Hey Everyone,
I think I should have joined this community a long time ago, but I suppose it’s better late than never. I guess like many people here, I became interested in this case primarily because of the ciphers. During my free time over the past few years, I’ve been putting my programming skills (i.e. banging my head against a wall) towards the task of building an open source cipher solver. Lately I’ve been trying to implement the following algorithm with some small but not complete success ( http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P11-1025 ). I know there are great solver programs out there already like AZDecrypt, but I felt like having a couple of approaches wouldn’t hurt. I’ll share the complete source when and if I have something that works on the 408, which I’m not entirely confident of but haven’t given up yet.
I hope to contribute something from what I’ve learned in my experience with the ciphers and to learn from all of you as well. So thank you in advance for welcoming me aboard.
Welcome aboard! There are some great cipher people on here you can have lots of fun with
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer