profile or physical description.

In some aspects, the police did a good job investigating this crime as far as carefully trying to align all of the witnesses timelines etc. In other respects, they allowed Owen to question a co worker about what the co worker may have witnessed. They tested rifles belonging to the hunters & Owen, but when they later found the gun that was used was a handgun, did they ask those men for their hand guns? And I know for a fact that one of the investigators at that crime scene, whose name I won’t mention, took evidence from that crime, and kept it for decades!

I’d also like to point out, I don’t know if we have seen every report about this case. I know that I have been long interested in this timeline and that Richard has been spending a lot of time on it lately, but we don’t know if we have all the reports to form the right opinions. The official police timeline is that Zodiac had a 6 minute window. Richard thinks it may be longer, but again, maybe the police have other info that makes them confident in the 6 minute window. One example is, when I interviewed Owen, he told me that the police had him drive the route at different speeds from his home to the crime scene. That is not mentioned in any reports. What else are we missing?

Mike, are you talking about what Mike Rodelli mentioned, that * ******* took the 10th shell casing home. The one I believe was discovered on the front floorboard of the Rambler and towed away. If so it would be crucial to retrieve this casing.

Yes, that’s him. I didn’t know that Mike R mentioned this too. I didn’t know which one he had taken,just that he had taken one. I can reach out to LE and see if this can be retrieved.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : August 7, 2017 12:29 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

This is what Mike said viewtopic.php?f=27&t=3124#p49011
Reaching out would be a great idea. Ray kindly tried on my behalf with the Department of Justice, but the reply was less than forthcoming:
PO BOX 944255
SACRAMENTO, CA 94244-2550"
RE: Zodiac Killer

Dear Mr. Raymond Grant:
Thank you for your correspondence to the Office of the Attorney General requesting that a crime involving the Zodiac Killer be investigated and that the alleged perpetrator of the crime be prosecuted.
​If you have information about a crime, please file a report with the police or sheriff’s department in the area where the crime occurred. Local law enforcement authorities are responsible for investigating violations of law within their jurisdictions. After investigating the crime, the local law enforcement authorities may forward the case to the county district attorney’s office for prosecution, if appropriate. The decision whether or not to file criminal charges will then be made by the locally elected district attorney. In this matter, we suggest that you contact:

San Francisco Police Department
850 Bryant St., Room 525
Telephone: (415) 553-1484

Posted : August 7, 2017 12:40 pm
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