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Hello from Riversid…
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Hello from Riverside County

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Hey all,
I guess I’m the new girl in town. Please be nice to me as I am a newbie here. The case has captured my imagination just like the rest of you and I have studied many aspects of it for a few years now. Recently the mystery has been pulling at me and I’ve become increasingly interested in the Ross Sullivan angle. Because I live in Riverside County and am often a hop skip and jump away from where Cheri was tragically murdered the Riverside incident peaks my interest most. Now that I’m reading about Ross Sullivan (Gosh at one point I wondered if that was Z’s last name bc of all the Gilbert and Sullivan references) I can’t get enough. I’m officially hooked. I still have some catching up to do regarding Sullivan so again if I’m late for lunch my apologies. I look forward to reading the invaluable information here In the search for the truth. I hope I can keep up. Cheers!


Posted : May 29, 2015 9:05 am
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

Hi pp and welcome.


I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : May 29, 2015 2:22 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Hi PP, welcome aboard. Always glad to have a new member from Zodiac’s old stomping grounds(although some will be ready to debate Riverside is Zodiac’s old stomping grounds :lol: )
Ross is definitely an interesting Suspect, and there’s certainly lots of reading available about him

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 29, 2015 2:41 pm
Posts: 556
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Thanks for the welcome Morf and Trav!

Yes I never understood why people would think that Zodiac was not connected to Riverside. Didn’t he even taunt cops in one letter by telling them there were more victimS (plural!) in Riverside? CA is such a transient state – people roll around from San Fran to So Cal all the time. I like to tell those people that there are these silly inventions called cars and buses that transport people long distances in a short time – it’s not like Riverside is some foreign territory. People are so quick to accept the fact he traveled to the Nevada border to murder, but God forbid he do the same thing southward. If he mentions Sacramento, Tahoe, and Riverside then it shows he is capable of murdering in different cities around CA.

Maybe there was an invisible electric fence that kept zodiac confined to only one area. I’m sure he snapped a dog collar on and set out a specific perimeter in which he could murder lest he fry himself. ;)

Posted : May 29, 2015 9:33 pm
Posts: 810
Prominent Member

Hi pink! Welcome.

Curious. How familiar are you with Octillo Wells or any of the area east of it? I like the area as a potential dumping ground and wondered if you ever heard of that being the case?


Posted : May 30, 2015 1:38 am
Posts: 556
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Thanks Soze I am happy to be here!

Ocotillo Wells is a little over an hour South of me. I have a friend that takes his truck off roading there often and he even has an "Ocotillo Wells" stencil on the back of his truck. I know it is a popular 4 wheeling/dirt bike etc area for him and many others. What are the rumors about Ocotillo Wells? Very interesting! If anything seems credible I’ll try and check it out boots on the ground style. :) personally, I haven’t heard any rumors about that area having a connection to Z, but I’m open to any suggestions as to why it may have been a dumping ground for Z.

Posted : May 30, 2015 2:37 am
Posts: 810
Prominent Member

I read online somewhere (when looking into other Zodiac activity in riverside) that bodies had been found in that area. I think it was an 80’s news article. The article that i recall didn’t say whether it was homicide or whether it was some prospectors who got lost and died. I tried looking for info but found nothing more. Area is rather desolate and not far from Riverside. Could see it , as I said, as a dumping place.

Secondly, as I believe it would relate to the Halloween card and its connection to Riverside, Octillo Wells maybe the location for the pumpkin symbol seen on the Halloween card. Sounds odd, I know, but at Octillo Wells is a formation of concretions known as "smiling" the pumpkin patch concretions. Now the skeleton thats covered by the pumpkin could also represnt pegleg smith and from the same area as Octillo Wells. It is said that a skeleton, presumably pegleg, wanders the area in search of his lost gold. Pegleg supposedly found black gold near the area in the early 1800’s. They have festivals there, so I read, every year. They do something odd there every year, something, about rocks. Cant remember and will have to pull out the articles. Anyway, the idea is that may be the zodiac didn’t mean riverside the city when speaking of his river sideactivity but perhaps, riverside the county.

Any way, ask your friend if you will, to see what he has to say about any of what i mentioned thus far.


Posted : May 30, 2015 9:37 am
Posts: 2547
Famed Member

Welcome PinkPhantom,

Nice nickname :D


Posted : May 30, 2015 4:49 pm
Posts: 556
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I read online somewhere (when looking into other Zodiac activity in riverside) that bodies had been found in that area. I think it was an 80’s news article. The article that i recall didn’t say whether it was homicide or whether it was some prospectors who got lost and died. I tried looking for info but found nothing more. Area is rather desolate and not far from Riverside. Could see it , as I said, as a dumping place.

Secondly, as I believe it would relate to the Halloween card and its connection to Riverside, Octillo Wells maybe the location for the pumpkin symbol seen on the Halloween card. Sounds odd, I know, but at Octillo Wells is a formation of concretions known as "smiling" the pumpkin patch concretions. Now the skeleton thats covered by the pumpkin could also represnt pegleg smith and from the same area as Octillo Wells. It is said that a skeleton, presumably pegleg, wanders the area in search of his lost gold. Pegleg supposedly found black gold near the area in the early 1800’s. They have festivals there, so I read, every year. They do something odd there every year, something, about rocks. Cant remember and will have to pull out the articles. Anyway, the idea is that may be the zodiac didn’t mean riverside the city when speaking of his river sideactivity but perhaps, riverside the county.

Any way, ask your friend if you will, to see what he has to say about any of what i mentioned thus far.


This is a super interesting theory and I’ll look into it more for you by asking him and researching up! Thing is I think Ocotillo Wells is in San Diego County, but one (or Z) might easily mistake it for being Riverside county who knows. I know we have a lot of Jane/John Does here in Riverside that I have often wondered "was that a Z victim like Lass and he disposed of her here and they just haven’t ID’d her?" A LOT of UIDs between where I am and Sacramento area. Also a lot in Nevada.

Posted : May 30, 2015 7:30 pm
Posts: 810
Prominent Member

I must be turned around on my map somehow. Thought ocotillo wells was just barely inside the Riverside county line but it clearly iisn’t. I saw warner and borrego and thought maybe I got mixed up there as I dug into those locations concerning the skeleton and pumpkin on the Halloween card. However, both of those, are in San Diego. I am at a loss only at why i thought Riverside.


Posted : May 30, 2015 10:46 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

Welcome, Pink Phantom! You will find many interesting posters on this website–and, of course, many interesting posts. None of us knows everything about the Zodiac killings, but each of us knows–and contributes–something. I’m anxious to see what pieces of the puzzle you will put in place.
Dag MacLugh

Posted : May 31, 2015 12:33 am
Posts: 556
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Welcome, Pink Phantom! You will find many interesting posters on this website–and, of course, many interesting posts. None of us knows everything about the Zodiac killings, but each of us knows–and contributes–something. I’m anxious to see what pieces of the puzzle you will put in place.
Dag MacLugh

Thank you! Yes we are a team right? With all of our heads and efforts put together maybe something very significant will come of it all. Keeping the case alive definitely is a positive thing (in rememberence of the victims and the Justice WE ALL won’t stop searching for).

I just got back from Riverside Community College – checked out the library. I will post my findings in the thread I first mentioned my visit to RCC- the thread subject is about pro’s and con’s of Ross Sullivan being Z.

I definitely will need everyone’s suggestions and intelligence while I continue to visit RCC library for further information. I am not as well versed as many here about the case so if there is anything in particular that anyone thinks would help me dig up something on Z at RCC library – PLEASE – don’t hesitate to let me know. I’m here for the group and here for justice.

I am open to people who want me to check out if other suspects may have a connection to RCC apart from Ross. Again, I’m not here to prove or disprove anything (although I have my suspect in mind) and just seek to be the physical entity that you all work through. So yeah, please don’t send me on too wild of a goose chase Bc I’m open minded on this.


Posted : May 31, 2015 1:14 am
Posts: 556
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I must be turned around on my map somehow. Thought ocotillo wells was just barely inside the Riverside county line but it clearly iisn’t. I saw warner and borrego and thought maybe I got mixed up there as I dug into those locations concerning the skeleton and pumpkin on the Halloween card. However, both of those, are in San Diego. I am at a loss only at why i thought Riverside.


Well hey if the theory about Z having murdered yet another cab driver in San Diego holds any credibility (have vaguely scanned that info myself) then maybe your theory is not that far off at all :)

Posted : May 31, 2015 2:37 am